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How far can a Vengence Juggernaut tank? (Below Level 50)


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In Short: How many instances can a Vengence Juggernaut tank without being dramatically overlevelled?




My highest character is a L27 Vengence Juggernaut. When I was about 20 or so I was able to tank Hammer Station and I have tanked Athiss at about level 23 (Had a good group though.) I have currently been doing a fair amout of PvP for Gear/Cash (Crafting costs money, so did my speeder.)


My initial plans were to level as Vengence till I got the 31 point talent see what that's like, then switch to immortal see what it is like at the top end and then switch over to a Hybrid specc of 18/23. (Funnily enough this is for RP reasons, I want Force Choke and Shien Form on my Char! Although being a decent Tank/DPS is nice too.)


Right now I am synthweaving tank gear but I am wondering just how much further can I go as a Tank without switching over to Immortal? I have been DPS in the Mando raiders instance and felt there was little there I could not tank allowing for CC in the boarding party fight but...


Group Finder does not help to be honest, I wish it would let me mark Athiss as tankable while letting me only be DPS in the Mando instance for the Daily rewards but I can't choose role depending on instance.


So how many instances do you feel a vengence jugg tank?

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well, don't try to tank in Shien form and you should be ok.

Get the tier 2 talent in immortal that boosts your defense by 6% and put the rest of your points in veng to increase your strength and rage generation (also tier 2) and that should be it.


I haven't personally done every low level flash point but I have done quite a few on a DPS spec and had no real prob.

And that was when tanking had more problems than today.



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I leveled pure Vengeance (My main so my gear was crap when I first went through as I didnt have the credit and crafting network to support my characters that I have now) and first started having real issues with Cadameimu. I was able to get through Boarding party but I had to be on the upper end of level bracket for the flashpoint and it wasnt pretty. I did these in Shien form, probably be easier dropping into Soresu.


I do know (first hand experience) that pure veng can tank the hard modes as long as they are in Soresu, have decent gear (Columi+) and have a competant healer. That being said it is not something you want to be constantly doing and requires very good management of your defensives.

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Thanks for the response guys. Particularly EnalisNailo.


For the record I've never tanked in Shien form ;). Well apart from the few short seconds when our PuG's MT died and I had to pick the boss up quickly before switching to Soresu.


I just got the Cadameimu quest yesterday. Haven't run it all yet (not even as DPS.)


I'll definitely give the Mando Raiders instance a twirl in that case.


Anyone else have any experience of tanking as Vengence when levelling that they would be willing to share?

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If you know how to tank, you can tank just fine with Vengeance spec by throwing on a shield generator and switching to Soresu form. I did that for plenty of flashpoints as I was levelling up. You won't mitigate as much damage as if you were tank spec, but you will put out more damage and hold aggro better (and make up for slacking DPS) which could otherwise be a problem.
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Thanks CitizenFry.


It's good to know that I'll be able to keep tanking in vengence specc for a little while longer.


I was easily able to tank Mando Raiders yesterday although to be fair I did have a good group with me. (Got the chest peice. :) )


Still haven't been able to find a group to go as a DPS to Cadameimu right now (I prefer seeing the instance once as DPS and learning it like that and then signing up as a tank.)

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For any who are wondering:


This is my current build: Immortal: 0 / Vengence: 19 / Rage: 0


I managed to tank Cadameimu yesterday with this, fully with one group and uptill the end boss with a second when our healer DC'd... :(


Apart from not knowing the instance which caused some issues on some pulls, I did have some problems with threat generation but I am right now putting that to grouping with higher level people while I don't have an AoE taunt or even a second taunt for that matter.


If I still have such issues later I will reconsider this build.


Right now I just dinged 29 on my first run and am considering whether to put that new talent point in Deadly Reprisal (Why would you want to stay in AoE in a DPS stance? I try to get out ASAP) or in Accuracy or re-specc the current point out of accuracy and put it into Stagger for increased immobilisation on trash which is an issue for me.


What I eventually intend to go for is a hybrid build: Immortal: 18 / Vengence: 23 / Rage: 0 (Remember the points on Accuracy and Deadly Reprisal in this build are being re-considered.)


I was originally planning to level solely as Vengence but I decided I like tanking so will instead re-specc at Level 50 to test out the full vengence and full immortal builds.

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Quick question, do you plan to focus on PVE content or PVP content? (Really decides if you pick up the accuracy perk or not)


Deadly reprisal is still good to pick up, you can't always avoid AoE attacks (Generally in every raid there is atleast one boss that hits the entire raid group with a massive AoE) so if you're gonna get hit anyways, might as well get some benefit out of it.


Currently I run a 4/33/4 (PVE focus) Vengeance spec.

Edited by EnalisNailo
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If you're gonna be playing PVE you're gonna wanna pick up that accuracy talent. It will free up a good amount of stat to toss into power, crit or surge whichever you're lacking.




Is my current spec. It is also fairly solid jumping into PVP (well atleast before Rage got buffed so heavily). The pooled hatred nerf did hurt Vengeance in PVP alot and I honestly don't feel the new 4% per stack (down from 10) is worth picking up, especially since in PVE it was rare to get even 1 or 2 stacks. It just dosnt have the WOW factor behind it anymore to be used as an equalizer or last ditch blast.


With the pretty much never run into rage management problems, the only times are when I fight goes for several minutes with no ravage reprocs. If you get atleast one or two (most of the time) you can keep going and going and going long after other classes have exhausted their pools.


I can also drop into emergency tank mode with a blink of the eye and pick up any boss for atleast 3 or 4 GCDs (At the least) long enough for a healer to get the main tank back up. This is very useful in Eternity vault if a tank is Mind Trapped or if you are in the final phase of the fight and you've lost both your tanks in either the platforming or to badly placed pillar drops (Positioning on those things is an art and takes a bit of practice!) Having someone who is tough enough to pick up Soa and get 1 or 2 more pillar drops is great for any raid group. Veng is also great at picking up Adds via the aoe taunt we have taking a bit of work off the tanks.

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