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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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I think even less impact of actual decisions during gameplay won't do this game any good. In fact I personally consider the cost for respeccing to be too low. The reason why respeccing is in the game at all is simply that no player should have to quit due to "wrong" choices they made in terms of picking their skills - which then permanently gimped their character.


Respeccing to be a healer one day and a DPS or tank the other day is a whole different story and should not be allowed in any game that is considered and wants to represent more than a simple treadmill grinding experience. I think TOR is a nice game, it provides for a good story playing experience and only after 100 hours of gameplay kicks in with some endgame - the latter not beeing the singular focus of what defines playing this game. That is, essentially, diametrally different in setup from WoW or Rift - which I personally think is a good thing and which adds a valuable "second kind" of MMO to the market which I think is best suited for mature players and such people who do actually have a work-life.


I for one really hope they keep the distinction between classes intact by not allowing cheap respecs, let alone dual or multi speccing - that ruins the immersion and immersion is what sets this game apart from other MMOs. In my opinion BioWare should have learned from the mistakes they made with DragonAge 2 - there is not much credit left for the company with their original and faithful fan-base.


Thank you for your time.


This is probably the most well written post in this thread.


Besides, 36550 credits isn't that much. You make quite a bit from PvP, Space combat and questing. Just don't respec too often and you should be fine.

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I think even less impact of actual decisions during gameplay won't do this game any good. In fact I personally consider the cost for respeccing to be too low. The reason why respeccing is in the game at all is simply that no player should have to quit due to "wrong" choices they made in terms of picking their skills - which then permanently gimped their character.


Respeccing to be a healer one day and a DPS or tank the other day is a whole different story and should not be allowed in any game that is considered and wants to represent more than a simple treadmill grinding experience. I think TOR is a nice game, it provides for a good story playing experience and only after 100 hours of gameplay kicks in with some endgame - the latter not beeing the singular focus of what defines playing this game. That is, essentially, diametrally different in setup from WoW or Rift - which I personally think is a good thing and which adds a valuable "second kind" of MMO to the market which I think is best suited for mature players and such people who do actually have a work-life.


I for one really hope they keep the distinction between classes intact by not allowing cheap respecs, let alone dual or multi speccing - that ruins the immersion and immersion is what sets this game apart from other MMOs. In my opinion BioWare should have learned from the mistakes they made with DragonAge 2 - there is not much credit left for the company with their original and faithful fan-base.


Thank you for your time.


You totally failed when you said talent respeccing destroys class distinction. You obviously have no idea how the game works.


Thank you

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No. Read what the tree does...READ. Then pick. Have fun. Bye.


umadbro... you play how you want and other people can play how they want, being locked into a class is fine, whats the point of having 3 trees if its such a big deal to switch between them, variety is the spice of life.

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we got a few hardcore 1999s troll in this thread. let them choke on their apples...


Respec will be solved its just logical.


Let the others live in their 56kpbs modem era and all their mentra about timesinking 1000s of hours for their virtual characters thinking the way they like to play a game(timesinking game with no respec = honorable) is what 2012+ should be.

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Respeccing to be a healer one day and a DPS or tank the other day is a whole different story and should not be allowed in any game that is considered and wants to represent more than a simple treadmill grinding experience.


Excuse me, but what exactly ISN'T a treadmill grinding experience about having to replay the same class and storyline over and over and over again just to have different talent specifications? What exactly ISN'T a treadmill grinding experience about having to grind out credits just to afford a different talent specification? Your logic is seriously flawed.

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we got a few hardcore 1999s troll in this thread. let them choke on their apples...


Respec will be solved its just logical.


Let the others live in their 56kpbs modem era and all their mentra about timesinking 1000s of hours for their virtual characters thinking the way they like to play a game(timesinking game with no respec = honorable) is what 2012+ should be.


Well Ive played pretty much all the mmo's from runescape, UO etc to modern day wow, rift etc, if people really have that mindset then i feel for them as its basically just a waste of their life and time to sink so much of it into something that at the end of the day is a game. Iv'e done it, but never so much that I would then feel the need to defend that "style" in order to justify to myself the time i had just spent on a game and make others that don't feel as if they should be or they are beneath me.

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Well Ive played pretty much all the mmo's from runescape, UO etc to modern day wow, rift etc, if people really have that mindset then i feel for them as its basically just a waste of their life and time to sink so much of it into something that at the end of the day is a game. Iv'e done it, but never so much that I would then feel the need to defend that "style" in order to justify to myself the time i had just spent on a game and make others that don't feel as if they should be or they are beneath me.


Well said. You did define the "WHY" behind the mindset of ppl that are against respec ...


Not all hardcore gamer are stupidly narrowed gamer as i can see...


Yet the way such player see the game is like layer1, brainless hardcore gaming, "you got what u picked. die with it" thinking...


now if some others ppl enjoy having a life and then diversity in a game then respec'ing is there just to spice our gameplay when we want.


those player arent forced to respec... if they want to punish themself over choice they make its their own problem, i call them hardcore just to be diplomatic?



But they cry if others can respec? stay in your bubbleworld where you suffer for Virtual choice... really... it wont happen here...

Edited by lethalphil
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I don't see how leveling with healer would be slow. Myself leveling sawbone.

I think lot of people make mistake not doing most of quests and leaving at first chance.


Far as I've played to level 24 so far it seems you can get about 2+ levels to next planet/place this way. The dps of healers may not be par with dps of other trees thats true.


But you can offset it with higher level and companion also will have higher level with better gear as levels grow.


Swtor is very easy game to level. Its not like BC on WoW at all.

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umadbro... you play how you want and other people can play how they want, being locked into a class is fine, whats the point of having 3 trees if its such a big deal to switch between them, variety is the spice of life.


Nah man we can't have that because this is not a game. It obviously has to be a grindy job where the smallest things have such huge consequences. Talent speccing WITHIN YOUR ADVANCED CLASS should be the moss accessible thing you can do. It's not. After a few tries it's punishment.


Plus all you smart guys out there. If i pick a Jedi GUARDIAN which says i can TANK and DPS then i god damn want to Tank and DPS for crying out loud and should not be punished!


Same with other advanced classes. IF you are NOT going to give people a chance to make many changes to tweak their build DO NOT HAVE TALENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE as they are pointless. It makes no sense to anyone but old school' herp derp i'm hardcore' players who are masochistic and figure a game should be a punishing experience for some reason.


It's bad people, put a low cost on respec. Stop hurting players.

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For every :

1 000 000 players

1 000 are whinners

500 of those whiners whine on forum

Biowarde/Developer changes game for 1 000 whinners

that equals

1 000 whinners happy

100 000 players not happy with a change leave.


and game changes into easymode ****, but this is supose to be money making machine so its all ok, we must comfort whinners (new customers will see on forum that we are not reacting on community needs) bleh. crap. lies.


Save money if you ADHD specover. Else find a healer mate that enjoys it - probably to beausy playing to come here and tell you that.

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The dps of healers may not be par with dps of other trees thats true.


But you can offset it with higher level and companion also will have higher level with better gear as levels grow.


Except DPS can do the very same thing. It does not change anything.


Also, I have my doubts that is a valid tactic. You will do more dps than at a lower level, yes, but you will also get less experience per quest, so you need to do more of them. So you won't really save time.

Edited by Psykhe
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Please do leave. If people left because they cant be GOD and switch whenever they want, then Ill be willing to be 30 bucks a month to get the best quality game.


I told you before - dual-spec is coming according to devs.


Maybe you should leave and find yourself another game to punish yourself with?

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Honestly, you don't have to respec. You chose to respec.. It shouldn't be easy or cheap to flip flop back and forth between any spec as a single character. It straight out kills diversity in the game.




Don't be so flakey and stick with the choices you make.

It was YOUR choice ... deal with it.

Don't expect the game to be recoded because you have the attention span of a goldfish.

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There really ought to be a cap. I didn't actually think they would overlook this as it completely stifles the ability to experiment or switch play-styles. Since AC's are locked, I assumed respecs between builds would serve as a money-sink but still be viable, but as it stands now, a lot of people are going to feel locked into playing "The One Build" which shouldn't really be the goal here.
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There really ought to be a cap. I didn't actually think they would overlook this as it completely stifles the ability to experiment or switch play-styles. Since AC's are locked, I assumed respecs between builds would serve as a money-sink but still be viable, but as it stands now, a lot of people are going to feel locked into playing "The One Build" which shouldn't really be the goal here.


Even as money sink respec costs are stupid. Because they do not effect players equally. A dps which has no intention of PvPing or healing/tanking ever will not pay much for respecs.

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Good luck to the people on low pop server to find a healer for flashpoints.


Seriously , respeccing in your advance class and capping the cost is a must.

There is a reason why a char , has PVP and PVE talents.


So if i like to PVP and i want to PVE and enjoy this game to the fullest.

Your opinion is "make a second char" ?


Screw that , be normal

We already have to put up with major queues for now

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Even as money sink respec costs are stupid. Because they do not effect players equally. A dps which has no intention of PvPing or healing/tanking ever will not pay much for respecs.


I agree, but since BioWare is clearly using them as a money-sink, I'm willing to settle for that, so long as costs are capped, and some sort of dual-speccing system is implemented.


I remember my Vanilla WoW days of switching from PvP to PvE builds twice each week to accommodate the raiding schedule. It was stupidly expensive. I don't want to relive that for any longer than I must.

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