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before you ask for nerfs....


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Before people in the PVP forums ask for nerfs be careful what you wish for- Is it possible that the "improvements" that are now in PVP have had detrimental effects on PVE?

I won't go so far as to blame PVPers for the current state of PVE (see the number of threads about interupts being nerfed) I will however ask that the PVP comunity stop and think for a moment: for every nerf or change that they ask for on acount of PVP-what will that do to PVE?


I also have asked the devs many many times to seperate how mechanics operate PVP flaged vs PVE flaged- I am only one player that despite how the game seems to be managed/mismanaged enjoys it- I ask that advad PVPers also ask for abilties to function differently when PVP flaged- they did that with taunt-why not the other abilties?

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Most pvper do not pve and don't really care about nerfs to pvp impacting pve. That being said no one asked for this round of interrupts changes or ability changes. What pvper ask for is balance classes what we are getting is buffing classes that already do insane damage in both pvp and pve I truly think the devs trough darts at a dart board to see what to change with classes. Edited by Neoforcer
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Most pvper do not pve and don't really care about nerfs to pvp impacting pve. That being said no one asked for this round of interrupts changes or ability changes. What pvper ask for is balance classes what we are getting is buffing classes that already do insane damage in both pvp and pve I truly think the devs trough darts at a dart board to see what to change with classes.


Fair-and there in lies the problem--I do not know how many players enjoy both sides of the game--I know I do.

Just a quick glance through these threads theres quite a bit of complaining about stuns and the POS mechanic called resolve--I remember how Bioware Many times over said they were going to make it impossible to "stun lock " and when asked point blank if PVP was balanced they said "oh yes its balanced and slower than our compition"

Were people making sufficiant complaints about interupts and stuns to warent EA/BWs attention?As I say-as long as people that only pvp call for nerfs I ask that they be careful what the ask for might get more patches like 1.4.

Balance is relative- and thankfuly BW doesn't have Arena play like wow does as such they should be inclined to somewhat consider group synergy when making adjustments--

That however doesn't adress the fundimental flaw of leeving abilties with one (maybe two ) exceptions working the same way when PVP flaged vs not (taunt for example acts somewhat as a debuff) So i'm sure they could do the same for the rest of the skills possily permiting a sage/sorc to get even more yummy crits in PVP (for example)

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