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Tired of one viable spec. This is ridiculous.


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From a PVP perspective:


I have been hoping that AP would be a viable alternative in competitive PvP in 1.4. With the nerfs to pyro and the buffs to AP, it looked promising. After comparing both specs post 1.4, there is no doubt in my mind that AP is gimpy at best. Ironically, pyro is now an even more faceroll spec as incendiary missile is utterly useless. Rotation is now even simpler and less satisfying.


I also play a full WH marauder in ranked and unranked pvp. Maras enjoy 3 viable trees, each one representing a very different style of gameplay. Snipers are similarly enjoying 3 skill trees of equal viability. It simply shows that it can be done.


My server has an active and competitive pvp community. Thought several of us have tried the post 1.4 AP spec, we have all found it lacking in PvP. I am forced to play a spec now that is a.) very different in feel due to several rounds of nerfs and b.) a spec that has gradually gotten simpler to play over time due to poorly implemented changes.


Last night I gave AP the old college try in ranked games. I've spent a lot of time with AP and know what I'm doing. The very even damage, and utter unreliability of flamethrower damage renders the spec useless in pvp. I was forced to switch to pyro halfway through the match in order to actually bring down my targets. One minute my team was struggling with me running AP and the next we were reliably taking down targets and gaining ground with me as pyro.


It was obvious to me after this match: I am stuck as pyrotech if I'm playing my PT. AP doesn't have he juice of a true dps class, has a dodgy central ability, and has a skill point intensive skill series in retractable blade that is a total waste of points compared with the other tightly designed specs in the game.


What a shame, and what a missed opportunity. Again I would urge the devs to look at their own metrics: how many AP specced pt's are playing? On my server there is not one who is using it consistently even though many of us consider more fun, challenging and satisfying. Additionally, pyro was further dumbed down in 1.4 leading to very dull gameplay. PTs are stuck with an unsatisfying spec that we are essentially forced to play.


What a waste. My only hope is that there are more changes for us on the horizon. Until then it's back to my Mara.

Edited by FeralPug
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Yes Marauders enjoy 3 viable tree, so is Assassin post 1.4.

Yes PT has flaws in other trees just like Sorcs has a completely unplayable lightning tree in pvp, no real burst, just like operative is only rWZ viable as healer, just like merc being trashy all around...


It's rare to have an AC to have all 3 viable tree. Only the 2 of the 3 FotM ACs have them (Mara/Sin)

Edited by warultima
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I agree with ya, Jerc.


I've played my PT in every spec since launch, mostly as Pyro. It's gotten stale and boring, to the point where Shieldtech is the only spec that I don't start nodding off while playing. I refuse to go back to Pyro now that it's basically a melee class without all the melee tools, and AP is far too gimpy for PvP. If I'm going to be stuck in melee range, I'll play my Marauder or Operative, either one of which is much more versatile and exciting.

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I'm still working on finishing out BM gear for my AP PT. From my perspective, I just cant bring myself to playing Pyro. I don't care for the simple rotation of that HUGE burst damage. Call me crazy, but I'd take the utility and support of the AP over the Pyro anyday. That's my play style just coming from having more combat control with my Tank Jugg. I feel with AP I have more control of myself and the other players. With faster grapple, HO, faster interrupt, flamethrower slow, shorter CD on my CC breaker and longer carbonize (combat tech bonuses). All of that makes me feel like I have more to contribute to the team than just doing damage. I believe there is always great value in that kind of support play. Maybe the AP PT turns out to not be as good as other support classes, but time will tell as I play and gear up.


I'm not de-valuing the burst of Pyro what so ever, its very important to a team to put that kind of pressure on the healers. Maybe I'm just a born support player and that is what I excel in or am comfortable with, but that could change if AP just doesn't perform like I need it to.

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This is an interesting topic for me reading about what the PT community thinks of Pyro.


As a Mercenary playing it, I found it less 'interesting' than Arsenal however, it is more mobile.


As a powertech playing it, it feels less clunky, more fluid, and more potent. However.... I find myself fairly bored of its simplistic nature, and lack of depth, and I keep switching back to AP!


So do I want to be the most effective PVP build I can be? If so, pyro all the way. Do I want to put the enjoyment of my spec above raw effectiveness? That is more likely going to be AP with the PT and Arsenal with the Merc.


I can't win. lol

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