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Just an FYI about commendation gear and vendors


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Be very careful when clicking in the vendor's purchase window, and read item descriptions as well. If you purchase the wrong item and attempt to return it for a refund of your commendations you will be refunded CREDITS, which will of course prevent you from purchasing the piece of gear you were actually intending to purchase.


I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or an intended feature. Just attempting to give all players a heads up.

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Be very careful when clicking in the vendor's purchase window, and read item descriptions as well. If you purchase the wrong item and attempt to return it for a refund of your commendations you will be refunded CREDITS, which will of course prevent you from purchasing the piece of gear you were actually intending to purchase.


I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or an intended feature. Just attempting to give all players a heads up.


It was like this throughout beta, and we tried every build I was in, to get a return on items in case of accidental clicks. We asked for returns on commendations, and return of an equal amount of credits when trying to return credit bought vendor items. Seems our feedback went unnoticed or at the very least, unheeded.

Edited by TarristerWelm
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This is about commendations so I'll post it here.


I heard during beta that there was a way to change the commendations you get to the next planet..ie Hutta to Dromund Kaas like a 3/5 to 1 ratio. I can't find the NPC that does this. Or did I hear wrong and the left over Hutta badges are worthless?

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I was looking for that too, but not sure. Commendations are fairly easy to get. I was on my way out of Dromund Kaas though so I wasn't willing to sit around and farm up 14 more just for a slightly better weapon that will likely get replaced.


If you guys hear anything about this or can spread the information around, that'd be great.

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This is about commendations so I'll post it here.


I heard during beta that there was a way to change the commendations you get to the next planet..ie Hutta to Dromund Kaas like a 3/5 to 1 ratio. I can't find the NPC that does this. Or did I hear wrong and the left over Hutta badges are worthless?


They removed that feature because players were hoarding their comms until the highest levels.

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This is about commendations so I'll post it here.


I heard during beta that there was a way to change the commendations you get to the next planet..ie Hutta to Dromund Kaas like a 3/5 to 1 ratio. I can't find the NPC that does this. Or did I hear wrong and the left over Hutta badges are worthless?


Same. Fortunately, the Commendation item I accidentally bought while just trying to view (Alt-left click?) is relevant.


And I avoided the trap of selling it for credits ;)

Edited by Siriel
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This is about commendations so I'll post it here.


I heard during beta that there was a way to change the commendations you get to the next planet..ie Hutta to Dromund Kaas like a 3/5 to 1 ratio. I can't find the NPC that does this. Or did I hear wrong and the left over Hutta badges are worthless?


As was said, it used to be this way in beta, and I really liked it. However they changed it and now any commendations you don't use are useless. I am somewhat disappointed by this. I just finished Balmorra a bit ago on my sorc. I was level 21 when I finished the main quest line and my story quests. This left the 'bonus' quest line and various heroics I hadn't manged to do yet. In the past I could go ahead and run through that, and then upconvert the commendations I got to the next planet currency to get use out of them. This way, the fact I was a bit over level for the next planet wasn't a huge loss because I could pick up the commendation gear right away, when it was level relevant.


Now however, I can't really do that. If i had stayed on Balmora for the bonus quests I would have likely been 23+ by the time I got to Nar Shadda, and then by the time I got Nar Shadda commendations I would be even higher, and the commendation gear I could buy would be outleveled. Plus most of the Balmorra commendations I would have would be useless.


One suggestion, once you've bought the items you want with commendations on a specific planet, save the rest and buy a purple or blue random item box. It's not a guaranty of a useful item, but it's a chance. Thats what I ended up doing on Balmorra and it worked out ok.

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Also be careful about this:


If you open your inv, and right click an item, it tries to equip to your char.


However, if you click on a vendor, and the vendor interface window opens, opening your inv at the same time, then right clicking an item in your inv doesnt equip the item, it sells it to the vendor for the stated price.


I bought an item once, and got so excited wanting to equip it, that I right clicked it in the inv window with the vendor interface still open. Rather than equipping the item, I sold it back to the vendor. Wasn't a lot of fun considering I paid 500 credits for the item, tried to equip, accidentally sold back to vendor for 50 credits (holy markups batman lol) and then had to buy again for 500 more creds.



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Also be careful about this:


If you open your inv, and right click an item, it tries to equip to your char.


However, if you click on a vendor, and the vendor interface window opens, opening your inv at the same time, then right clicking an item in your inv doesnt equip the item, it sells it to the vendor for the stated price.


I bought an item once, and got so excited wanting to equip it, that I right clicked it in the inv window with the vendor interface still open. Rather than equipping the item, I sold it back to the vendor. Wasn't a lot of fun considering I paid 500 credits for the item, tried to equip, accidentally sold back to vendor for 50 credits (holy markups batman lol) and then had to buy again for 500 more creds.




Doesn't sound like you know this, but if you goto the buyback tab you can get the item back that you sold for the same price you sold it for... 50 credits.

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