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Keep getting killed...


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So I'm lvl 50 with above par armor for my sentinel and I keep dying. If I didn't have above par armor, just the run of the mill rewarded on completion of quests, how could I even stand a chance? Basically, I don't understand why the damage I'm taking is fairly severe when I have Galactic Trade Market bad-*** armor. Anyone know what the deal is?
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Gtn armor is pretty crappy unless you are paying an extremely ridiculous price for it. Out of curiosity which server are you on if you are on mine I can take a look. If you are a fresh 50 get your free recruit gear. Then work on your columi. After that get your rakata then campaign. If you do not know where to get these you must have really crappy gear and need help.
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define 'above par' and what you're doing. A Sentinel shouldn't be dying to NPC's in questing unless you just pull way too many mobs.


Are your companions' gear up to snuff? Which companions do you use? As a Sentinel it's build dependant... if you're watchman you wouldn't need Doc so much but if you're Combat or Focus you sort of have to rely on his heals. If you're 50 and your companions gear is in the low 40's then you've got an issue right there.


Even when I was in 136 columi gear I was able to solo the heroic 2 dailies on Belsavis, Ilum, it's about taking your time, using what little CC you have, your Heroic Moments, Guarded by the Force etc etc etc. You get yourself into 140, 146 gear with your heal pet around the same you can solo heroic 4 quests as a Sentinel. It just takes practice and good gear.


If you're not full Columni gear yet, you best get to farming hardmode flashpoints and fill that out. Then progress through the rest of the content.


if you're dying in raids like a FP or an Operation it's your tank and healers fault you die, not yours.

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Like the previous poster said, you may not be utilizing your defensive CD's properly. You have to play smart since your squishy and utilize everything you have. I'm going to use the Illum Heroic 2 daily mission as an example. Each fight consists of 2 strong which heal and a elite. You have to kill 3 sets of these guys.


On the first fight I will hide behind the building to force the strongs to come at me. Once I engage them I will pop Rebuke and Saber Ward which soaks up good amounts of damage. Also I pop my Valorous Call and hit my Inspiration damage buff and AOE mez the group with Awe. I then engage the first strong and he will melt like butter. Doc usually is taking a little bit of damage from the other two which is fine. Let him tank a little. Then I turn to the next strong, pop a force sweep to get both of their attention and hit my Unity which grants 50% def bonus for I think 15 seconds. Once I finish off the 2nd strong, I Pacify the elite, pop my Zen, and burn him down. If you get close to death you can always pop Gaurded By The Force for 4 seconds (thanks 1.4 patch you SOB) of godmode. Doc will catch up on your health at this time and you can finish off the elite. Also, be sure to use Force Statis on the elite because that 3 seconds of CC will get you another heal without taking damage and also gets your CD closer to poppin.


2nd fight is simple. I pop my Heroic and rain Lightening Storm, Orbital Strike, Force Choke, Flame Thrower, and Force Sweep. It pretty much demolishes the 2nd group within 10 seconds.


3rd fight I wait a minute my CD's to come back from fight #1. Then it's a repeat of fight 1.


Also, if you cannot defeat most regular NPC's with a single Master Strike or a Blade Rush > Blade Storm combo then you defintily need better gear.

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if you're dying in raids like a FP or an Operation it's your tank and healers fault you die, not yours.


Not entirely true. the use of force camouflage tends to help when stealing aggro from the tank. Making pulls before the tank is ready for the group and standing in the stupid stuff is purely an individual problem, not the tank or healers fault. Not saying he is pulling or standing in the stupid stuff, but just wanted to cover it anyways. I have seen them both.

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Not entirely true. the use of force camouflage tends to help when stealing aggro from the tank. Making pulls before the tank is ready for the group and standing in the stupid stuff is purely an individual problem, not the tank or healers fault. Not saying he is pulling or standing in the stupid stuff, but just wanted to cover it anyways. I have seen them both.


Agreed, I group with some awesome tanks and healers but still get agro, I don't blame them if I die, I blame myself for not being fast enough on my defensives and force camo or nuking a bit too hard too soon. With a bit of practice you can survive very easily as a Sentinel, couple Kephess fights that have gone badly I've been among the last to die or left standing.


Just remember, move out of stuff that may kill you, look before you jump in, use defensives and force camo, go behind the boss to avoid cleaves and such, do everything you can to make sure your healer isn't too stressed. Sentinel dps is high for a reason, so we can waste a few moments assessing a situation, move out of stuff and generally survive.

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