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Consular/Inquisitor Nerf


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Project for consulars and inquisitor similar ability was nerfed from 30 meter range to 10 meters. Imho this is too short a distance for our classes as we are a ranged class. 10 meters lets melee classes to close to us where we cant defend ourselves properly. How about a compromise. If not 30 meters make it at least 20. Hell my consular can spit 10 meters.
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Why don't you learn to adapt, rather than complain? It will make you a stronger player in the end.


Adapt? Really? How about snipers or other ranged shooting weapon users get nerfed where they have to be within 10 meters of a target to hit it. How about vibro sword and light sabers get shortened by 66.66% in length. Think before you speak. I play every class and this ability nerf truly hurts the ranged class.

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Didn't this nerf happen a while ago? It's not exactly new. Besides, if you choose the range-focused Sage or Sorcerer, you get a passive ability that increases it to thirty meters. It would sort of be overpowered if the melee-focused Shadow or Assassin could use a powerful ranged ability from that far away. Edited by CelticMarauder
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Didn't this nerf happen a while ago? It's not exactly new. Besides, if you choose the range-focused Sage or Sorcerer, you get a passive ability that increases it to thirty meters. It would sort of be overpowered if the melee-focused Shadow or Assassin could use a powerful ranged ability from that far away.


No this nerf happened with the release of 1.4.

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Don't feel left out in the alone zone.


BW Nerfed the Mercenaries on distance too.


Electrodart is now 10 M range.


And the old Rocket punch that threw the enemy off of you now roots them in place next to you :eek: Just what a ranged dps likes :rolleyes:

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Don't feel left out in the alone zone.


BW Nerfed the Mercenaries on distance too.


Electrodart is now 10 M range.


And the old Rocket punch that threw the enemy off of you now roots them in place next to you :eek: Just what a ranged dps likes :rolleyes:


Havent played my bh yet so didnt realise that. Man they screwed the pooch with these changes.


Force leap dps marauders/jedis can still grt at you from across the map. Unbelievable. Need things reset.

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Havent played my bh yet so didnt realise that. Man they screwed the pooch with these changes.


Force leap dps marauders/jedis can still grt at you from across the map. Unbelievable. Need things reset.


Don't really play my BH (11) or Sorc (12) right now as I am in process of levelling my main but I feel for you guy + agree with topic so....bump + sign.

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Adapt? Really? How about snipers or other ranged shooting weapon users get nerfed where they have to be within 10 meters of a target to hit it. How about vibro sword and light sabers get shortened by 66.66% in length. Think before you speak. I play every class and this ability nerf truly hurts the ranged class.


All Bounty Hunters and Troopers got their stun down to 10 meters (mid-range) as well. They will learn to adapt.


a 30 range shock wasn't gonna stop some sith from leaping on you. It would delay it, yes, but it wasn't gonna stop it from happening.

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All Bounty Hunters and Troopers got their stun down to 10 meters (mid-range) as well. They will learn to adapt.


a 30 range shock wasn't gonna stop some sith from leaping on you. It would delay it, yes, but it wasn't gonna stop it from happening.


But that 30 Meter Electrocute sure did save my groups bacon in a Heroic, but that's in pve where the story is located.

My healer used it as a last ditch to temp cc a mob and keep the rest from being overwhelmed (and I pulled the aggro when it recovered).


If I have to be in melee range to heal a heroic or FP then there is something wrong. Well, there is something wrong, I'm not in pvp and am being nerfed because of it.


As are my Mercenaries, and my sin before that, and my agents. Give me a break already.

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This has heard my inquisitor use to use it to break attacks and quite often as an opener or to assist in heroics. Personaly I dont like the change its turned one of my best attacks into a nearly never use attack. On the plus side the self heal is great in a heroic when the tank and dps are all dead ((because if they are doing their job right I should not be drawing agro)) it keeps me alive an extra 2 seconds. Also allows me to use comusumption with less to worry about.
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I'm confused... when was the project ever 30m? Sure if you chose sage it was 30m and from what I'm told it still is (though I could have been told incorrectly), but it was never for a consular in general. Edited by GuruVII
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- Signed


Please put back to 30 m - This has changed PVE play dramatically. Now I get agro just to drop an electrocute at 10 m on an NPC before I CC him. What a great idea! :mad: Right when the tank pulls those NPC's love to light him up and this was a great tool to "Pause" the NPC while casting CC.


Please put back to 30 m

Edited by dscount
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- Signed


Please put back to 30 m - This has changed PVE play dramatically. Now I get agro just to drop an electrocute at 10 m on an NPC before I CC him. What a great idea! :mad: Right when the tank pulls those NPC's love to light him up and this was a great tool to "Pause" the NPC while casting CC.


Please put back to 30 m


Uhh, you should be setting up CC before the initial pull. If your group has any functioning braincells, you simulcast all Mez's and the tank leaps/attacks mid-cast so it ends just as the tank pulls.

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The idea this change would affect pve so horribly while totally being based on pvp, and was still approved, is just hirlarious. And wrong! Wow still manages far superior pvp than swtor, while maintaining several varieties of stuns per class, many targetable from a distance. (It's not wow... I know, I know)


Hold on, I have a thought .... swtor could start offering "trinket like things," as pvp gear, which players could use to break stuns in WZ … they could call them "Relics!" Wait, I forgot ... apparently, we can't be trusted with pvp relics that manually activate /facepalm.


Anyone care to explain that?

Edited by Quizshow
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I'm confused... when was the project ever 30m? Sure if you chose sage it was 30m and from what I'm told it still is (though I could have been told incorrectly), but it was never for a consular in general.


in beta...lol


project has been 10 meters except for sages the same as it is now for a long long while.. the only skill changed to 10 meters was the stun Force Stun/electrocute

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