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AB confirms Black Hole Commendations deliberately removed from SM OPs

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I do have an update on this issue. This change was intentional, and we'll be adding it to the patch notes. Bosses in Story Mode Operations no longer drop Black Hole Commendations in Game Update 1.4. Thanks to everyone who brought this up, and we apologize for the confusion over it.


The original thread that was moved to the Operations forum is here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=537054


I really don't understand the logic.


EC SM has been nerfed to an extent, or at least simplified. But only drops Rakata gear that is also available in much easier encounters in the shape of EV HM and KP HM.


High level Black Hole purchased gear costs 200 BH tokens and 400 BH tokens, and BH tokens just became HARDER to accumulate?


My assumption is that someone feels EC HM is tuned for a mix of mostly Rakata gear with maybe a couple of Columi items and an off piece of Black Hole gear earned by doing dailys. Maybe it is for some, but we (as a guild) would disagree.


Could you add "WHY no commendations?" to the long list of questions to the things to ask the Devs.


As a guild that were just about to add TFB SM to our schedule, the immediate reaction from one of our more gear oriented members was "Why should we bother now?". Sadly, due to people quitting the game, etc, we were were still only at the EC HM 1/4 level. So I wanted to give feedback that our guild already felt it was fighting an uphill battle, and it's possible this confirmation could be the proverbial Straw on the Camel's Back in terms of our guild's morale.


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Edited by Woetoo
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Yeah, he was just kidding with you.


On a more serious note, I don't condemn the decision to remove BH comms from SM EC.


Let's face it, with the nerfs to SM EC it's become so easy that my guild can't even see if a new recruit is skilled by having them pug it with us (unless they main tank, then we can see if they're good or bad).


P.S: Doing either a naked run (shake that booty!) or a 5 man of SM EC this week, wish us luck!

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