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Social Points


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Finding a group of friends you are solid with, is incredibly social. Its a social construct called a clique. In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) “persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting. Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development. This is copy pasted straight off the words meaning.


You have managed to complain about 5 or 6 things though. So i am thinking its less about the social system not working, and more about someone stepping on your figurative puppy and you having a bone to pick with the game. Which is kind of a shame. I am still having a blast, and my guild fell apart too. Its the natural flow of MMo's. Been playing them since EQ though, not just wow, so maybe I have learned to cope.


Sorry for your loss, hopefully you find some new people to play with and you cheer up a bit.




Again in a strong, helpful guild that was (at that time) playing vast amounts of SWTOR, social points just weren't coming.


There was many reasons for this (some alieviated by the change giving social points in H and FPs/OPs), but the system is still intrinsically flawed. The should rework how social points are given with questing and dialogue, and I see no reason why PvP grouping shouldn't give some social points either (although if the PvE side was better designed that wouldn't be such an issue).


This is not a new issue, it was people complaining about this issue that got the changes that have been made to social point done in the first place (making the system better than it was at release)....... however it needs improving further.


As for the rest of your strange psycho-babble, it's not about me, it's about the game. Saying it's the players fault because the game doesn't work correctly has cost SWTOR 2,000,000 players.


Fix the issues, fix the game, and maybe, just maybe many of those 2,000,000 will come back. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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Finding a group of friends you are solid with, is incredibly social. Its a social construct called a clique. In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) “persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting. Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development. This is copy pasted straight off the words meaning.


You have managed to complain about 5 or 6 things though. So i am thinking its less about the social system not working, and more about someone stepping on your figurative puppy and you having a bone to pick with the game. Which is kind of a shame. I am still having a blast, and my guild fell apart too. Its the natural flow of MMo's. Been playing them since EQ though, not just wow, so maybe I have learned to cope.


Sorry for your loss, hopefully you find some new people to play with and you cheer up a bit.


Ziso: I like the idea that when you help someone they had sort of a "Give a social point" button. Where maybe a player can give out 5 social points a day, 1 per player. So some quality RP, or help with an instance or quest would result in a small but tangible reward. Its a cool idea, you should post it to the suggestions forum. (That and it matches the valor systems vip votes in a way, so maybe 5-10 social points would be more on par)


Thanks for the suggestion Bluerahja. Ive now put it under suggestions forum.

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Im quite high up the social ladder on my main but just cant face doing any flashpoints on alts anymore as done them all to death on the main. 1 more Esseles/BT run and ill have nightmares. Thats the issue i have is social points is per character and not legacy wide.


Wish social points would relate to social aspects though. Guild member needs help on X quest on planet. I go to help and group, complete quest, have a happy guild member and i get 1 social point. Now the main thing is the help offered the the guild member but 1 social point, come on.


Perhaps the cartel coin store will have some items to save the grind on social points for gear.

The social points aspect is good but could use abit of a tweak here and there. Example each week i run a guild datacron run. Now that can be a group from 6 to a group of 20. Run the group, nice event, everyone has fun, we are all SOCIALising but we dont get any social points from a social event. Just be nice to earn them other ways also



If they addressed those two things, it would be a much better system.


As I said I've done a ridiculous amount of "social" stuff and yet got bog all points for it. :confused:

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Wow I didn't realize I had started a 4 page thread. Thanks for all the replies.


I think the one thing I saw that really stood out was that by using group finder I am getting LESS points, which is totally backwards.


I now understand that social points are really "quest start" and "quest end" points, the fact that I meet new people on almost every run means nothing socially :rolleyes:


I don't actually care that much, looks like an aspect of the game I will not be using. All I really wanted to do was using the social III sand people set while questing in Tatooine. :confused:

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