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For the love of God, get rid of the stuns or allow roots/slows to build resolve.


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This is bullnuggets. I'll probably get forum banned for saying bullnuggets because the moderators are sensitive folk raised on soy milk.


But seriously, please either fix stuns or get rid of them... i can now be chain rooted by warrior-folk without any affect on resolve (which is as designed) and can be effectively CC'd and killed with no penalty by the other side.That's just stupid.


So far the change to resolve is dumb and is backwards. People should be immune for more time than not in order to reduce the affect of CC on the matches, not the other way around.

Edited by Darkfalstaff
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I enjoy being chain CC'd until I die an untimely death. It adds a new dimension to PvP and increases the fun factor tenfold. I also like it when classes who can chain stun complain out their DPS output. This also makes me happy and I want to open my wallet for next month's subscription in advance.


...in Bizarro World.

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I knew the resolve change would be a bad thing... less resolve is just bad. The CC in this game already controls the field. Why decrease the chances of that few seconds of bliss when I'm immune to CC? It makes no sense.


Killing stuff is more fun than controlling stuff.... unless you're into that kinda thing. :D

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The entire resolve system was bad from the start. Instead f this crap system BW should do the following...


You get stunned. Whether you break it or let it run out you are now immune to the next stun for 2-3, maybe 4 seconds. Then the next stun comes in and, if you havent used it yet, you break it or let it run out you are immune again for the next 2-4 seconds. This prevents the stun-locking until death and allows players to actually be able to fight back more. This would also work on roots/snares.


Resolve may have sounded like a good idea, but in practice it is awful and must be removed. It would also help if all classes only had a single stun, regardless of AC and build.

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Most stupid change ever. Just what we needed, moar stuns...

Played 8 matches today and it's complete orgy of CC. You cant even go 2 seconds without somekind of crap landing on you. It was bad before but now it's beyond crazy.

Every class has 2-3 CC abilities no matter if dps, healer or tank and that's already way too much for MMO.

Get your act together before you kill pvp completly.

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let me go ahead and step in for them. "working as intended" LMAO. they are hilarious. the point of the game is to make money not piss everyone off because of stun wars and make people leave. they want the game to work a certain way.... we don't like it... game dies. simple as that.
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ha if this was the case then Arsenal mercs would fill resolve bars in an instant. Its clear BW have no clue on whats going on in there own game, they are so focused on PVE content that the PVP content never gets tested.


If you go look in the PTS forums and look at the topics that BW respond too you will notice that not 1 PVP, resolve or class change was addressed by BW.

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And what's stupid is that from their write-up about the resolve changes, everyone piped in to let them know they were going down the wrong path.


I'm just waiting for the pvp designer to say, "no one told us about this issue on the PTS." Suure...we'll just make our level 1 character on the PTS and level it to 50 to give you a test. Let us copy our fully geared toons to PTS and then we'll definitely let you know. Until then, their lack of judgement will continue to spoil what could have been one of the best PVP experiences in the MMO space (they still have time to make it so...but very little time).

Edited by Darkfalstaff
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The Devs have spoken and Resolve is working as intended.


Don't forget that this was extensively tested on the PTR! (which the majority of the player base was excluded from copying their chars over to)


Like I have said many times before, these changes prove that the Devs don't even play their own game.

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Normally, I ignore whiners entirely and everything they say. But last night I played quite a few WZ's. That was mucho stunville.


That was not fun in the slightest. I was getting stunned by sage, his two buddies started beating on me, I got free, nope stunned again, got free, nope stunned again and once more, then died, the end.


I am hoping please, can you reverse these bad changes?


CC was bad before, but this is much worse lol

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I hate to say this, but I basically agree with a lot of the stuff being said here. Last night was by far the worst experience I ever had in this game pvping, and that includes Ilum. I was constantly stunned over and over, and to make it worse there was just so many cloaking deception assassins and Rage specced warriors it wasn't even funny...


Basically this Dev team sucks big time...

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I hate the stunfest but be careful what you wish for when you're talking about snares/roots... if those also filled the Resolve bar, Sentinels/Marauders would be utterly unstoppable death machines. They'd cut down everything even easier than they do now. (Okay, Carnage/Combat spec would be a bit screwed but Annihilation/Watchman and Rage/Focus.... :shudder: ) Edited by Siorac
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They need to kill/drastically reduce the effectiveness of stuns so that stuns are truly an "oh @#$%" button, not a spammed strategy.


Then they need to normalize damage for level 50 pvp -which they said they will be doing by bringing back a level 50 bolster system--but the 20% deviation between hi and low damage in a WZ that they mentioned is their bolster goal is too high--- bolster should bring damage numbers to within 10% of the highest and lowest with health being about even across all players.

Edited by Darkfalstaff
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This is bullnuggets. I'll probably get forum banned for saying bullnuggets because the moderators are sensitive folk raised on soy milk.


But seriously, please either fix stuns or get rid of them... i can now be chain rooted by warrior-folk without any affect on resolve (which is as designed) and can be effectively CC'd and killed with no penalty by the other side.That's just stupid.


So far the change to resolve is dumb and is backwards. People should be immune for more time than not in order to reduce the affect of CC on the matches, not the other way around.


Can you say "soy milk" on the forums?

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The problem may be how they defined the problem. If their problem statement was ‘how do we reduce the chances of a character dying without an opportunity to act’ I don’t think they would have gotten to redesigning classes.


They need to determine the acceptable number of resources it takes to kill someone who is not being assisted while stunned. Is that two? Three? Four? Four seems a good benchmark to start with especially because it matches a premade PUG side. But that’s a testing issue. If one person helps the victim is that enough to get them to at least one action? Those are the kinds of things that help determine how much stun/resolve/damage/defense should be in place. All of this stun problem could have been avoided if they had tweaked resolve and the effect of expertise. They are global and just aching for use to dial in the PvP experience.


I think what we got was an over engineered solution to a relatively small problem.

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