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Thoughts on the PvP design of this game


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There are two types of gear progression. One that is well designed that people do not complain about them and one that is bad that people call them a grind. The problem with this game is that the grind can only be done in the four maps available and this gets repetitive over time. Another consequence of this design is that people are always playing against a gear disparity within the warzone (this goes both ways for fully geared vs. fresh 50s). And this is just the surface of the problem because I believe there is a bigger and deeper problem this design creates. In my opinion, they should have the pvp gear progression somewhere else in the game such as open world pvp. The deeper problem arises in that this design allowed people to get comfortable with the design that they can't see past this system. For some people, there is only one way to fully gear yourself and this is to play through the same four warzones over and over again (there are those who also pve but this discussion is for the people who mostly pvp). Yes, people are right that the battlemaster gear is very easy to get through and be competitive in warzones, but the problem is why? Why do you have to gear through this way? Why does it have to be in the warzones?


The answers to this questions is simply because that is how the the game is designed right now. So for people who complain about this, they get the usual response of working as intended by other players because and righfully so, it is working as intended per game design. There are problems for people who use this type reasoning in arguments in support of the current system. First, the questions I asked above cannot be seen by them as the system creates a sense of depndency on the current system that they cannot see past it. For them gearing can only be done this way "because that is how it is done". You have to think outside the box and and get outside of this gear grinding in the warzones mentality. Change is hard for people to accept, especially if they have invested alot of their time in the current system.


The second point I like to make is connected to the first and that is the reward for playing in warzones themselves. The most widely use argument in favor of the gear progession in warzones is that without them there would not be any real incentive in doing them. I actually agree with this sentiment because it does provide a reason for people to play them and not only a small reason but one of the major reasons in playing them. There are other intrinsic issues such as to have fun, the joy of competition, but these reasons are not enough to keep the player going for them because the system is just not designed this way when these reasons are only achieved once you are fully geared and that is a relatively long time for the average player, thus only a small portion get to achieved that state.


So to my third point, what people tend to forget is that there could be other reasons in playing the warzones. This is not the intrinsic reasons discussed above but an overhaul of the system by bioware with different extrinsic reasons. One of the ideas I have is to still reward gear that improves your stats but useless in using them inside the warzone themselves. Much like the current system, but just that everyone do not benefit any stat difference in the warzones by gear. Make the gear effective outside of warzones to promote open world pvp. Redesign open world pvp to grant objectives so more people participate on them. People can still look forward for getting a meaningful gear but just useless in using them inside of warzones but useful outside of it. This may seem counterintuitive but this actually makes alot of sense. This way, there would be no gear discrepancies inside warzones. You would still play them to acquire gear, but the competition aspect would just be magnified because everyone is playing on an even playing field. A bolster system inside the warzones where people can still customize their stats.


These are my thoughts on the matter.

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i for oen agree with you, i mean WE the subscribers of the game, should have our views taken into account, i used to grind for PVP gear but i stopepd after getting my BM gear, i didnt see the point of capping 2000 WZ coms jsut to trade in for WH comz, to get gear, yes ill be at a disadvantage in level 50 pvp but who cares, with all the screw ups 1.4 brought pvp is jsut crap any way, not to mention the LOTD jsut domming everything on the red eclipse server.



im tired of all the imbalances in the game, and all the bugs itsl iek BW want to murder their own game, their not respnding to any feedback given, and sicne were paying for the game, and to keep the servers running they should bloody lsiten

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