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Social Points


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Besides dungeons how do you get these.


I have a healer that has been leveling in flashpoints (mostly Group Finder), and I would have thought that would produce at least enough social points to keep up with the social vendor items at that level but I am finding that I still don't have enough points to get the items at the cantina for my level.


I leveled my other toons on missions and needless to say they have almost no points, I had though the healer would be different having spent all that time in groups.


Is the only way to actually get that stuff to make level 50, grind then go back to low level worlds for it?

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Besides dungeons how do you get these.


I have a healer that has been leveling in flashpoints (mostly Group Finder), and I would have thought that would produce at least enough social points to keep up with the social vendor items at that level but I am finding that I still don't have enough points to get the items at the cantina for my level.


I leveled my other toons on missions and needless to say they have almost no points, I had though the healer would be different having spent all that time in groups.


Is the only way to actually get that stuff to make level 50, grind then go back to low level worlds for it?


The only real way to get social points is to farm Esseles/Black Talon. You will average about 150-175 ish in a 4 person group.


You could also get a lot by grouping all the time while levelling, but that isn't something people do in TOR.

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The only real way to get social points is to farm Esseles/Black Talon. You will average about 150-175 ish in a 4 person group.


You could also get a lot by grouping all the time while levelling, but that isn't something people do in TOR.

This. And of course it varies with the luck you have winning the rolls at the dialogs but with a run every 15-20 minutes (even much more often than that, if everyone has the fully upgraded rocket boost and/or knows how to skip most of the trash) you'd get to Social tank 10 in a matter of weeks without focusing on it too much.

Edited by Lurtzello
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i am calling it a PATHETIC design oversight - when not even a healer that spends all time in groups cannot get social rank of appropriate level.


What brain damaged idea is it to have to grind lowest level FP to gain social points?




PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, could you please have a look at this CRIPPLED/USELESS game feature? :eek:

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as mentioned before in the topic, lvl a toon with a friend or a guild mate, i just leveled my trooper from 40 to 50 with a guild mate and got to social 4 (which was enough for the set i wanted). on my main i get plenty of social points when running ops.
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Maybe I am wrong but dont you get social points pretty much for every finished Quest heroic mission conversation ?

Plus the Flash points of course.


I have noticed I get social for almost everything done in group when you pick and Hand in the mission together.

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i am calling it a PATHETIC design oversight - when not even a healer that spends all time in groups cannot get social rank of appropriate level


So tired of reading entitled posts like these. What if the social system isn't designed to scale with your level? What if its not an oversight at all? What if social points are a reward to keep people grouping and interested in the community even after they hit 50? There's probably a reason most of the social clothing is front loaded in the first 5 social ranks, but the things like mounts and pets are backloaded. Its odd, because you don't see post where people are throwing hissy fits because they do their pvp daily, but their Valor isn't keeping up to their level.


I have social 10 on two characters. Its a reward for people who group up while leveling, doing flashpoints and then when they are 50 and geared, they keep at it, helping guildies and other people. So no, you shouldn't be maxed out the second you hit 50 just because you healed some flashpoints.


Also, to the origional post. You get social points in endgame operations as well. Lots of them. With some effort, you will have all the social gear you want in no time. If you still get social points for raiding though, clearly the system isn't designed to scale with level.

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i am calling it a PATHETIC design oversight - when not even a healer that spends all time in groups cannot get social rank of appropriate level.


What brain damaged idea is it to have to grind lowest level FP to gain social points?




PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, could you please have a look at this CRIPPLED/USELESS game feature? :eek:


A healer that really spends all their time in groups would have plenty of social points. If you level with a friend or two you get a lot of social points from all the mission dialogs. I leveled a tank with a friend and was social rank 3 by the time I finished my homeworld.

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So tired of reading entitled posts like these. What if the social system isn't designed to scale with your level? What if its not an oversight at all? What if social points are a reward to keep people grouping and interested in the community even after they hit 50? There's probably a reason most of the social clothing is front loaded in the first 5 social ranks, but the things like mounts and pets are backloaded. Its odd, because you don't see post where people are throwing hissy fits because they do their pvp daily, but their Valor isn't keeping up to their level.


I have social 10 on two characters. Its a reward for people who group up while leveling, doing flashpoints and then when they are 50 and geared, they keep at it, helping guildies and other people. So no, you shouldn't be maxed out the second you hit 50 just because you healed some flashpoints.


Also, to the origional post. You get social points in endgame operations as well. Lots of them. With some effort, you will have all the social gear you want in no time. If you still get social points for raiding though, clearly the system isn't designed to scale with level.



If it was designed to reward anti-social fixed group levelling, then it's been brilliantly designed.


If it was designed to reward people for being..... well..... social... then it's rubbishly designed (even with the FP boss change).



I suspect it was the latter, and wasn't thought though properly - there's certainly nothing less social about doing PvP than doing FPs.

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I grouped with plenty of different people to get social 10. Sounds like whining. Social points are the PvE version of Valor. I don't get Valor for doing flashpoints, you don't get social points for your pvp. The bars are right in the same area and everything. Edited by BlueRahja
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I grouped with plenty of different people to get social 10. Sounds like whining. Social points are the PvE version of Valor. I don't get Valor for doing flashpoints, you don't get social points for your pvp. The bars are right in the same area and everything.



Then why aren't they called dungeon points? And why do the give access to social armour an emotes?



Why? Because they were a badly thought-out attempt at a "social" rewards system. Now a social rewards system is a good idea, but it has to be fit for purpose.

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Eh, I have social 10 on my healer. I did as many group quests as I could while leveling because I have more fun with those than with solo content. When I hit 50 I still had a couple levels to go but daily HM flashpoints made short work of that. The disco ball is awesome, definitely.
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Besides dungeons how do you get these.


I have a healer that has been leveling in flashpoints (mostly Group Finder), and I would have thought that would produce at least enough social points to keep up with the social vendor items at that level but I am finding that I still don't have enough points to get the items at the cantina for my level.


I leveled my other toons on missions and needless to say they have almost no points, I had though the healer would be different having spent all that time in groups.


Is the only way to actually get that stuff to make level 50, grind then go back to low level worlds for it?


Social points come from conversations done with other players. Leveling by Flashpoint via the group finder you skip most of these conversations because they are done via holo terminal outside the missions. If you want social points for those you need to gather a group normally and have the conversation with them before entering the mission. Or you could just run Esseles / Black Talon over and over.


See this is why I made the suggestion thread: Group Finder: A New Beginning.



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Then why aren't they called dungeon points? And why do the give access to social armour an emotes?



Why? Because they were a badly thought-out attempt at a "social" rewards system. Now a social rewards system is a good idea, but it has to be fit for purpose.


because you can get social points from other 'social' activities then only 'dungeons' (which are called flashpoints in this game). try grouping up for planet quests etc, maybe you'll have some fun and meet interesting people.. oh wait, i prefer to go play solo in an MMO.

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because you can get social points from other 'social' activities then only 'dungeons' (which are called flashpoints in this game). try grouping up for planet quests etc, maybe you'll have some fun and meet interesting people.. oh wait, i prefer to go play solo in an MMO.



Except that's exactly the thing that made me realise how broken supposed "social" points are.


On my first characters when the game first came out, I was in a very strong pre-existing guild of 30+ people (every single one has quit SWTOR now, but that's another dozen threads).


Now dispite the silliness of their pre-access system (which meant the guild was rather spread out in levels even by the end of the first week), I spend vast amounts of time levelling with people, going to help people complete quests doing Flashpoints (and this was when I realise how terrible SWTORs travel system was compared to other MMORPGs).


And yet by L50 I only had a fairly low social point level.



Yes I could have specifically ground out social points, but by playing in completely social way (just not anti-social fixed group levelling - as the orginal system only supported) I wasn't getting social points.




The system is as broken as the Resolve system, and like it, it simply isn't fit for purporse.







You should be getting social points for all social activities and actually being social, not just fixed-group levelling and FPs/OPs mob kills. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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I agree the system needs to be re-examined. My Sorc levels only through class story, FP's and some WZ's. So thats a LOT of flashpoints. Still she is at Social III at level 35.

So for someone who actually wants to do all the quests and doesnt have someone to play through the entire game with, there is no way to get anywhere near Social X. Im all for achievements but it feels like you should get more social points for FP's and Heroics.

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that's weird, because one one toon i did like 5 levels of questing with a guildie (only 1 planet) and almost got to social 4, from doing 1 planet + bonus series, so i think if you lvl from 1-50 with someone, doing some fps along the way, and gear up at 50, that i might be possible to come prety close to social X.
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besides dungeons how do you get these.


I have a healer that has been leveling in flashpoints (mostly group finder), and i would have thought that would produce at least enough social points to keep up with the social vendor items at that level but i am finding that i still don't have enough points to get the items at the cantina for my level.


I leveled my other toons on missions and needless to say they have almost no points, i had though the healer would be different having spent all that time in groups.


Is the only way to actually get that stuff to make level 50, grind then go back to low level worlds for it?


...you can co-op the entire game, that is the easiest way.

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Social 1 to social 2 takes the longest, for some reason

Anyways, just do group work, if you're level 50, operation bosses give good social points per kill. Bonus missions with a group also give social points.

Hope that helps.


PS: if you want anyone to take you seriously, you should remove the word "dungeon" from your original post..

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Im quite high up the social ladder on my main but just cant face doing any flashpoints on alts anymore as done them all to death on the main. 1 more Esseles/BT run and ill have nightmares. Thats the issue i have is social points is per character and not legacy wide.


Wish social points would relate to social aspects though. Guild member needs help on X quest on planet. I go to help and group, complete quest, have a happy guild member and i get 1 social point. Now the main thing is the help offered the the guild member but 1 social point, come on.


Perhaps the cartel coin store will have some items to save the grind on social points for gear.

The social points aspect is good but could use abit of a tweak here and there. Example each week i run a guild datacron run. Now that can be a group from 6 to a group of 20. Run the group, nice event, everyone has fun, we are all SOCIALising but we dont get any social points from a social event. Just be nice to earn them other ways also

Edited by Ziso
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not anti-social fixed group levelling


Finding a group of friends you are solid with, is incredibly social. Its a social construct called a clique. In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) “persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting. Interacting with cliques is part of normative social development. This is copy pasted straight off the words meaning.


You have managed to complain about 5 or 6 things though. So i am thinking its less about the social system not working, and more about someone stepping on your figurative puppy and you having a bone to pick with the game. Which is kind of a shame. I am still having a blast, and my guild fell apart too. Its the natural flow of MMo's. Been playing them since EQ though, not just wow, so maybe I have learned to cope.


Sorry for your loss, hopefully you find some new people to play with and you cheer up a bit.


Ziso: I like the idea that when you help someone they had sort of a "Give a social point" button. Where maybe a player can give out 5 social points a day, 1 per player. So some quality RP, or help with an instance or quest would result in a small but tangible reward. Its a cool idea, you should post it to the suggestions forum. (That and it matches the valor systems vip votes in a way, so maybe 5-10 social points would be more on par)

Edited by BlueRahja
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