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HM TFB Progress


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1/5 SM, one shot the first boss, found it so easy we jumped straight from that into HM.


1/5 HM so far, had to call it early last night due to late start (yey for maintenance) finishing tonight.


we went 5/5 sm because our whole team wasn't there and yeah, agree very easy. Didn't even really get a chance to work on the mechanics because most of them except last boss didn't matter. Could be healed through. So almost seemed like a waste in that aspect, but still fun all in the same.


5/5 SM

0/5 HM

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well so far i have found HM is harder than EC HM, 3rd boss is a gear check for sure boss 2 is very hard on healers and boss 1 is prob the easiest but without good positioning it could prove more difficult.


and remember SM is balanced for Columi/ Rakata not campaign with augments its ment for pug groups not progression we did it first to get a feel for the operation

Edited by iamgonnabeevil
forgot to add something
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Legit is now 2/5 HM, got very close to Operator IX tonight, closing in on that 3.


After doing the first boss on SM it seemed a pointless endeavor for a progression raiding guild to continue with such low difficulty content so expect our SM progression to stay at 1/5 :)

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The only people that can call guilds out on using guides is a guild that has done said content without a guide.


If you want to spend hours upon hours learning mechanics in-game when they happen, for the overall end result of spending 15 minutes to read a few things then be my guest, but using a guide and not using a guide has no impact on the skill of a player/group of players. The difference between the two is one will spend hours wiping and trying to learn when the other one cuts out all the crap and focuses on dialing it in.


But hey, if you First Knowledge guys want to take the slow, expensive and down right illogical way of doing it then go for gold.


That's what story mode is for. =]


And it's not illogical to want to actually use your own brain to figure things out. Have you ever done a puzzle book before? Were you the type to just go straight to the back to find out what the answers were?

Point is, there is a point for 'progression guilds' to do SM if they don't use a guide.

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all our screen shots


1st boss http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/cryssai/SWTOR%20progression/Screenshot_2012-09-28_00_37_37_013323.jpg


2nd boss http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/cryssai/SWTOR%20progression/Screenshot_2012-09-28_02_01_32_990365.jpg


3rd boss http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/cryssai/SWTOR%20progression/Screenshot_2012-10-01_00_57_07_341888.jpg


4th boss http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/cryssai/SWTOR%20progression/Screenshot_2012-10-01_16_05_54_195317.jpg


codex's http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/cryssai/SWTOR%20progression/Screenshot_2012-10-01_16_36_21_411828.jpg




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first knowledge 3/5 tfb 4 hours in total


we had abit of trouble coordinating the puzzle exactly the first 2 were **** easy 1 shot the first boss and got the 2nd on the 3rd or 4th attempt

Edited by Jumpchan
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EWOK'alypse Now (MDN) - 5/5 TFB 8M-HM

1st Boss - 28/09/2012 15:07 BST (00:37 UTC +10)



2nd Boss - 28/09/2012 17:01 BST (02:01 UTC +10)



3rd Boss - 30/09/2012 15:27 BST (00:57 UTC +10)



4rd Boss - 01/10/2012 08:54 BST (05:54 UTC +10)



5rd Boss - 01/10/2012 15:33 BST (00:33 UTC +10)





Nice work.

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