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/roll based on rank.


Full members get priority, someone who just joined would have to wait to roll on gear until they become a full member.


So if a "recruit" assisted in the kill of a boss in TFB HM, they would not be allowed to roll on any of the gear if a "member" needed it? One would argue that the boss would not be dead without the help of said "recruit". Unless of course the "recruit" is not allowed into progression runs at all, and then it would be a moot point.


I just find that sort of policy "unfair". Of course if the "recruit" must agree to this prior to the run anyways, it's a moot point again. We personally have never excluded anyone who participated in a kill from rolling on gear.




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Wow, that sucks. At the same time, what other guild would they go to? I mean there are very few guilds Republic side who are clearing the progression content.


I wouldn't want you to name names here on the forum, but if you could send a message in game with names to myself (Krazier) or Auraley I wouldn't want to accept (or have already inadvertently accepted) any of them. You guys were right behind us clearing 8M and 16M HM EC. And since then, besides Stoic and Carnage Gaming, what other Republic guild clearing 16M HM is there? So what other possible guild could they join?


The progression community on the Shadowlands is small as it is, so if there are players "using" guilds to gear up, they should be blacklisted. It really is a shady practice.




Edited by Krazy_Karl
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