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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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Problem here is, the OP isn't talking about experimenting. He's talking about *repeatedly* switching skill trees.


Re-spec should not come without a cost. If it were free, then basically.....


All 50th lvl characters have all skills / abilities.


Because if it's free to change, then maybe you should be able to change as often as you like, right?


Why force you to go to a vendor in the middle of a fight, when all you want is that top level power, *right now*, to deal with some other guy. Once you kill him off, of course, you'll switch back to heal, and fix yourself up....


In short, allowing free retraining would be a bad idea, and just lead to more bad ideas.[/QUOTE]


Finally :)


...no matter how they sugar coat it...this is what the respec demanders want.


And like I said, its ezmode.



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Yes, I thought of that too :)


Have to give people something to spend those credits on, after they've filled up the vehicle tab with 1.5 Mill speeders, and have their starship and armor maxed out :)


But unfortunately this too will incourage money farming and buying.

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Make respecing difficult, not impossible due to cost.


Require the character to go back to a home planet. (Currently on the capital ship/world has the respec vendor.)


I agree being able to switch skill tree points during a warzone is just silly.


Perhaps setting the skill tree adjustment on a countdown after use would be a good way to find a happy balance? Cost might serve the same purpose, but the time it takes to acquire 50K credits will be different for different players. That's part of what is wrong with the system now.


The game should support players trying to find what works best for them, and finding what works best should not escalate in cost or require players to reroll the same character from the beginning.

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Just out of curiousity what is the initial respec cost? Not to habitually respec but some people will make mistakes or decide they have difficulty playing a certain spec.


Dont have exact figures but BW have repeatedly stated that initial respecs are fairly affordable, just in case one makes a bad choice.


I seem to remember BW stating the price increases exponentially after the first few respecs however. This is a fair compromise imo.



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Dont have exact figures but BW have repeatedly stated that initial respecs are fairly affordable, just in case one makes a bad choice.


I seem to remember BW stating the price increases exponentially after the first few respecs however. This is a fair compromise imo.




I agree Driz. One thing I notice about cheap respeccing is it cheapens healers. Anyone can pay a few credits and say, "Look ma I can heal!" while they should stick to DPSing.

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And that's your problem. You're going solo.


This is a social game. Social levels. Social gear. RP servers. It's not all about what set of pvp gear *you* are saving up for.


Some people here, you know, build a character, and invest the time to consider their options, before deciding what to do.


Some people, once they've decided, then play that character to it's fullest, with what *they* chose.


Play the character, not just the game.


If this was a single player game, I'd agree with you.


Its not. Its an MMO. There's no reason to have to select a single role forever. Besides, its a game, not a job.


I selected Commando because I would like to heal. However, healing is not a great way to level. Its definitely slower than leveling DPS.


Companions mitigate this some, and I imagine it will get better when I get my tanky companion. However, when the game becomes tedious, and is no longer fun, then I'll simply leave. I assure you that I'm not alone in this. Its not a threat, simply a reality. My dollars are finite, I'll spend them where I'll get the most fun.


For now, this game is fun, but it needs some work. Dual Spec is one of those things. A "dealbreaker" if you would. It makes no sense to not have it, just like it makes no sense to not have some other features that more and less successful MMOs have. This game has been in development for years, for some things to not have gone live makes them conscious design decisions. To me, that's willful disdain for the player. A lot of people will not tolerate that sort of attitude from a game dev.


Just look at what's happening to WoW. They're hemorohagging subs at an alarming rate because they're taking the game in a direction that a lot of their players don't want it to go. People vote with their wallets, and I'll be voting with mine if improvements aren't in the works.


I'm not asking for an ez-mode IWIN button, nor is anyone else that wants dual spec. Its not game breaking by any stretch of the imagination. And, after all, the devs have said that is *is* coming. So, I've already kinda won. The only thing that remains to be seen is *when* it'll come.

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Although I certainly would love to have dual specs, an alternative solution would be simply to have an ability like shadowform in WoW.

In other words giving healers two forms, one that cancels the ability to use certain heals and decreases healing done by 80% and a second one that unlocks those heals, increases healing done by 50% and lowers damage done by 80%.


Sith assassins already have two abilities that allow them to either go dps or tank, why can healers not have those.

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If this was a single player game, I'd agree with you.


Its not. Its an MMO. There's no reason to have to select a single role forever. Besides, its a game, not a job.


I selected Commando because I would like to heal. However, healing is not a great way to level. Its definitely slower than leveling DPS.


Companions mitigate this some, and I imagine it will get better when I get my tanky companion. However, when the game becomes tedious, and is no longer fun, then I'll simply leave. I assure you that I'm not alone in this. Its not a threat, simply a reality. My dollars are finite, I'll spend them where I'll get the most fun.


For now, this game is fun, but it needs some work. Dual Spec is one of those things. A "dealbreaker" if you would. It makes no sense to not have it, just like it makes no sense to not have some other features that more and less successful MMOs have. This game has been in development for years, for some things to not have gone live makes them conscious design decisions. To me, that's willful disdain for the player. A lot of people will not tolerate that sort of attitude from a game dev.


Just look at what's happening to WoW. They're hemorohagging subs at an alarming rate because they're taking the game in a direction that a lot of their players don't want it to go. People vote with their wallets, and I'll be voting with mine if improvements aren't in the works.


I'm not asking for an ez-mode IWIN button, nor is anyone else that wants dual spec. Its not game breaking by any stretch of the imagination. And, after all, the devs have said that is *is* coming. So, I've already kinda won. The only thing that remains to be seen is *when* it'll come.


Trust me, there is no winning in this scenario.


IF dual spec is implemented the very same people will no doubt be demanding tri-spec or even the ability to switch base class at level 50 to a n other class whilst retaining the level 50 status. They will say their time is precious and they should not be punished for wanting to experiment with other classes....


Like someone else said earlier, bad ideas breed more and more bad ideas...



Edited by ImperialSun
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Dual spec would make it a lot more ineteresting to roll a healer. Even tank characters have the advantage that they can soak a lot of damage so they can still speed up their play by just pulling larger groups but since you can't heal mobs to death your solo play as a healer is just annoying.

You don't need to be able to switch at the push of a button (the WoW version is to easy imo) but having the option available in some way would definately encourage people to heal. There is a reason healers have a rep for being rare in any MMO. Good thing I actually like to do it but I won't be leveling one untill I have another character which I can use to make life a bit easier on a healer. A cap on respeccing costs would be nice as well. Especially for people who like to explore both PVE and PVP with their main toon.

Remember: people exploring different talent specs are not gamebreaking for you... they can only use one spec at a time anyway.

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Honestly, you don't have to respec. You chose to respec.. It shouldn't be easy or cheap to flip flop back and forth between any spec as a single character. It straight out kills diversity in the game.

Don't expect to see any healers then, because leveling as a healer is excruciating at higher levels by all accounts.

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Trust me, there is no winning in this scenario.


IF dual spec is implemented the very same people will no doubt be demanding tri-spec or even the ability to switch base class at level 50 to a n other class whilst retaining the level 50 status. They will say there time is precious and they should not be punished for wanting to experiment with other classes....


Like someone else said earlier, bad ideas breed more and more bad ideas...




Except dual spec isn't a bad idea.


You're making a slippery slope argument. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to AC switching as well. After all, the game really only has 4 classes with 2 specs available to each.


But the very mention of that throws people into a hissy fit, so eh. Dual spec I could live with.

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Dual spec would make it a lot more ineteresting to roll a healer. Even tank characters have the advantage that they can soak a lot of damage so they can still speed up their play by just pulling larger groups but since you can't heal mobs to death your solo play as a healer is just annoying.

You don't need to be able to switch at the push of a button (the WoW version is to easy imo) but having the option available in some way would definately encourage people to heal. There is a reason healers have a rep for being rare in any MMO. Good thing I actually like to do it but I won't be leveling one untill I have another character which I can use to make life a bit easier on a healer. A cap on respeccing costs would be nice as well. Especially for people who like to explore both PVE and PVP with their main toon.

Remember: people exploring different talent specs are not gamebreaking for you... they can only use one spec at a time anyway.


Yes but its the ability to switch classes on the fly in the middle of battle that is game breaking for everyone.


That is what most people seem to be requesting.


If a dual spec is implemented with say a restriction that you can only switch specs by going back to fleet or your starting planet....or say each switch you make then puts you in a lockout for maybe 3-5 days before another switch....that would be a fair compromise.



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Actually the Dev response was that dual spec was being considered.


No, it wasn't.


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).




It's coming, wether you like it or not.

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Yes but its the ability to switch classes on the fly in the middle of battle that is game breaking for everyone.


That is what most people seem to be requesting.


If a dual spec is implemented with say a restriction that you can only switch specs by going back to fleet or your starting planet....or say each switch you make then puts you in a lockout for maybe 3-5 days before another switch....that would be a fair compromise.




No games that I am aware of allow Spec switching in combat.


And a 3-5 day lockout? Good lord.


Why does dual spec bother you so much that you want to put such restrictions on it? How does someone else's playstyle affect you so negatively?

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