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L50 Guardian, some questions please


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Hello All -


I'm somewhat of a fresh L50 and to get a better handle of "Guardian" I've ben queue'ing up in FP's as DPS but it is my desire to be a tank. I've read the sticky (a very nice one) and some other threads but I'm confused on a couple things.

#1 - How do you calculate points into stats? I saw this awful looking formula and I'm hoping to have someone explain it simply please. If I am using a piece of gear that gives +XX DEF/+XX Shield...how many points equals a percentage? To put it in perspective...this is what I would like to try and do since this is what I think seems to be the suggested defensive stats.


END>STR>DEF>Shield Rating>Shield Absorption



So how many "points" to I need to have in order to get those percentage points?


I'm trying to get to be a good tank, statistically anyway, so I work on technique and then learn to be a valued member of a group...any advice would be greatfully appreciated :)


Honor & Respect!


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