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Alderaan Bugged?


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So there were 8 of us...and we got the warning at the start that the WZ would end if no more joined...


We captured mid. Other 2 nodes weren't taken.


The WZ ended immediately due to no players. We lost. They won with 7 medals despite having no objectives. The kicker is there were 6 of them.


I've played Warzones with just 6...what the heck?

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I've gotten into WZs *just* in time to see the score screen with no-one left to pick as MVP because the rest of the players had already gotten out. I don't know how far into a WZ someone has to get before they count in the total-that-decides-not-to-end-early, but maybe the other side had 4 and got 2 more just a little too late?


Or, since queues seem kinda bugged right now, maybe it's just another one of those, like you suggested. :)

Edited by Banderal
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