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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

Ranked Battles, Calling Guild/Team Leaders.


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Hello to my fellow Jung Ma patrons,


I was sitting around on the imperial fleet a while back talking to my good holmes Hierophant. And you know, We were thinking why not instead of endless putting random pug groups for ranked battles together, or for those guilds that like ranked but can only go at a certain time. Why not start up a time and day where all those guilds with the interest and drive could all match up to find out who is the best on Jung Ma.


If you feel yourself a Squad leader or Guild/PvP leader and believe you got a team that has what it takes. Hit RakeshZeal or Hierophant in-game or here on the forums. If we get enough interest soon we will also have a promotional video, press release and a fully interactive website with stats and leaderboards.


Thanks for your time,


Rakesh Zeal Harbingers


P.S. Note: I saw your post JediMasterSarynn and will keep that in mind.

Edited by RakeshZeal
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