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What kind of combat mechanics would the dread masters use?

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Ever since I put the pieces together, noticing all operations and level 50 flashpoints revolve around them (maybe not doctor lorrick...) but now we've killed their dread guard (and oh boy, are they tough!) what do you expect for a tier 3 chaotic final boss fight? Be as creative as you like. There is 6 of them, so it be tough.


My personal idea: Infernal council on steroids. Everyone gets one to fight (exception for healers), each randomly changing targets, with debuffs to make you swap, frenzys, taunting players to make them attack them, teleporting with eachother, making you end up staring at a different one you were jus fighting, adds, DOTs, and they all must die within 5 seconds of eachother.


Chaotic, am I right?

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I'm thinking of a 6 boss raid that would scare hard core raiders! :)


Boss 1: Combines EV and KP 1st boss and on HM, EC 1st boss too :) Intended to give the healers a tough time and force the DPS to do enough damage not to wipe, but not enough for consistent raid wide damage. (explained later)


Main Mechanics: No aggro table, every 15% raid-wide AoE for set duration. no where to LoS. Tight enrage timer and has a bit of a potty mouth ;) (slimy hutt-spawn bantha poo eating fwarks!)


HM: see above, but Raid-wide AoE every 10%, tighter enrage timer and randomly jumps to a raid member doing medium damage. Also, Dread Guard Captain present using battle meditation. Immune to damage until main boss is killed. Cures random condition on set timer and has an AoE DoT.

Boss 2: Similar to Kaon Under Siege 1st boss. Previously you have been fighting undead mobs through a tunnel. (In HM there are some booby traps too!). You enter a cavern and have the exit shut on you. The ceiling opens up and you relies YOU'VE BEEN TRAPED! (with 2 cannons, which wasn't too smart of them!) A Dread guard is hovering over you in a speeder. when someone mounts a cannon the battle begins! And remember to USE THE CANNONS!


SM: Hordes of the undead attack you. Also, occasionally a missle will be fired at someone. they must run into an undead group because while the damage isn't very much on you, it deals significant damage to the poor undead thingies. when you are finished, a drouk breaks through the exit and the dread master runs away. Then kill the drouk and move on. Soft enrage is higher damage, more health, rockets do more damage and fire more frequently.


HM the same, but more undead with more health and more damage, more frequent missiles with greater damage and 2 drouks which will randomly swap targets and become untauntable.


more to come

Edited by Wonkadude
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EV - The bombing run that started the rescue attempt of the DMs freed Soa

KP - They invaded Hutt Space (for whatever reason - to "sow fear" maybe?) and he thought it was us

EC - 100% them as we find out at the end

TfB - 100% them as we knew from the start


Battle of Illum and The False Emperor are level 50 Flashpoints. I think that none of the Flashpoints revolve around them unless I missed something big.

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Battle of Illum and The False Emperor are level 50 Flashpoints. I think that none of the Flashpoints revolve around them unless I missed something big.


Indirectly. Malgus promised that the empire will be "reborn". If you notice in EC, the empire has many aliens and women in the ranks.

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A mechanic I'd like to see for this battle for this battle given there are 6 dread masters would be something along the lines of catching 2 or 3 of them "off guard" when they are without the the rest of the dream masters. Then at some point, such as a hp constraint they summon the rest of the dread masters and the fight steps up.


Another option would be similar to the mind trap with soa, where everyone is in their own mind trap and has a fight similar to the infernal council, "freeing your mind" so that you can start fighting the dread masters proper. Without some way of getting the right battle for tanks/healers I can't see this happening however. Possibly not even a dps race fight, a puzzle for individual players would be an interesting way of doing it. (Or possibly the option of either surviving while being attacked and completing the puzzle or alternatively killing the mob, that way dps could kill it and tanks/healers can survive and do the puzzle instead.)


All of this is assuming you fight all 6 in 1 boss fight, I wouldn't be surprised if they split them up into 2 boss fights

Edited by mcrmorgan
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All of this is assuming you fight all 6 in 1 boss fight, I wouldn't be surprised if they split them up into 2 boss fights


I remember reading the dread master's power connect to eachother, so they are inseperable. That's why I came up with the infernal council-like fight. You can't have them focus on one.

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First, the operation as a whole should have them as individual bosses with unique mechancs for each one.


As final boss - all of them at the same time in a 3-4 phase fight.


Phase1 - counsil style battle. More like 1v1 duel with tank swapping or player swaping because of some debuffs (analogy to "leech" "doom" or something toward those lines).


Phase2 - "fear" phase. Dread masters will use their fear ability, but it needs all of them to function properly. Mechanics would involve separation of them or focusing specific member at spesific moment. Or it can include "nightmares" - representations of bosses we fought before ( in EV / KP / Denova / Asation).


Phase3 - inseperable entity phase. After phase2, when all of them are "dead", their combined strenght/power/essence will be the next challenge.


Phase4 - Crumbled reality. The whole place (station / room / planet) begins to fall apart, with ground shattering / floating around the place. That would be the dps race within the "no physic laws" enviroment.

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First, the operation as a whole should have them as individual bosses with unique mechancs for each one.


As final boss - all of them at the same time in a 3-4 phase fight.


Phase1 - counsil style battle. More like 1v1 duel with tank swapping or player swaping because of some debuffs (analogy to "leech" "doom" or something toward those lines).


Phase2 - "fear" phase. Dread masters will use their fear ability, but it needs all of them to function properly. Mechanics would involve separation of them or focusing specific member at spesific moment. Or it can include "nightmares" - representations of bosses we fought before ( in EV / KP / Denova / Asation).


Phase3 - inseperable entity phase. After phase2, when all of them are "dead", their combined strenght/power/essence will be the next challenge.


Phase4 - Crumbled reality. The whole place (station / room / planet) begins to fall apart, with ground shattering / floating around the place. That would be the dps race within the "no physic laws" enviroment.


This would be a VERY weird operation. I can imagine the first 3 bosses being 2 dread masters each, then some kind of puzzle, then the finale being all 6. It sounds like a bucket of fun.

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