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Whats Recommened Gear for running SM Explosive conflict?

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Okay, there has been some debate as to what the min gear requirments we have on people wanting to run sm EC in my guild as of late.


My opinion is that... if a Ops drops rakata gear then the person should be all columi + some rakata, but at least all columi and i believe that is what the Ops was intended for.


Well Some others in guild these days think that ppl should be rakata + blackhole + augments. Which doesnt make sense to me if you have to already have all the gear that a ops drops just to run the SM version.


Now when I first ran this back when it First came out in 1.2 My raid group at the time was mostly rakata and we were able to do it - it wasnt super easy but we cleared it. That was before we could augment an entire set of gear.


Anyway I just wanted to look to see what others think the min gear should be?



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Before 1.4, mostly (not all) Rakata was best for running SM EC. They have nerfed it so hard, I would feel comfortable running it with some people in full Columi now.


I ran it in a PUG the other day after 1.4. No voice chat and 3 members had never been there before (including one of the tanks). We did not wipe even once. Easily on par with SM KP now.

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The challenge level was geared for full columi. Meaning it would be a challenge to complete it.. If you showed up in Augmented BH/Rakata gear it would be easy as long as you knew the mechanics. But the rewards tell the whole story.. You get rewarded from completing a CHALLENGE.. It's not a challenge in BH/Rakata augmentet, thus you gain nothing (since you already have the piece that would drop)..



It's not rocket science..

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After 1.4, they've lessened many of the hardest parts of the Op to make it more accessible. You should be able to do it in columi + a little rakata now if you know what you're doing.


Technically, it should be able to be done in columi, but that is going to be tough especially if you're not familiar with it.


It also depends on expectation level. If your guild just wants to blow through it to farm weeklies/comms, then that's when you tend to come up with the high gear requirements. You get this same issue on HM FPs through the group finder. They can almost all be done with n00b L50 gear/recruit gear but people want you to have rakata+ so they can do it in "record time" w/o thinking.

Edited by Infalliable
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Okay, there has been some debate as to what the min gear requirments we have on people wanting to run sm EC in my guild as of late.


My opinion is that... if a Ops drops rakata gear then the person should be all columi + some rakata, but at least all columi and i believe that is what the Ops was intended for.


Well Some others in guild these days think that ppl should be rakata + blackhole + augments. Which doesnt make sense to me if you have to already have all the gear that a ops drops just to run the SM version.


Now when I first ran this back when it First came out in 1.2 My raid group at the time was mostly rakata and we were able to do it - it wasnt super easy but we cleared it. That was before we could augment an entire set of gear.


Anyway I just wanted to look to see what others think the min gear should be?



You can beat it in full Columi easily. Ppl always exaggerate the whole gear thing. They forget most important is skill and proper knowledge of game mechanics. You can have fulll Darth-Vader gear and still fail at BT if you dont understand game mechanics.
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After 1.4, they've lessened many of the hardest parts of the Op to make it more accessible. You should be able to do it in columi + a little rakata now if you know what you're doing.


Technically, it should be able to be done in columi, but that is going to be tough especially if you're not familiar with it.


It also depends on expectation level. If your guild just wants to blow through it to farm weeklies/comms, then that's when you tend to come up with the high gear requirements. You get this same issue on HM FPs through the group finder. They can almost all be done with n00b L50 gear/recruit gear but people want you to have rakata+ so they can do it in "record time" w/o thinking.


So true. Ppl come to LI hm in full augmented BH and kick anyone that doesnt have at least 20k HP lol Everythings needs to be FACEROLL these days. Funniest thing is when you got some 27k Assassin tank, that hasnt even learned to disrupt incinerate despite all his fancy gear. Laughable..

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So true. Ppl come to LI hm in full augmented BH and kick anyone that doesnt have at least 20k HP lol Everythings needs to be FACEROLL these days. Funniest thing is when you got some 27k Assassin tank, that hasnt even learned to disrupt incinerate despite all his fancy gear. Laughable..


I've seen tank rakata/bh augumented, jugg, using smash and default attack.. only. not even a jump :rolleyes:

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You can beat it in full Columi easily. Ppl always exaggerate the whole gear thing. They forget most important is skill and proper knowledge of game mechanics. You can have fulll Darth-Vader gear and still fail at BT if you dont understand game mechanics.


It is beatable in full Columi, but by no means "easily". It will challenge you to a degree.

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It is beatable in full Columi, but by no means "easily". It will challenge you to a degree.


I'm not sure how much the 1.4 changes simplified it as I've not done SM EC in the last week, but before 1.4 it was quite hard in columi. As you said, it's definitely not easy in columi.

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The biggest issue for a columi group is the DPS. I have not tried post 1.4 SM and cant remember if they made it easier to beat enrages, but before the patch a full columi dps group could have trouble at some spots. Tanks and healers have it pretty easy in columi compared to dps. With that said though it was clearable as long as they knew good rotations and could save themselves when possible (watch for mechanics).


Now with the nerf I imagine it's not too hard at all in columi.

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The biggest issue for a columi group is the DPS. I have not tried post 1.4 SM and cant remember if they made it easier to beat enrages, but before the patch a full columi dps group could have trouble at some spots. Tanks and healers have it pretty easy in columi compared to dps. With that said though it was clearable as long as they knew good rotations and could save themselves when possible (watch for mechanics).


Now with the nerf I imagine it's not too hard at all in columi.


It definitely was, but they have made changes to lower the requirements.


Toth & Zorn

•The amount of time before Toth and Zorn enrage when one dies has been increased.

•The enrage timer for the encounter has been increased to 6 minutes 30 seconds.


Colonel Vorgath

•The enrage timer for the encounter has been increased to 4 minutes 30 seconds.


Warlord Kephess

•The time before Baradium Bombers explode has been increased.

•The enrage timer for the encounter has been increased.


The baradium bomber phase was by far the toughest DPS check. Even well geared teams could have trouble if he spawned in a bad spot or you were just a little slow in picking it up.

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