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Why 1.4 went bad


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Mostly because there was noone to test it.

You didn't offer transfers, except to few chosen people, because everyone has nothing better to do than level a character to 50 and gear it on the pts.

But hey, at least we got some cool rewards for all the effort! Oh wait, we didn't, and the general mindset of bioware ignoring feedback didn't help either.

I logged on the pts a few times, every time at a different time (yeah, that souds dumb i know), and didn't see more than 10 people on the fleet.


So, we got some new "features" like SLI support being bad.

I'm going to stop on this one, because I don't understand why this game would need any multi-gpu optimizations. It should be running silky smooth on a modern microwave, and 1 gpu like a 560Ti should be more than enough to dual box on 5 monitors in 3D at max settings.

BUT OMG WE GOT BETTER SHADOWS, so they no longer look like they were made pre-dx 9.0c, but like this.

In case you are wondering, this screenshot was taken from splinter cell chaos theory, an awesome game released in 2005, which was one of the first games to support dx 9.0c features like soft shadows and HDR lightning. Oh, and it didn't have a 330 mil $$$$$$$$ budget ;)


Galactic Trade Network searches are not functioning as intended, and Strength is missing from the Stats filter.

Ok, are you serious? Did you even TRY to test it? Do you know what the stats are in the game? All it takes is one look at the choices to see that str isn't there. I just hope that people testing the patches aren't the same people who don't know the "jedi counterpart" for powertech.


Moving on, YAY NEW GEAR, wait....are these implants 350 bh comms each? lol

Really, 10x more comms for what? 5 more main stat? Is that some kind of a joke?

Well, at least we have something to do before the next content update, that will surely come here in 2 months wink wink. At least we can do the weekly quests to make the grind a bit faster...

Oh wait we can't. They somehow managed to break them as well, even though the patch notes don't say anything possibly related to this. Did the chosen Children of Bioware weren't testing it either?


Moving on, YAY NEW PVP GEAR some of which has worse stats than the old one for some reason. Less expertise, less endurance and less main stat on basemods. The name is also very innovative, a'la rank 100 title style.

"hey steve, you got any ideas for names of the new stuff?"

"nah, just take the previous one and put elite on it"


Next, resolve changes. Again bioware shows us how they "read players' feedback".

I could write a book about this, but it was already covered multiple times in the pvp section.

There's only one possible justification for this change, something like

"There, there, it doesn't matter that you can't play the game properly, and blowing every cooldown you have is the only thing you can do. We'll make sure that you can keep playing that way without any penalty for your mistakes"


So, that's pretty much it. I could mention the crashes and dcs, but most of us already got used to it, and this thread will most likely get deleted, because I shouldn't feel Entitled™ to spout opinion on a forum.

Edited by Eszi
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You are silly to think that if they did transfers that people would test it. All the vast majority of people want to do is sample the new content. Very few there will actually file a bug report. It would be mostly people trying to learn the new Op so that they could try and be first on their server when it goes live.
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you know, I never understood the whole "Server First" thing. It's not like a race where there is only one prize, or is it? I mean it seems like something cool but the content is there for everyone. They will all do it when they do it.


I guess bragging rights? Or do they give you something for being a server first?


I would hope so, otherwise, I see no reason to boast about it.:)


But then again, and forgive me, that is just my opinion.

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People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


If you aren't into raids, this patch offers nothing.

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As I stated in this thread, I do wish they would keep the pts open- I don't often submit bug reports in-game but am more diligent on the PTS (as I mentioned there). I really enjoyed beta and am happy to try and help, to be a constructive force for this game. I am certain everything will be fixed, eventually; MMO's are always evolving, that's no problem. Just let us help please!!!
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People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


Many, many people are suffering issues from this patch that result in completely breaking the game for them, making it difficult if not impossible to play therefore offering them, nothing.

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You are silly to think that if they did transfers that people would test it. All the vast majority of people want to do is sample the new content. Very few there will actually file a bug report. It would be mostly people trying to learn the new Op so that they could try and be first on their server when it goes live.


I am sorry, Sir, but you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

If they want "free" testers, they should motivate them. If I could level my toons on TC and then transfer them, I would do that on TC.

If there would be some nice (also transferrable!!!) rewards (apart from the titles) for doing this, I'm pretty sure the test server would be just as populated as the normal ones.

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People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


Actually Patch 1.4 did quite literally break the game for some or greatly reduced the performance of the game for them effectively breaking the game.


Also Patch 1.4 REINTRODUCED bugs to the game that WERE fixed in prior patches, leading one to believe that there may be a version control problem in CM with regards to the build to which Patch 1.4 was integrated. It becomes more of an integration an regression test issue.


Overall this is an embarrassing patch. :cool:

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1.4 broke my PC! I fixed it but with no assistance from Bioware, who didn't respond to any ticket or mail i have sent them and it took me several days to log back in after I fixed it. I don't want to overreact though...
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People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


It only offered something for hard-core players in full end-game gear.


The rest of got bugs, bugs and then... oms more bugs!

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If you aren't into raids, this patch offers nothing.


if your not into raids, why are you playing MMO's? go play a single player RPG or a game more catered to your style of play, MMO's are about end game, end game is raids and pvp.

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if your not into raids, why are you playing MMO's? go play a single player RPG or a game more catered to your style of play, MMO's are about end game, end game is raids and pvp.


In YOUR OPINION. :rolleyes:


An MMORPG is whatever the individual player wants to make of it.


There are:







As the base archtypes of players. Many fall into a mix of these with one or two being really strong.


The "go play a single player game" is quite rapidly being rendured MOOT as the industry is moving to games being "online" with some sort of "lobby" or MMOlite atmosphere.


The player base for MMORPGs has changed. Today's MMORPG player is not necessarily motivated by the same things that motivated Yesterdays MMORPG player.


There has been a growing trend since the introduction of WoW for a strong "single play" experience as far as the leveling part of the game is concerned. There are those that "only like to play the leveling game".


See where you went wrong yet? :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Customer testing is not the answer to poor attention to detail.


For example, no one created a legacy, no one, we know this because that feature is still down. If they had run it even once they would have known.


It was the responsiblity of the developer who changed the naming requirements for legacies to unit test his code by creating AT LEAST one legacy, he failed.


His boss failed and everyone downstream failed.


Same for the "White Box" that flashes on many peoples char selection screen, how did this get missed?


These are basic workmanship issues and because it is so wide spread it indicates the teams and management are non-functional.

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People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


You do realize people can't log into some characters... I, personally, would call that kinda game breaking....

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