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Why was anakin the chosen one?


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He had too much **** in his blood with the meathiklorans or what?


Anakin parallels Jesus via a Immaculate Conception, he had no "father" to speak of, the very force itself impregnated his mother, it is later implied to Anakin that Palpatine himself manipulated the force to cause his birth, I'm not sure if this is canon, or a lie designed to make him trust Palpatine more.


Either way, the fact that Anakin was created by the force, he was to become the force given physical form, and and prophesied to bring balance to the force given the unique nature of his birth.


In the end, he did bring balance to the force in a way, he destroyed the frail Jedi of old who'd grown complacent and though of themselves as higher then the republic they were suppose to protect, they were arrogant, selfish and ignorant of the galaxy.


His destruction of the Jedi Order caused there to be ultimately one Sith (Palpatine) and one jedi, himself, who was redeemed in the force when he killed Palpatine to save Luke.


The influence of the Sith was destroyed and the corrupt jedi order of old could be rebuilt though Anakins son, Luke, who would go on to build a new Jedi Order that would be designed to actually serve the republic, and the galaxy, not only their own interests.

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You guys do know that some force users have quite good mind control abilities. Or atleast abilities to hide their presence and make people forget what happened. I would start looking for the actual father from that group of people... :)


Poor Shmi was just having a normal friday night out. She wakes up on saturday afternoon and cannot remember anything. For some reason she has a powerful feeling that nothing much happened. Just no details for some reason. A month later she finds out she is pregnant. Must be the work of the force...

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you know when you wake up pregnant the first thing you should do is go out and buy a lock for your door instead of blaming the force.


I'd think before buying that lock you would want to visit a doctor and see what was wrong with you that caused you not to be woken up by it :D

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