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So the 1% group heal doesnt effect the marauder?


Not that I know of. Even if it does, it's very very small. What you get from the self heals of Annihilation/Watchman tree is an artificial boost to your total HP (in a way, if you think of it this way). Also the heals have tremendous strategic effects over the course of a WZ, because when you heal 75k-100k, which I can easily do on a regular basis, that is pretty much 3-5+ full lives AND it's broken down over the course of an entire WZ so you can also be benefiting from friendly healers. It is very very significant, but shouldn't be used as a crutch. Anni/Watch players need healer love too.


I often say that it is a game of small edges and over time these small edges will come out to be a determining factor when deciding the fate of a WZ or confrontation.

Edited by AsiriusNazriel
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I'm sitting on 402 crit rating and 1800 str, 36.22% melee crit and 43.39% force crit, 75.14% surge 265 rating, 99.41% accuracy with 267 accuracy, 799 power, 1208 expertise. My gear is completely itemized with WH Weaponmaster & Juggernaut mods/enhancements, Juggeranut implants and earpice, all 14 purple Str augments. So thats the gear setup. Running 31/7/3, not taking close quarters in Annihilation tree.


Also I'm parsing about 290 heals per second when I'm actively dpsing the WZ combat dummy.


36.22% melee crit, 43.39% force crit

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