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Thoughts on the end of the Trooper class line (Spoilers)


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So yesterday I had the pleasure of tying up the Trooper's class line.


Quite a ride! I would characterize Act 1 as the strongest by far, with Act 3 being decent if you already have some malice built up against General Rakton - and anyone who has played a certain other class at leats recognizes the man - so all that was cool.


But what didn't really hit me until the end was how many situations can be...um, not necessarily resolved, but approached...with summary execution. Act 1:

All Havoc Squad members? [Kill right the hell now.]

Act 3:

Politician giving you trouble on the Senate floor? [Kill right the hell now.]

And finally, most remarkably, endgame:

General Rakton sitting there, nearly defeated, grumbling? [Kill right the hell now.]


I was amazed that I could just execute the SOB before anybody else arrived. I never got an offer of prisoner exchanges. I never got a DS/LS choice. I found the man, beat him up, gunned him down, end of class line. Victory.


I didn't even play DS, which is probably why it took such a dramatic plot event for me to notice the Trooper killing-solves-all-problems lifestyle option. But...I'm really impressed they had the guts to go through with it, especially at the end. Very cool.

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