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[Poll] - Favorite starter planet?


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What is your favorite starter planet? Feel free to explain your vote, especially in the context of being a new player.


Tython: (17). . . . . . . |||||||||||||||||

Ord Mantell: (11). . . .|||||||||||

Korriban: (22). . . . . . ||||||||||||||||||||||

Nal Hutta: (13). . . . . .|||||||||||||

(Updated as of post #73)


(I already cast mine, reasoning below.)


My favorite is Ord Mantell. Maybe nostalgia was a factor here (since it was my first character's planet), but I just think it's one of the best crafted planets of all of them. It feels most "alive" to me, with things happening in the sky, great background sound effects, and continuing NPC fights. Of all planets in the game, it feels most like there is a conflict going on, whereas the other starter planets (especially Korriban) felt deader by comparison. I liked the stories/moral choices overall, and I think it looks great. It's moody and beautiful in a rugged way. Hutta comes in 2nd for me.



(ALSO, to be counted for poll, you have to choose ONLY 1. I didn't count a couple people because of this.)

Edited by Stenrik
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I played all of the planets and while i do agree with you that ord mantel does have a sence of urgency / life to it, I feel really nostalgic about Koriban. The look of the planet, all of the history and lore, the feel of the planet, and when you look up and see the star destroyers in the sky it completes my play experiance.


as far as the next planet that you go to


Dromand Kass i like better then Corrisant, not that corrisant is terrible it just seems to mimic to a degree nar shada

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I gotta go with OM as well.


It's simply designed better than other starter planets that are already kinda linear in design. OM slaps the main hub in the center and sprinkles things around in a more open world manner. It's the planet that's most aking in design to a mini azeroth and that appeals to me. No invisible barriers, aside from the ocean lol. Gives that "world" feel while others just seem like a ride on rails, especially korriban and tython.

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I am going to be perverse, but I like Hutta.


The whole Evocii situation really drives home just how vile the Hutt Cartel really is, and my dark side Bounty Hunter admires what they have done with the place. As he observed to an Imperial agent, "The Sith should take notes. This is how you subjugate a planet."

Edited by Uluain
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Korriban 5/5 stars.


Tython 3/5 stars.

Ord Mantell 2/5 stars.

Hutta 1.5/5 stars.

(Hutta isn't really worth a 1, but it's more boring than Ord Mantell).


But Korriban rules the skies. No question about it.


My thoughts exactly.

Hutta is by far the worst one. But maybe it's not so much that it's that bad, it's that Korriban is that good :)

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Not to bash anybody's opinions, but the Tython experience was one of the worst in the game for me, only made bearable after sprint was added at level 1 (like I mentioned above).


Did people find the quests particularly intriguing? It felt empty and very bland.

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After Hutta, everything was just scattered and swarmed with enemies you had to push through, run for 15 minutes to get a 10 second talk with someone that doesn't really matter, and run back 15 minutes. Take Nar Shaddaa f.e. It was just running, running, running, and killing hundreds of boring mobs. I guess that's MMO, but I hoped BW could do better...

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