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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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You have no right to force other people to play a game the way you see it.


That's why we give people choices on how to play.


Same goes the other way around though. Just because it is a choice for you it doesn't mean it might not have any effect on others who might not like it.

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How many respecs is that anyway?

The thing is... you could have stopped re-speccing when you noticed it climbed higher and higher. Since I haven't respecced yet I have no idea what the costs are, but I somehow doubt that it goes from 10 -> 1000 -> 15000 -> 36550, even if it does one would think that you would be more careful respeccing when you notice the high jumps.

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What i was doing was exploring which option i liked better. I didn't know and kept switching back and forth. I was doing comparisons of playstyles and the such


I can't make snap decisions without doing some expiermenting. And sometimes when i reach new levels new talents get access with my skill points. And I want to try them. But I can't because BIOWARE decided to limit my ability to have fun by providing a credit sink in the forum of talent restests.


If no one here can honestly sympathize, and understand the situation that I and other people are in, and then logically come to the conclusion that what's goin on here is a bit fishy, then there really is no use in conversing with you.


See I think the key is your MMO life and what you "grew up on". Having played and loved Everquest from launch I love that it was hard, and that if you wanted a healer you had to start from level 1 and build it. Yea it was tough, you couldn't solo and (oh crap!) actually find people in an MMO to group with constantly, but it was rewarding (as a game goes). If you, or others, "grew up on" or shifted to the WoW generation then you can't live without your dual spec/respec or whatever simply because you can't deal with that fact your character might have a 1% flaw.


Honestly the problem I have with any respec/dual spec is you end up with people healing that have no idea how to, or trying to tank without any concept of the skills they now have to do it. They change on the fly just to get into a group, yet they really have no idea what they are doing. In a game with "social points" that problem increases.

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Respeccing already exists. So i don't know what you are talking about


Respeccing as in you push a button and your spec changes to another spec.. Like in WOW..


I wouldn't consider what we have now to be respeccing.. Technically it is.. But you can't do it mid flashpoint or operation.. You can't store more than one spec, like a PVP spec..


It hasn't been stated how much the ability will cost or even if it will cost.. But it is comming.. There was a big to do about this during the beta..


There will be NO AC switching however so don't ask.. :cool:

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See I think the key is your MMO life and what you "grew up on". Having played and loved Everquest from launch I love that it was hard, and that if you wanted a healer you had to start from level 1 and build it. Yea it was tough, you couldn't solo and (oh crap!) actually find people in an MMO to group with constantly, but it was rewarding (as a game goes). If you, or others, "grew up on" or shifted to the WoW generation then you can't live without your dual spec/respec or whatever simply because you can't deal with that fact your character might have a 1% flaw.


Honestly the problem I have with any respec/dual spec is you end up with people healing that have no idea how to, or trying to tank without any concept of the skills they now have to do it. They change on the fly just to get into a group, yet they really have no idea what they are doing. In a game with "social points" that problem increases.


I don't see this as an issue. People who do this sort of thing already perform badly at their current roles. It's easy to sort them out. The problem exists with or without dual spec.


But in any case, everyone has to learn and start from somewhere.

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You have no right to force other people to play a game the way you see it.


That's why we give people choices on how to play.


I'm obviously not 'forcing' people, but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to voice my opinion. and my opinion is: don't make this game too easy

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Not true at all. Your twisting misconceptions to make them a fact.


Sorry? Of course it goes both ways, it always does.


You tell one person not to force others to play a certain way and yet at the same time you try to 'force' others to play a certain way, yours, and justify it by saying it is an option. That's like me telling you if you want a different spec you have the option to reroll. Happy? :rolleyes:

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I agree that Respecs should cost something, but only after a certain level. Up until then you're experimenting with your character and trying to figure out if you really want to play that role or not.


Like me, I really like the way my Assassin can DPS, but I'm really debating whether or not to respec to the tank tree because it just looks like fun. I shouldn't have to dump all my credits just to try it out and find out I don't like it....


Maybe they could make them free, but make it so the ability to respec had like a 3 day cooldown or something. That way, it still allows people to experiment and prohibits them from doing it that often, but doesn't cost people a lot of credits that could be used on something more worthwhile.

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I think they should encourage people by supporting their needs. If healers are in demand later but all along they penalize them by making it hard to level in a healer spec, then we *Should* expect to see a shortage of them later on. If this is the case, then they should be allowed to have a Healer spec as well as a DPS spec.
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This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


10k max? Are you kidding. That's a drop in the bucket. Respecing should be a concious, thought out choice, not a herp derp respec again choice.

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I don't see this as an issue. People who do this sort of thing already perform badly at their current roles. It's easy to sort them out. The problem exists with or without dual spec.


But in any case, everyone has to learn and start from somewhere.


As you get higher levels, if you don't have dual/respec you will lose the really bad players and they will all go DPS. A bad healer won't keep playing a healer because it's not fun. Bad DPS rarely get yelled at, bad healers and tanks hear it big time in a group. So the problem exists yes, but it's greatly increased when you add in changing specs in anyway.

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I'm obviously not 'forcing' people, but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to voice my opinion. and my opinion is: don't make this game too easy


Define "making this game too easy"


Do you mean "Lets make people search for a long time befrore they can find a healer to heal their dungeon"


Because that's exactly what it's sounding like.

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I'm obviously not 'forcing' people, but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to voice my opinion. and my opinion is: don't make this game too easy


Your opinion is garbage. Healing specs should be able to solo decently or swap to a DPS spec.


This is 2011. Everquest-style inconveniences like this belong back in the 90s.

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This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


Are you OCD? Stop trying to respec so often until they add in a dual spec. Just be a healer if that's what you want to do and make your buddies/guildmates level with you. Since most servers had a 30min queue last night and the games not even out, you should have plenty of people to play with.


I'm a tank and leveling with a Juggy Immortal tree focus. I tank instances and when I'm soloing I usually just ask those around me if they wan to join. Most say sure and I don't even bother to equip dps off-hands either. Plus you get bonus xp for grouping.

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I already can't switch advance classes. That's enough diversity.


Thats because your AC IS your class. NOT. YOUR. SPEC.


Seriously, why can so few people get their heads around this simple fact? :confused:



Try playing WoW and "respec"ing from Hunter to Paladin and let me know how that works out.

Edited by Darth_Sinistor
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This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


To persuade you to stick with 1....

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Define "making this game too easy"


Do you mean "Lets make people search for a long time befrore they can find a healer to heal their dungeon"


Because that's exactly what it's sounding like.


well. yeah. essentially. because people could.. y'know.. just roll a tank or healer themselves.

most don't. because both roles are usually harder to level, and both roles are usually the ones who .really. need to pay attention during raids (not forgetting to mention it's always the healer who is blamed for wipes :rolleyes: )

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10k max? Are you kidding. That's a drop in the bucket. Respecing should be a concious, thought out choice, not a herp derp respec again choice.


It is. You have to go back to traverse all the way back to the rebel fleet to do it. It takes time out of what you are doing to do it. The "this costs more and more" as you respec is an ancient feature that never boils over well with the community as a whole.


It forces people to not explore as much as they would like


It aleinates the playerbase.


It eliminates choices.


Making choices in a game is great, but when it impedes on fun and exploration, that's where the line should be drawn, and the line should be drawn here. This is wrong.

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See I think the key is your MMO life and what you "grew up on". Having played and loved Everquest from launch I love that it was hard, and that if you wanted a healer you had to start from level 1 and build it. Yea it was tough, you couldn't solo and (oh crap!) actually find people in an MMO to group with constantly, but it was rewarding (as a game goes). If you, or others, "grew up on" or shifted to the WoW generation then you can't live without your dual spec/respec or whatever simply because you can't deal with that fact your character might have a 1% flaw.


Honestly the problem I have with any respec/dual spec is you end up with people healing that have no idea how to, or trying to tank without any concept of the skills they now have to do it. They change on the fly just to get into a group, yet they really have no idea what they are doing. In a game with "social points" that problem increases.



Yeah and we should lose all of our gear if he get knocked off a cliff. We should also have to wait for hours waiting for one mob to spawn.

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Are you OCD? Stop trying to respec so often until they add in a dual spec. Just be a healer if that's what you want to do and make your buddies/guildmates level with you. Since most servers had a 30min queue last night and the games not even out, you should have plenty of people to play with.


I'm a tank and leveling with a Juggy Immortal tree focus. I tank instances and when I'm soloing I usually just ask those around me if they wan to join. Most say sure and I don't even bother to equip dps off-hands either. Plus you get bonus xp for grouping.


I like exploring various talent options to discover if i like certain modes of playstyle better than others. I cant successfully do that with 3-4 respecs. I need more freedom. To make better informed decisions on how i should approach my views of having fun, i need more time to experiment.


Im sorry if your goals are incompatible with mine when it comes to wanting people to have fun.

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