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if stats on gear was removed would you still play ?


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Imagine no stats on gear. All hardmode dungeons would be as hard on the day you get lv 50, as they are when you´ve been lv 50 a year. The drops would be the same but there would be no stats on any of the armor. The daily dungeon quest would give commendations to use on gear or mount or pets or whatever. Pvp would be the same. You would fight for gear that only would change your looks. For titles, mounts, pets and fluff like that.


I´d still play. I would probably even enjoy it more since i mainly do hard mode dungeons, and they get boring when you outgear them. So, would you still play if there was no bonus exept other looks or titles or some other fluff ?


100% sure i would move along and play another game that gives me some kind of progression feeling.

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Possibly but defiantly a lot less.


From recent experience, while waiting for 1.4 and at RWZ/WZ caps I only ran a dozen WZs a week, if that, purely for fun. Yesterday I played till I got my weekly done just to get the missing comms for the EWH offhand. I come from a SPRPG (KOTOR) background and never played a progression based mmo before and I still don't do OPS regularly (pvp ftw) yet I still need that goal/sense of purpose/progression.


Stagnation is death. In nature and in mmos. Heck it showed in TOR when subs plumited due to lack of content that introduced progression.


I laugh at GW2 fans saying it's all about map completion and jump puzzle vistas - "horizontal progression". Doesn't cut it in TOR with maps/datacrons, doesn't cut it in GW2, and that game is barely a month out the gate. AN didn't make a B2P product cos of the goodness of their hearts but cos it doesn't have a snowflakes chance in hell to retain subs.

Edited by aeterno
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Imagine no stats on gear. All hardmode dungeons would be as hard on the day you get lv 50, as they are when you´ve been lv 50 a year. The drops would be the same but there would be no stats on any of the armor. The daily dungeon quest would give commendations to use on gear or mount or pets or whatever. Pvp would be the same. You would fight for gear that only would change your looks. For titles, mounts, pets and fluff like that.


I´d still play. I would probably even enjoy it more since i mainly do hard mode dungeons, and they get boring when you outgear them. So, would you still play if there was no bonus exept other looks or titles or some other fluff ?





There's an argument for having a level playing field in PvP, or at least a competition in PvP that is level (and Arena is an example of where this might work well).


But PvE? The whole point of PvE is to get uber l00tz, without it I dunno why anyone would do it.

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Gear progression in this game is a bit meh due the limitations of design.


Every class is basically two stat hero and so armoring and mods will always be based on two stats plus a third stat such as crit. If you look at closely then it's really the most boring item progression there is and more along the lines of single player game than MMO.


A level 61 armoring is 68 Str/53 End while the Dreadguard armor is 72/52. The difference is minimal and you can guess with 100% certainty that level 65 armoring will something around 78/58 because of the two stat design of classes.


The game would have been better if every class used all the stats as it would mean a difference it itemization.


Raiding is this game just doesn't seem to worth the time and effort put into and has already been stated it just looks like Bioware dropped the ball.

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Imagine no stats on gear. All hardmode dungeons would be as hard on the day you get lv 50, as they are when you´ve been lv 50 a year. The drops would be the same but there would be no stats on any of the armor. The daily dungeon quest would give commendations to use on gear or mount or pets or whatever. Pvp would be the same. You would fight for gear that only would change your looks. For titles, mounts, pets and fluff like that.


I´d still play. I would probably even enjoy it more since i mainly do hard mode dungeons, and they get boring when you outgear them. So, would you still play if there was no bonus exept other looks or titles or some other fluff ?

I would still play-

Where (if any place) do you propose stats come from then?

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Where (if any place) do you propose stats come from then?



Alternate Advancement system (e.g. Everquest);

Skill Trees;


Questing (imagine quest rewards +4 Aim, instead of a hat that you'll vendor or a commendation you might never use);

Defeating boss NPCs;



In other words, just have power become an inherent trait of the character. That ship may have sailed for this game, but it's not to late for the devs to change the balance of where you get stats.

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Well no but I would adjust it.

Step 1

Make PVP gear craft-able and unbound so you can trade it on the GTN.

Just more material requirements and hence price as you go up the tiers.

With the pvp com's to buy schematics.


Step 2

Change the system to something like the Social levels for PVP to differentiate between the tiers.


Step 3

Add looting for kills at end of the match. Basically the loosing team will lose one random piece of gear to the winners who need greed loot them. [sort of like drag race with the cars as bet.] Battle master geared for ranked matches only.

Step 4

Lower tiers matched and if over geared stats auto adjusted to match the level [so people will not get steam rolled] 10-49 50 PVE gear ,50 rank 1 2 3

Allow multiple sets of armor and weapons to be remembered and equipped on click of button [armor / weapon sets]


Step 5


Random piece of gear is lost at each death.


Let's make this actually bit interesting and boost crafting gathering at the same time.

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I can honestly say.....no.




90% of the reason I'm not playing GW2 right now is their lack of progression.



If there was an alternate form of advancement, I would be okay with it. Otherwise, it would be silly.

Edited by tiennen
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Only if the armor looked like it came from the Star Wars Universe after level 50, which it currently does not.


UGLIEST END GAME GEAR IN MMO HISTORY is not going to cut it.


ugliest end game gear in History??? really? Sorry but that goes to WoW.


But the end game here DOES look like it comes from Star Wars. In another thread I showed pictures from the Star Wars movies, shows and comics that shows gear that all looks very simliar to the end game gear.

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ugliest end game gear in History??? really? Sorry but that goes to WoW.


But the end game here DOES look like it comes from Star Wars. In another thread I showed pictures from the Star Wars movies, shows and comics that shows gear that all looks very simliar to the end game gear.



I dunno, it usually looks like something vaguely Star Wars with blades randomly stuck on it.


Certainly the Jedi stuff looks nothing like anything seen in any of the films (for Jedi).

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Only if the armor looked like it came from the Star Wars Universe after level 50, which it currently does not.


UGLIEST END GAME GEAR IN MMO HISTORY is not going to cut it.


I guess you havent played DConline. That gear makes every player look like an anime reject from another distant game. Big bulky armor that looks nothing like what a super hero will wear. Everybody looks like a rejected armor skin from FFXii.


I will say the armor here looks like nothing from star wars (jug armor ..Cringe!). I can tolerate it but atleast im not looking like a bloated robot with super powers.

Edited by bravotwentysev
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I'd actually rather prefer it that stats wasn't on the gear period. Stats should all be based on your character level and not the gear. So when you level your stats increase a bit. The only type of stat that should be on gear is resistances. (i.e. Resistance to cold, heat, electricity, acid, etc.)


Then the whole reason to collect the gear would be to get a better outfit that has more resistances to use against certain boss encounters. Right now that I can tell there is only a couple of things in the game which is based on resistances. One which needs to be used when your fighting Nightmare Pilgrim so your brain doesn't get to exhausted. Another one is basically for collecting vanity pets, Tatooine water refreshed buff.


Just seems they need to implement more into the resistances and less about the gear stat equation.

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I'd actually rather prefer it that stats wasn't on the gear period. Stats should all be based on your character level and not the gear. So when you level your stats increase a bit. The only type of stat that should be on gear is resistances. (i.e. Resistance to cold, heat, electricity, acid, etc.)


Then the whole reason to collect the gear would be to get a better outfit that has more resistances to use against certain boss encounters. Right now that I can tell there is only a couple of things in the game which is based on resistances. One which needs to be used when your fighting Nightmare Pilgrim so your brain doesn't get to exhausted. Another one is basically for collecting vanity pets, Tatooine water refreshed buff.


Just seems they need to implement more into the resistances and less about the gear stat equation.


I tend to disagree with you on that one. In theory it would seem like a good idea, but in practice, it wouldn't give the players enough of a carrot to keep going.


This is not GW2. I do not want their bad character progression in this game.

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Imagine no stats on gear. All hardmode dungeons would be as hard on the day you get lv 50, as they are when you´ve been lv 50 a year. The drops would be the same but there would be no stats on any of the armor. The daily dungeon quest would give commendations to use on gear or mount or pets or whatever. Pvp would be the same. You would fight for gear that only would change your looks. For titles, mounts, pets and fluff like that.


I´d still play. I would probably even enjoy it more since i mainly do hard mode dungeons, and they get boring when you outgear them. So, would you still play if there was no bonus exept other looks or titles or some other fluff ?


Nope. After doing a dungeon once I'd see no incentive doing it again. Fluff content is not going to make me do HM [Anything] more than once to see the storyline. There's no point in me paying for a game that doesn't have a good carrot on a stick.

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I play for story and rp. If gear stats were removed, I'd probably play each fp and endgame heroic/area once with each character then stop and move onto another. It would be quite a relief, really. I'm not at all fond of doing the same thing over and over for gear. I'm only doing it so my 50s will be in good shape for an expansion. That would be different fps all had as much story as side quests. I'd enjoy them more if that was the case. The more story fps have, the better I like them. Edited by errant_knight
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Nope, gear progress is a part of character development and goals for me. This is part of the reason why GW II PvP was very unappealing to me.


So you'd rather win because you have a gear edge instead of having skill? Dont worry about killing that other player right now because one day you might out gear him or he might queue up with friends of his that arent as geared and then you can win. Dont worry about clearing the current operations because one day you'll out-gear them after doing enough black hole dailies and then you can easily fly through to victory. I'm sorry, but challenges have more rewarding benefits than gear ever will.

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No, GW2 has made me realise how superior gear progression, and the holy trinity are.


Without progression a game becomes stagnant. Thats whats happening in GW2, there is still the grind, but for no reason but appearance so.....why bother.


Progression also gives the idesa of a 'journey'. You hit 50 and you 'make your way' through the HM FP's, through Eternity Vault and Karraga's Palace, then onto EC etc.


Just doing everything straight away makes it like a shooter FPS.


To play in a virtual world, exactly what a lot of people are doing. It is getting stagnant only for those who like gear-progression. That's not a bad thing, there are a lot of different types of MMO players. People who like gear-progression treadmills, people who like only social type interaction, people who like virtual worlds and don't want gear progression.


Those of us that like virtual worlds love GW2 =) (Same thing with SWG btw there was only a little progression at end level on the ground, and progression literally BROKE the space game.)

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