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Ghost on your Ship bug


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I guess the server maintenance was just to fix the GTN problem cause the "getting stuck on someone's ship" bug , or the "Ghost" bug still remains unfixed.


The Ghost Bug pic


To reproduce it...


1) Group with someone who has a ship and enter their ship.

2) Log out in their ship

3) Log back in

You'll be on their ship, only it will be completely empty all alone. (no clickables, no cargo access hold, and no exit )


So, like the pic above, I logged out in the Bounty Hunter's ship (I'm a Sith Sorcerer) , when I log back, it would seem that I will be on every Bounty Hunter's ship :p


The only way I can exit the empty ship is to use my "Emergency Fleet Pass".

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You didn't even need to group to experience this bug. I logged into my Jedi Knight last night (who had logged out on his ship) to find my ship populated by all sorts of folks (not even all Jedi). I landed on a planet, then got back onto my ship and for a moment I had my ship to myself again, but then soon enough "ghosts" started appearing around again.


Who says space is lonely? :)

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Well, I was RP'ing with a female Bounty Hunter on her ship when I DC'ed and when I returned....


it seems that I'm a little famous now :p


Someone who saw me ( I didn't see them, cause the ship I was on was completely empty ) took a screenie and posted it.



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