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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×



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My Idea.

Add Pazaak to the game. Same as it was in KOTOR. Use Cantinas as gaming areas with several NPCS ranging in difficulty and treat them as if they were daily quests. Reward for winning would be Pazaak Comms and credits. Add card vendors to turn in your Comms for better cards/pet reward/mounts/vanity gear etc etc... Roll crafting of cards into a crew skill for players to get their initial cards.


Once a month, hold a server wide tournament via a dungeon finder like device. Everyone who wants in must que by a certain time. They randomly sorted into games until only 1 is left. Bang, Giant Comm/Credit reward. Special gear, titles, pets, mounts and so on could also be prizes.



To me, for a game lacking end game appeal to a lot of people, this would add a lot of fun and get people playing more.

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If you did a search of 'Pazaak' in the Suggestion Box you would see that it has already been suggested countless times. I do love the idea but I think if BioWare are going to implement it at all they would have got the hint. Edited by Chaori
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