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What is the best Dark Side Republic character?


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Just completed my Light Side Smuggler and Light Side Sith Warrior so now it's time to go Dark Side with a Republic character.

Between the Trooper, Consular, and Knight which class would you say works best going Dark Side from a story point of view?

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my smuggler is dark, i tried doing a dark jedi knight, but peopel just ignored my evil choices and untill the last companion i did not have anyone that support any of my options.


The only character in which i really felt the difffernce was the light side sith

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Yeah as far as I know all the republic dark side paths are pretty poor. Aside from perhaps the Smuggler (patriot vs the criminal).


Compared to The Sith Warrior and The Imperial agents; who have clear differences between light and dark.


As far as I can tell from the classes I've played there is only 'The sarcastic Jedi Knight' and 'The renegade Trooper'. No consequence though.

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Trooper is probably your best bet. In fact the trooper story is very boring as light side but rather humorous as dark. You pretty much get to tell everyone off who tries to tell you what to do. And if they don't like it, well sucks to be them lol. Edited by AutoCocker
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Trooper is probably your best bet. In fact the trooper story is very boring as light side but rather humorous as dark. You pretty much get to tell everyone off who tries to tell you what to do. And if they don't like it, well sucks to be them lol.


And the the use of our magic pistol on people who don't listen to Troopers :p


I love watching DS vids of Troopers. I made mine full LS though form launch :p

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Knight--but I wouldn't advise choosing to go DS and forcing it, but being open to it and letting it evolve with the character. The basic jist of the knight story is the seductive nature of the ds and how easy it can be to find it right and reasonable in some circumstances. My knights all end up in various shades of gray and it really adds to the story, imo. Edited by errant_knight
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I think Knight probably is better because your alignment/choices have affects on your conversations with Satele, Lord Scourge, and others whereas Satele totally ignored my Dark V Consular's alignment (Knight was Dark III or IV when I finished the story). I did enjoy the Dark Side choices on my Consular, but they did not seem to have any real affect on conversations or anything (although Cedrax did kind of chastise me a little on Corellia). Of course, I haven't leveled a Smuggler and my Trooper is only Dark I at level 34.
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