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What was BioWare's reasoning for not allowing damage meters and add-ons?


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Reasoning for not allowing damage meters? Simple: dps of some classes is so much superior to others they didn't want to make it obvious themselves. :/ We still got third party dps meters and it actually shows how huge the difference between a, say, powertech and and mercenary dps in exactly same gear and best possible rotations.

I don't want to derail this thread but I'm actually kind of curious about this.


I was recently browsing through raid parses, I've seen both Mercenaries and Powertechs land between 1500-1700 dps on HM Ops (actual boss fights, not ops dummies). What sort of disparities have you run into between these two classes?


I run a Commando, but I've never run an op alongside a Vanguard dps, so I've never had a direct comparison (I assume any issues would be similar, being mirror classes and all).

Edited by Khevar
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