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Is this Space Combat for real?


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I actualy kinda like them. Granted, its basicaly Fox-Wars, it's still pretty fun to do once and a while. Its a nice break from the monster-slaying. And its hilarious when your companion starts yelling when you get hit, or when you shoot down a enimy.


Its also true that alot of people want a X-wing vs Tie, or Jump to Lightsped type space combat.. but weither we ever get that or not we'll have to see. It would be nice to be able to face off in a 'true' 3d space envireonment against other players ships. But im not putting it at the top of the 'i want' list. I'll take it whenever / if-ever it comes.

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I personally like the space missions.


Sure, I would rather it was like the x-wing vs tie fighter game.


As it is now though, it breaks up the game nicely. Doing missions and pvp constantly gets a little tiring after the 12th straight hour. The space combat being completely different adds another dimension to the game.


I just wish there were more missions.

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With today's computers being as powerful as they are, there is no reason Lucasfilm could not license Bioware to use the Tie Fighter or X-Wing vs Tie Fighter games for use in SWTOR for space combat; Tie Fighter is probably one of my favorite space combat games ever.


Yes the graphics in both are dated; however, both titles are proven ways to implement space combat.

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I'm wondering what people think about Space Combat. I hope it is changed in the future because...you got to be kidding me. It feels like an after thought.


In wow, they had these lame "bombing" missions, where you bombed stuff from a griffin. I compare space missions to that.


In that light, they are amazing. A nice little way to gain XP and money other then grinding quests, which comes with it's own form of progression and plenty of room for additions.


So to answer your question. I like it.

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I'm wondering what people think about Space Combat. I hope it is changed in the future because...you got to be kidding me. It feels like an after thought.


I have to wonder what it was that you were expecting from the Space Combat. If you wanted it to be more free roaming like Tie Fighter, then you're expecting a bit much. Space Combat is not the core game here. It's not an after thought either though, it's a SIDE quest. And for a side quest, I think it's pretty awesome.


I read someone say it plays like Star Fox, and I completely agree, and I love Star Fox. So, I really enjoy the space combat. But you could tell that it was a rail shooter by every single video they ever showed of it. There was never really any doubt that it would be anything BUT a rail shooter in my eyes. Yeah, I agree it would be cool if it was more free flying ala Tie Fighter, and yes I wish it could incorporate PvP as well. But that doesn't mean I don't really enjoy what they have provided. Maybe in an expansion Pack in a few years, they'll really beef it up and turn it into more of a Tie Fighter experience, and that would be amazing. But until then, I am perfectly satisfied with the quality of the Space Combat they gave us.

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I dont get all the fuse. SWG Space combat was horrid along with everything added after the first year. This is exactly what i would want in a space mini game. no need for flightsticks or anything. It reminds me of the old Star Wars Arcade games!!!! More movie feeling yet simple. I do hope later on we get more space adventuring and maybe co-op or gun turrents, Pvp even.

But out of all my friends even the ones that said Blah on the first attempt. LOVE them now. wait this the 5-6 ones start unlocking. they look much more beautiful.


I treat PVP and Space combat as a break for the questing mini game. both offer good cash and XP. but neither i will do for weeks on end.

Edited by kleners
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How can you guys not like the old school rails shooter genre? There were some awesome rail shooters back in the Nintendo and Genesis days. I dig it as a change of pace.


And the incredible Star Fox 64 game which was and awesome and the old Sega Dragoon Saga.

Edited by Darquenova
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I'm wondering what people think about Space Combat. I hope it is changed in the future because...you got to be kidding me. It feels like an after thought.


BW has said the spacegames are just a "teaser" for future content. Right now they are just solo only, but they have said they plan to extend it

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Honestly, I love the space missions. Sure, broad-open space combat would have been fun, but for what it is, the rail-segment shooters are fun as hell.


They are fast, they are intense, and no matter how many times I do them I still enjoy the diversion.


My only wish is that they didn't give us dailies to do ALL of them every day. Just pick 2 from the pool, make that the daily, so people don't get tired of them so fast.

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It actually isn't bad as an Atari Centipede knock off. So it has 2D false 3D look to it almost like Tempest. It appears to have been rushed, and possibly redone at the last minute cause the real design was bugged and failed to work. ( I really hope so after 5+ years in development.) :D



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I would like to see space combat taken off the rails, and given free roam.

Once that systems in place I would like to see much more upgradable and customizable ships.

Next I would enjoy group space missions.

Lastly for now I would enjoy a mega operation where your team pilots a battle cruiser in space combat complete with raiders manning turrets their own spaceships and foot troops defending against borders.


Oh and make guilds able to purchase their own battlecruiser where they can dock their ships as a home base complete with guild bank, perks, and twilek strip bar. I don't care if its 1 billion credits. Make that happen BioWare!

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