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<SWG> Anyone from Valcyn/Radiant on the ShadowLands?


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I played on Radiant from launch as Ehon and Overseer. Your name doesn't ring any bells but cheers.


When they did server combines, I went to Radiant from Valcyn (on Valcyn since CU)...stayed on Radiant for a while before sub ended. Too much down spirals for me to re-sub...but I do miss it

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I played on Bloodfin and then on TCPrime when they brought that up since we could have more alts there. I didn't play on your servers but just giving a friendly bump.



Edited by Veriss
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I was on valcyn and radiant. I remember yoshii. GSF and Nexus too.

I used to be Odea then Odea's ghost.


if ya want to find me i'm usually on theiia.


other poeple you may remember from those days, drocraxo, and katharos i've talked to on shadowlands too.

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I was on Valcyn from launch until the NGE... I did resub for a few months right before the shut the servers down, I think I ended up on bloodfin for that, not really 100% though, lol. I was -Excalibur- and Gambit back on Valcyn, got a few toons here on the imp side, they're all listed in my sig.
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