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So no difference between Low and Off Shadows?


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The new shadows are pretty as long as you don't move because other wise your screen flutters so much.


I was completely happy with how shadows were before the patch. I figured setting them to low would give me that but it turns them off completely. I just would like to set them to the quality they were before because as it is i can have a beautiful looking game as long as I don't move OR have an ugly game. It really kills my mood not seeing shadows.


Talking with other people in game and they running much more powerful cards than me (GTX 260) and getting same results.

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I'm not having this issue. My game is running on high settings and is smooth as a whistle.


Well I'm on Dromund Kaas and its a lag fest.


I'm monitoring the FPS counter and surprisingly it doesn't really move yet its like a slideshow.

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