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[Poll] - Favorite starter planet?


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Hutta is the best.


Cover, Tactics terrain all make sense.



Mantel OK


Korriban is just bad boring scattered.


Overall I do not like the City Planets I mean the Visuals when in taxi on Nar Shadaa are awesome it just screams Blade runner but the maps not so much.

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My vote has already been cast on Korriban, but I'd just like to add that one of the main reasons I didn't like Tython as much was because of the big distances you had to travel on foot. And at first, when sprint was available at level 14 (if I remember that right) moving around that was a pain in the you-know-what.


I mean Korriban had a taxi route as well, but at least that one you only had to use once.

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Hutta gets my vote. Why? It was the only one of the bunch that felt gritty and anything at all like Star-Wars. They did a terrible job with Korriban. In all of the EU novels, and even the previous games, Korriban was a much-feared place that only the masters of the Dark Side went to, and not all of them returned from. The tombs were not so packed together either, and the Force Ghosts of previous Sith Lords did not put up with their tombs being disturbed. It was a Dark Side base of Force power.


In short, it didn't have an Imperial training base for baby Sith slapped right in the middle of a pile of tombs two feet apart from the next set of tombs.


Ord Mantell was dull and boring, ditto Tython.

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Tython sucks - hated it, every time. And those stupid skark-hammerheads - like a B-SciFi-Movie. Ord Mantell ist really boring. And Korriban had so much ambient in KotOR, but in SWTOR it is really mediocre there.


Hutta is made very well.


I totally agree, it felt like Star Wars. It has a central place where my agent has his room, there is a hutt, and the cantina is near, where i get most of the quest. This place felt like Star Wars! I think it's the only one in the whole game! Everything else feels a bit like WoW/fantasy $hit with Star Wars like skin.

Edited by discbox
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1) Tython - Only planet in the game where the planet felt alive for me. The amount of vegetation was perfect and whilst it was kind of serene, I liked the amount of living organic matter. Sounds weird, but just about everywhere else felt seriously dead and lifeless which totally killed the immersion for me. Also, its one of only two times in the game where I've felt like I had an iconic star wars moment. Crafting my saber followed by the fight outside was epic! Shame they nerfed it for live, but in beta that was a tough fight originally and very satisfying to complete.


2) Hutta - Like others have said, one of the only planets that felt gritty like the original star wars movies. Plus, loving the agent story lines!


3) Korriban - I don't really like deserts so couldn't really enjoy this planet, but I love the world building! soooo many awesome vistas to look at


4) Ord Mantell - Just flat out boring planet with too much running around. Its only saving grace is the area inside the volcano which seriously impressed me during Open Beta. Shame they didn't continue building such great internal structures on other planets and just opted for lots of smaller cave systems

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Ord Mantel for me, but I base my opinions solely upon storyline. I've been a smuggler since I saw Star Wars in the theater as a kid. Hell, I went as Han Solo for six different Halloweens ;).


Tython, particularly the jedi temple, uses a great color pallete. Korriban is also very good, and the stories there bring you into the true feel of the dark side very quickly. Hutta is great in the storylines, and unique as well.


Ord Mantel wins only due to my love of the smuggler storyline. They're all great starter planets.

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Korriban could have been truly amazing but it's simply too small to be believable, and having the majority of the NPC's be "Tomb Looters" just doesn't seem right for nexuses of dark power that should tear apart your mind just for being there.


My vote goes to Hutta.

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Interesting results so far! For awhile there, there was a good correlation between the most-played classes and most favorite starting zones. Interesting... (Like, most-played are sith force users [Korriban], second most jedi [Tython], then empire non-force users [Hutta] then finally rep non-forcers [OM]), just as I recall from the guild summit report on class distribution. Since that was all the way back during 1.1 perhaps most people's "first characters" were part of that spread, contributing to their favorite zone by theme due to nostalgia factor. However it's evened out now, (interesting to see how close the top 3 are right now).


But maybe I'm over-analyzing it. ;) Anyway keep up the votes.


(I was surprised by all the people who loved Korriban, as I really don't get the appeal of it. To me it was the pinnacle of "boring" - a bunch of rocks all the same color, everything perfectly still, some old dusty tombs with like, looters and whatnot, ancient "relics" I didn't relate to. I hated the tedium of weaving through all those tomb corridors. [Thank goodness the zone was short...] Oh and I really wanted to slap most of my questgivers. Maybe I'm not cut out to be an empire force user, lol.

I rank Tython down with Korriban, too [as the whole flesh raider thing wasn't compelling to me], but at least it felt more open and was better looking.)

Edited by Stenrik
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Definitely Korriban. Very well organized, very logical quest progression, very well done story.


Tython was visually pleasing and also well organized, but not with quite the feel that Korriban had. Ord Mantell had a very interesting story for both Smuggler and Trooper but just didn't feel well organized. Hutta felt very disorganized, but at least the BH storyline was fun. IA wasn't bad...I was just glad to be off the planet when that part of the story finished though lol.

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Overall, I'd have to say Korriban. The design choices, from the red stone statues and overhanging cruisers to the purple/black clean lines of the interior, were just gorgeous. I also really liked the background sounds, it's quiet and then the music is the low eerie horns. I just thought the atmosphere was excellent.


Tython was okay. I liked the semi-peaceful tranquility of the place. I loved the ruins.


Ord Mantell probably had the best storyline of the four, imo, because it gave you way more decisions that weren't clear cut than the others. I didn't care for the design of the world from an aesthetic standpoint, but it suited the wartorn story well enough. Although after being told by mutliple questgivers that you would have to swim to Mannett Point and how awful it was that the seperatists had blown the bridge and seperated everyone, and how we'd need boats to ship kids out, splashing through knee deep water was the first major immersion breaker of the game.


Hutta I really just try to get out of as fast as possible. I hate the planet, but I always figure I'm supposed to hate the planet, both IA and BH characters mention how much they want to be gone multiple times.

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Best to worst.


1. Tython. Serene, you could really feel at one with nature and the living force here. A fitting start to the jedi story line. Also taught you that even when things seem peaceful, there's always trouble brewing and one must always be on guard. Also arguably the most beautiful planet in game.


2. Korriban. Mostly for the history.


3. Hutta. Soooo many mobs.


4. Ord Mantale. Ok if you like wide open spaces I guess. :rolleyes: not ok without a mount. Got better with level one sprint though.

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I loved Tython for it's lushness and the sense it was the home of the jedi, very peaceful. Korriban would be a close second for me though, it really captures the feel of the KotOR games. Ord mantell is my least favourite, it's great in the sense it feels like a war zone, but I'm afraid I like pretty:) and there was far too much running all over the place. Edited by Cordelia
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