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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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I don't see how leveling with healer would be slow. Myself leveling sawbone.

I think lot of people make mistake not doing most of quests and leaving at first chance.


Far as I've played to level 24 so far it seems you can get about 2+ levels to next planet/place this way. The dps of healers may not be par with dps of other trees thats true.


But you can offset it with higher level and companion also will have higher level with better gear as levels grow.


Swtor is very easy game to level. Its not like BC on WoW at all.


Levelling a healer isn't slow at all.


OP was just using it as fake criticism to justify his latest demand is all :)



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Why not make the cost go down after a Week.


For Example


i have DPS spec want to go heal cost 5000 credits

i go back to dps cost 10000 credits

i wait a week reduce cost by 5000 credits

i want do go back to healer cost 10000 credits

i wait 2 weeks reduce cost by 10000

i respecc dps cost 5000 credits

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Don't be so flakey and stick with the choices you make.

It was YOUR choice ... deal with it.

Don't expect the game to be recoded because you have the attention span of a goldfish.


Has nothing to do with attention span.


It has to do with flexibility. If I'm stuck in an AC/Spec, having the ability to fulfill both roles that that spec is capable of is a good thing.


Otherwise, good luck finding healers. Or Tanks.


If I can solo well as a DPS focused Commando, and less well as a Healy Commando, guess which Tree I'm goin down?


I want to heal for my friends in group content and raids and such. I shouldn't have to spend thousands of credits on respec fees so I can solo effectively too.


I'm a trooper, it shouldn't be any different than picking up my healing gear and going to town. There's RP justification right there. You people with you"Your choices must matter!!!" and "Pick something and stick with it!!!" Don't get that needs change. Playstyles change. One night the guild may need me to heal, and the next they may need me to DPS. Since I can effectively do either, why should it cost me a ridiculous amount of credits to perform and play with my friends?


In any event, Dual Spec *is* coming, and that's a good thing. When? Hopefully sooner than the two months or so it'll take for all the little frustrations I have with the game to pile up and cause me to walk away and not come back.


Story's only gonna carry this game so far. Poor mechanics and lack of quality of life improvements are going to become that much more glaring once the newness of the story wears off.

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I can't believe there are still people in 2011 who make arguments against respeccing in MMOs. For the love of god get your head out of the 1990s. This isn't EQ anymore and you probably wouldn't want to play that game today anyway, otherwise the servers are up for it right now so be my guest. Edited by CaptainInsano
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Levelling a healer isn't slow at all.


OP was just using it as fake criticism to justify his latest demand is all :)




You are right, solo or not this game difficulty is ok at it is... yet is demand is valid in some others aspect of gameplay.


but still, you clearly dont understand that the way you see gaming is archaic... if you want to play a game where you cant respec and any choice u make punish you for your future levels... SO BE IT. dont hit the respec button but then zip it cause we will use it and you shouldnt care about it.

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I can't believe there are still people in 2011 who make arguments against respeccing in MMOs. For the love of god get your head out of the 1990s. This isn't EQ anymore and you probably wouldn't want to play that game today anyway, otherwise the servers are up for it right now so be my guest.


No! You have to live with your choices or you must reroll a new character!


How else will the sanctity of this game be preserved if anyone can fulfill any role!

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Has nothing to do with attention span.


It has to do with flexibility. If I'm stuck in an AC/Spec, having the ability to fulfill both roles that that spec is capable of is a good thing.


Otherwise, good luck finding healers. Or Tanks.


Finding tanks and healers should be EASIER if there is no dual-spec. Why? Because it forces people to put points into trees that allow a variety of roles. Need a DPS? Here's a SORC/Sage. Need a healer? Here's a SORC/Sage.


Respecing SHOULD be expensive because it is a choice people are making. If you want to overspecialize, that is your choice. Don't blame the game for what you are willingly doing.

Edited by Beemerchick
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Has nothing to do with attention span.


It has to do with flexibility. If I'm stuck in an AC/Spec, having the ability to fulfill both roles that that spec is capable of is a good thing.


Otherwise, good luck finding healers. Or Tanks.


If I can solo well as a DPS focused Commando, and less well as a Healy Commando, guess which Tree I'm goin down?


I want to heal for my friends in group content and raids and such. I shouldn't have to spend thousands of credits on respec fees so I can solo effectively too.


I'm a trooper, it shouldn't be any different than picking up my healing gear and going to town. There's RP justification right there. You people with you"Your choices must matter!!!" and "Pick something and stick with it!!!" Don't get that needs change. Playstyles change. One night the guild may need me to heal, and the next they may need me to DPS. Since I can effectively do either, why should it cost me a ridiculous amount of credits to perform and play with my friends?


In any event, Dual Spec *is* coming, and that's a good thing. When? Hopefully sooner than the two months or so it'll take for all the little frustrations I have with the game to pile up and cause me to walk away and not come back.


Story's only gonna carry this game so far. Poor mechanics and lack of quality of life improvements are going to become that much more glaring once the newness of the story wears off.


If you want to heal your friends then roll a healer spec.


If you want to put out huge dps as a trooper then roll a trooper.


What you are asking for is to be all things to all men by clicking a mouse button a couple of times, at will.


That is called an I WIN button...all of the OPs and many others in this threads justifications for quick and easy respeccing boils down to wanting to have a character capable of everything and all playstyles...because its convenient....for them personally.



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I can't believe there are still people in 2011 who make arguments against respeccing in MMOs. For the love of god get your head out of the 1990s. This isn't EQ anymore and you probably wouldn't want to play that game today anyway, otherwise the servers are up for it right now so be my guest.


its crazy huh? it completely amaze me, they think because the way they want to play should restrict the features others want. Thus such a feature would defined by the fact they can or not use it, yet have a choice to respec is the end of the world to them...


because those ppl think their hardcore-hello-ive-made-20char-to-endup-with-that-one-ive-lost-3000hours-that-way-gaming-style is the best way to play a game.

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Finding tanks and healers should be EASIER if there is no dual-spec. Why? Because it forces people to put points into trees that allow a variety of roles. Need a DPS? Here's a SORC/Sage. Need a healer? Here's a SORC/Sage.


Respecing SHOULD be expensive because it is a choice people are making. If you want to overspecialize, that is your choice. Don't blame the game for what you are willingly doing.


Having a "hybrid" build tank or healer in a flashpoint beyond level 30 is a recipe for wipes.

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You are right, solo or not this game difficulty is ok at it is... yet is demand is valid in some others aspect of gameplay.


but still, you clearly dont understand that the way you see gaming is archaic... if you want to play a game where you cant respec and any choice u make punish you for your future levels... SO BE IT. dont hit the respec button but then zip it cause we will use it and you shouldnt care about it.


And you clearly dont understand the way you see gaming is self entitled and instant gratification.


The purpose is not to punish but to give your previous choices meaning.


Do you not consider the ability to switch from one spec to another at will to be just slightly over powered? Is it balanced? Hell no.


Its the usual I want to be all things to all men, with no effort or consequence.


Why not just demand a quest at level 1 which, upon completion creates one of each spec on your account, maxes your toons to all levels and awards the best end game gear at the same time?


That way you really wont have to work for anything at all....



Edited by ImperialSun
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If this is the way they planned to do it in the long run. You may aswell just unsub now.

You will have to look for ages in a months time to find healers and tanks.


I planned to go dps in pvp and healing for operations. No way in hell im gonna do that now. Gonna stay dps now. If i even gonna keep playing. This game is lacking in so many important Areas. Just look at the ugly action bars with almost no option to customize

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Finding tanks and healers should be EASIER if there is no dual-spec. Why? Because it forces people to put points into trees that allow a variety of roles. Need a DPS? Here's a SORC/Sage. Need a healer? Here's a SORC/Sage.


Respecing SHOULD be expensive because it is a choice people are making. If you want to overspecialize, that is your choice.


Except in reality it doesn't work that way.


For people that want to solo effectively, and really that's a huge portion of the playerbase, considering how solo friendly this game is, they'll spec down the most solo friendly DPS tree to grind quest mobs. Since they're locked into that spec with ridiculous respec costs, they'll be less likely to respec to heals or tank as it goes on. So, said person that *wants* to heal, but since speccing heals ends up making grinding quests even more slow and grindy, they'll respec to DPS and move on and say "Eh, I'll just respec when I get to 50."


I've been heal specced for 26 levels or so, and its starting to slow down. Mobs are taking longer to kill, and I'm about ready to respec to DPS just so I can derive enjoyment from the game without it being tedious. Bang, the healer "shortage" just got one deeper.


From the time that I spent in Coru and Taris most of the LFG chatter was "Esselles group looking for a healer and GTG." "Locust group LFH and ready!"


Locking people into their roles is only going to hurt the game in the long run.

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Why not just demand a quest at level 1 which, upon completion creates one of each spec on your account, maxes your toons to all levels and awards the best end game gear at the same time?


Newsflash: By exaggeration something into ridiculous areas you can make the most reasonable and needed changes look "bad".


It is no valid argument.

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Except in reality it doesn't work that way.


For people that want to solo effectively, and really that's a huge portion of the playerbase, considering how solo friendly this game is, they'll spec down the most solo friendly DPS tree to grind quest mobs. Since they're locked into that spec with ridiculous respec costs, they'll be less likely to respec to heals or tank as it goes on. So, said person that *wants* to heal, but since speccing heals ends up making grinding quests even more slow and grindy, they'll respec to DPS and move on and say "Eh, I'll just respec when I get to 50."


I think you misunderstood me. (I probably was not too clear.) If you want to be DPS for single-player and heal groups, you have 2 trees that allow you to do both. Put points in both. Will that make you the best at either? No. Will you be able to do both? Yes. Will you most likely be better at both than the person who re-speced 5 minutes ago and has never actually played with their current build? Most likely.

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You would think people who are claiming to be "adults" would relish the idea of dual-talent specialization.


As an adult, I have a life outside of video games. I don't want to have to re-level an entirely new character of the same class just to experience what I should have been able to experience the first time around. It's not as if the story changes significantly with a new character, unless I purposefully make one "light side" and the other "dark side."

Edited by Ainotna
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If you want to heal your friends then roll a healer spec.


If you want to put out huge dps as a trooper then roll a trooper.


What you are asking for is to be all things to all men by clicking a mouse button a couple of times, at will.


That is called an I WIN button...all of the OPs and many others in this threads justifications for quick and easy respeccing boils down to wanting to have a character capable of everything and all playstyles...because its convenient....for them personally.




No. That's not what people that would like dual spec are asking for.


Most of the ACs have a DPS role and a Tank/Heals role. A couple can only DPS.


Its not possible for any single character to be "All things to all people", nor is this what Dual Spec is intended to solve.


For most people, the DPS role is the most entertaining. A few people like tanking, and a few people like healing. I happen to enjoy healing.


However, what I don't enjoy is taking a significantly longer amount of time to kill quest mobs because I want to be able to heal for my friends in FPs and Raids. I'd be willing to wager that's how a lot of healing players feel too after seeing the amount of looking for heals spam over the weekend.


Dual Spec encourages diversity and its absolutely necessary for the game's community. By punishing (in essence) the players that don't want to DPS you're going to end up with a greater proportion of DPS to heals/tanks. Since the group size is 4, one tank, one heals and two DPS will be the standard make up. Fully 25 percent of the players will need to be heals, and 25% will need to be tanks.


I don't see those ratios. That's a bad thing.

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For most people, the DPS role is the most entertaining. A few people like tanking, and a few people like healing. I happen to enjoy healing.


However, what I don't enjoy is taking a significantly longer amount of time to kill quest mobs because I want to be able to heal for my friends in FPs and Raids. I'd be willing to wager that's how a lot of healing players feel too after seeing the amount of looking for heals spam over the weekend.


There's 2 of us at least.


I will keep respeccing for flashpoints until the costs get prohibitive and then respond to every LFH with "I would join, but I cannot due to respec costs".

Edited by Psykhe
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This has NOTHING to do with instant gratification. It has all to do with wanting to experiment with the advanced class you choose. If you choose an advanced class with 2 roles how stupid is it it costs so much to change it. Bioware design it but won't let you use it unless you pay a fortune. Good job Bioware, you want to punish players for choice in a game where you gave them a choice.


Plus games should be FUN not time consuming. It should NEVER be time consuming to do such a trivial task. Players should be able to respec whenever they wish to fit the situation.


Problem here is, the OP isn't talking about experimenting. He's talking about *repeatedly* switching skill trees.


Re-spec should not come without a cost. If it were free, then basically.....


All 50th lvl characters have all skills / abilities.


Because if it's free to change, then maybe you should be able to change as often as you like, right?


Why force you to go to a vendor in the middle of a fight, when all you want is that top level power, *right now*, to deal with some other guy. Once you kill him off, of course, you'll switch back to heal, and fix yourself up....


In short, allowing free retraining would be a bad idea, and just lead to more bad ideas.

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If I can solo well as a DPS focused Commando, and less well as a Healy Commando, guess which Tree I'm goin down?



And that's your problem. You're going solo.


This is a social game. Social levels. Social gear. RP servers. It's not all about what set of pvp gear *you* are saving up for.


Some people here, you know, build a character, and invest the time to consider their options, before deciding what to do.


Some people, once they've decided, then play that character to it's fullest, with what *they* chose.


Play the character, not just the game.

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