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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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No one wants to group all the time in an MMO. People want to be able to log in for 15 minutes and still get a couple of quests done.


If a game's healing classes can only be stomached by the minority of players who loves the idea of having to group for just about every piece of content, the game is going to have very few healers.


Others have posted saying healing spec has no problem leveling, I haven't played my "healer" enough to really say, first 15-20 levels anyone can level mostly solo except for heroics so it's hard for me to say that's why I said "most mmo's healers have to group to level efficiently"


With that said, just make two characters, it's not that horrible. It's a story based MMO, you will run the same quests for some of it but the story is different so it might actually be fun. A solo character and a group character. Hardly a huge problem.

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I'm leveling as a Seer. I'm not going any slower than anyone else. I did my research and the spec I am using is kicking tail.


That being said, I don't see any point to increasing respec costs. I'm fine with not being able to change ACs, but why can't I feel free to experiment in my chosen AC? Especially when it comes to some of those '% damage reduction' vs '% healing received' choices.

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Respecing should be charged up to a cap, however, having a multi-spec system is the norm in this day and age. WoW has it for 2 and 1/2 years. Rift had it from the get go with 9 possible trees per class (and you could easily have 4 specs with little money investment). I love the game, but the lack of multi-spec is absurd.


This is diversity: I can play my class to its fully extent, with whatever role the situation requires. "Bring the player, not the class" that's somebody else motto that applies so well.


You don't like switching roles? Don't do it. Affects your immersion? Don't do it. Affects your RP? Again don't change your role, ever. Don't buy or use the dual-spec once it comes out. But please, don't advocate limiting how other people play their game.


I'm an IA Medic for choice (level 28 at this point) and I don't have a problem leveling up (thanks for companions), however I would LOVE to be able to play with the other trees, but without a multi-spec system it becomes a burden (all the walk to and from the trainer). And for 60 bucks plus 15 a month I think I'm in a position to require that I be able to enjoy my character however way I like.

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Unless I am completely mistaken, BW said that the cost of respeccing goes up the more you do it BUT it will slowly drop down to its base cost the longer you DON'T respec.


Meaning that you can still 'explore' the classes (as the OP wants) and you can still change your class to become better when you find a new combination, but BW doesn't seem to want people to do what the OP is doing now without consequences (respecing every few minutes).


As such, why is the OP bringing up a complaint that is easily fixed with just slowing down and allowing the game to drop his expenses as designed?

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Do you realise this old generation are paying customers as well? Do you realise some people might have different views on what fun is?


Yeah they are but me being able to freely re specialize has NO influence on their game play.


Oh wait... it does: LOWER INSTANCE WAITING TIMES because there are more healers and tanks.


BAD THING am i right? You don't want to play you want to wait because it's so cool to wait like in the old days...


Please get a grip... games are there to entertain people, not to replace real life jobs and fancy your masochistic tendencies.

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So what do you play on the servers on my server, there are slightly more tanks and healers than dps earlier today I was looking for 15 minutes after two DPS for a flash point in the end I had to content myself with two healers and a dps I see no problems with how the game looks like today and then do not forget your companions you have guaranteed a tank or dps companion. myself, I play as tank and I have my dps companion out there to dps down the mobs. when I play solo
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. And for 60 bucks plus 15 a month I think I'm in a position to require that I be able to enjoy my character however way I like.


What? No, for $60 and $15 a month you bought a game with all the limitations it was released with. The OP is actually arguing that the limitations are wrong, some agree some disagree NO ONE can disagree with the fact the limits on respecs were known if you did any research on the topic before you bought it.

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Honestly, you don't have to respec. You chose to respec.. It shouldn't be easy or cheap to flip flop back and forth between any spec as a single character. It straight out kills diversity in the game.


Actually it adds diversity. Limiting what people can do kills diversity.

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Anyone notice the flash page.


"If you want to respec just hit the button in your skill tree." <Paraphrased>


So at some point, either future or past, Bioware thought respecs should be cheap and easy.


Dual specs are confirmed as coming soon after launch too.

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Unless I am completely mistaken, BW said that the cost of respeccing goes up the more you do it BUT it will slowly drop down to its base cost the longer you DON'T respec.


Meaning that you can still 'explore' the classes (as the OP wants) and you can still change your class to become better when you find a new combination, but BW doesn't seem to want people to do what the OP is doing now without consequences (respecing every few minutes).


As such, why is the OP bringing up a complaint that is easily fixed with just slowing down and allowing the game to drop his expenses as designed?


Its also designed to roll multiple players. If you want a second player, build one. You get bonuses to leveling just by logging them off correctly. You can level rest, and level another character.


The point is they want you to level an ALT.

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I think there needs to be a cap on how high the costs can go. (maybe base it on level? certain amount of respecs cost more or less based on level) And that costs should drop as time goes on. It drops a notch every week, say. So let's say I respec three times in a week. A week from that last respec it drops one notch but only ever as low as the cost of the first paid respec. IE it's never free again.


I think ever increasing costs that never reduce is a problem. I want to mess around with specs and find what works best for me and what's the most fun. Not get stuck in a possibly poorly chosen set of skills and know that if I want to change to a spec that might be more enjoyable that I am going to have to fork over an ever increasing pile of credits.


I agree that specialization should not be changeable. One I am a Commando, say, I am always Commando.


Perhaps at level 50 we can have an alternate spec for different skill sets. But I don't feel all that strongly about the dual spec issue. Just the respec costs. I agree they need to be "tamed" somewhat.

Edited by ZapperWeisman
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What? No, for $60 and $15 a month you bought a game with all the limitations it was released with. The OP is actually arguing that the limitations are wrong, some agree some disagree NO ONE can disagree with the fact the limits on respecs were known if you did any research on the topic before you bought it.


Umm, I actually did and that's why I have been leveling as a healer, to avoid the cap-less respecing costs.


Sorry if it wasn't clear to you from the rest of my post, but here in easier words: I'm advocating the game needs a multi-spec system as soon as possible, preferably in the next patch.

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Dual spec is needed. I wouldn't mind if questing on a healer wasn't so terrible.


It's not needed, it might be nice (for a lot of the population, I can admit I'm in the vast minority) but it's for sure not needed. Again many have posted saying that leveling a healer isn't hard at all.

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yeah, no. I don't want that help. at all. I don't want everyone being able to do at least two things (tank/dps or heal/dps)


I want people to stick to the job they chose.



if someone says to me 'ok I will spec for heals but you pay my specs' that tells me they're probably a really bad healer because they normally don't use the skills and have no clue how to handle the class like that.


Someone who plays a healing scoundrel two hours a week is a better healer than a sage who heals 20 hours a week and pvps as balance 20 hours a week. The percentage of time you devote to a role is the quintessential measure of skill.

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Dual spec is needed. I wouldn't mind if questing on a healer wasn't so terrible.


Dual spec isn't needed, it's just someting a bunch of people want because "I can't get into the fight like the warriors can" if you wanted to get into the fight, then you should have rolled a Sith Warrior, or Jedi Knight.


If you can't quest on your healer, then you aren't using the right companion. As prevously stated people are leveling with no problems as a healer when using the right companion.

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Wow, I didn't know they only allowed one character per account, when did this happen? Oh, they didn't? Sounds like you can experiment all you want, can't you?


I honestly hate respec, I hate dual spec, I hate being able to change from DPS to heal in the first place. Or Heal to tank, or Tank to DPS etc etc etc.. You want to heal roll a healer and deal with the good and the bad and learn to play from level 1. Want a DPS, then do the same thing. There is well more then enough content that you can solo, duo and four man without any "holy trinity" if you play right that there is zero need for any type of "fix my spec" at all, I don't mind the pay to respec and I'm glad if you keep doing it you won't be able to afford it.


Some of the most idiotic reasoning I've ever heard. And I've heard a lot!

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It's not needed, it might be nice (for a lot of the population, I can admit I'm in the vast minority) but it's for sure not needed. Again many have posted saying that leveling a healer isn't hard at all.


Yes, it's needed. It's almost 2012 and this is a feature that's on the market for years. Once again "bring the player, not the class".


Not having it constrains your choices (or penalizes you for swapping roles however many times you like). Having it gives you the option to not use it. Simple as that.

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Fair enough they change.


Do you realise this old generation are paying customers as well? Do you realise some people might have different views on what fun is?


My whole point is simply this: Instead of talking extremes or telling each other why one side should accept the views of the other, we should talk constructively on how to compromise to give something to both sides.


The compromise is that when dual speccing for talents goes live, we'll use it and you don't have to. It'll always be optional.

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Yes, it's needed. It's almost 2012 and this is a feature that's on the market for years. Once again "bring the player, not the class".


Not having it constrains your choices (or penalizes you for swapping roles however many times you like). Having it gives you the option to not use it. Simple as that.


People should decide on what spec they want to play and stick with it. Too much "this is 2012 and we re entitiled to have dual specs" going around.


I personally think dual spec has ruined the mmo, and yes I'm from the older generation of mmo players.


I hope it's while until they put dual spec in the game plus you have to remember, two classes don't have the ability to change, it's dps or dps.

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