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Abilities Levels


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Hey I'm new,


I just trained and get the feeling I clicked so fast to train abilities that one didn't take. When I checked to see whats the next training it showed what I just thought I trained in. More then likely its just my error, BUT Is there a list somewhere that shows what level abilities my character should have at certain levels?


For example I got a sage level 12 and the ability in question is the stun, Its a 3 right now is that right?



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there should be an option at the skill trainer to view all skills and have them sorted by level. that way you can see if you have the highest upgrade for your level at the time, as well as see what level you learn new skills/upgrades.


I do like that we can do that, but I'd really love a printable list. Wish they had a printable manual that I could jack, there is just something I like about handling it on paper. Let's me put 5 pages together of the most relevant things to my toon and keep them handy next to the computer, so I don't have to alt-tab and search google.

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Trainer does say what level......i don't trust it. I seriously get the feeling when I trained "it didn't take". I clicked on a ability and when it trains it, it shows in the middle of screen that you trained in it. But when I did stun it just went off the list without say.


I was hoping maybe theres a web page out there that lists a person's level and the level a person's ability should have. Or maybe someone knows out here what should be my level of "stun".



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Trainer does say what level......i don't trust it. I seriously get the feeling when I trained "it didn't take". I clicked on a ability and when it trains it, it shows in the middle of screen that you trained in it. But when I did stun it just went off the list without say.


I was hoping maybe theres a web page out there that lists a person's level and the level a person's ability should have. Or maybe someone knows out here what should be my level of "stun".




Well I do something that might solve your issue just for my own information I always look at what I'm about to pay to upgrade to see the difference. There is always a damage difference or time, or area of effect when you upgrade something you already have. So hover over the ability in your action bar and it says the damage, then buy the upgrade and you get to see it change in the action bar.


When I was broke and was forced to choose between two skills I'd always upgrade the one I used more first, or that gave the biggest benefit, so checking it on the action bar came in handy before buying.

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right before I trained I could have sworn it said rank 4....... clicked to train...... got rank 3...... that added with it not giving the announcement that it was trained gets me thinking It didn't take. Which is why im hoping someone gots a list that says ok folks who got level 11 can train up to ranks this or that. So maybe im sopose to have rank 3 at level 11......I don't know which is the whole point of finding this info and asking if anyone here knows. :D



Obviously you look to see changes and notice things prior to clicking them.....we on the same page there.... thing is when I clicked it the skill disapeared from the list but I didn't get a announcement saying i learned it niether did the rank appear to change. Im thinking man.....I didn't learn it. :confused:

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Yes I hit P.....the skill didn't go up. Its still level 3 rather then 4.


I could be wrong.....easiest way to check. Someone might have a list of what you get at what level.



Imagine you just leveled, you already have level 1 skil. you go to your trainer it says hey you get to train level 2. you click it, it disapears from the list. you press P to see if you got level 2......turns out you still have level 1.


So what would you do?


You might do what im doing now, asking if anyone gots a list of what you get at what level.



BTW im familiar with P folks.....im familiar with going to trainer and doing "show all".......the answer im looking for is more like a chart that tells you not only when you get what ability but when it gets bumped up.

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