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Did I hear this right?


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It's a confusing situation, all around.


Gabe thinks it's maybe Makeb, which Hall does or doesn't say is the official word. Community Support think this thread should stay open and sweep up after the trollery. Devs and Community Team members can't or won't clarify.


So that comes down to what? "Feel free to promote the semi-unconfirmed rumor stated uncertainly! We'll let you all keep guessing! Play nice and have fun!"? :confused:

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"Feel free to promote the semi-unconfirmed rumor stated uncertainly! We'll let you all keep guessing! Play nice and have fun!"? :confused:


Sounds about right. Unconfirmed uncertainty is what keeps the subs going, after all. I hope Mr. Amatengelo wasn't reprimanded over this, he probably wasn't informed of the NDA.

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i hope they arent wasting resources on this, this game has way bigger issues.


Well, I hate to be the one to crush your hopes, so I'll leave that to Principal Lead PvP Designer Gabe Amatangelo:


[swtor-life.com interview at Gamescom 2012, August 15–19]


Um, the same-sex relationship stuff... it really comes down to just getting it on the schedule and getting that content into the game


Not "allocating development time". Getting it into the game. The resources had already long since been invested as of August. So it seems you are a bit late to worry about this now.

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I just hope I'm not old and grey before they make Kira available for my female Knight. Giggity. :D


Change Kira to any female romanceable for my characters (currently SI, IA, and JC) then yeah, I agree.


I have complete faith that SGR will come. Bioware isn't Blizzard*, I'm sure they'll release it. A little info would be nice, though.


*Blizz is the only mmo-rpg company I personally have experience with.

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Change Kira to any female romanceable for my characters (currently SI, IA, and JC) then yeah, I agree.


I have complete faith that SGR will come. Bioware isn't Blizzard*, I'm sure they'll release it. A little info would be nice, though.


*Blizz is the only mmo-rpg company I personally have experience with.


Well, Kira is my top priority, since she reminds me of an ex-gf that I let get away. :o Your point is well taken, though. Not meaning to slight anyone else's preference as to which companions they want for SGRs. :)

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On the scale from 1 to 10 for priority. This is like 40 in importance.


Can not believe they are wasting time on developing this. :mad:


I agree i find most of the romances boring already i don't think being able to be hit one by another dude would make that any better..

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I agree i find most of the romances boring already i don't think being able to be hit one by another dude would make that any better..


I'm the opposite, I've tried some of the romances out on characters that I felt in my head would be straight and I really enjoyed the storyline, I'd really like to be able to check out the ones on characters that I don't feel to be straight so I can find out what the stories there will be like. For me it'll make it much better.

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Companion NPCs are a core game mechanic that set SWTOR apart from other MMOs, and for some players it is genuinely rewarding to explore the companion's stories. These are so much a part of the game that they are doing a weekly feature here profiling a different companion each week – something people have responded well to.


One aspect of companion stories and the affection statistic that many players find engaging is companion romance. Maybe you don't enjoy it. That's perfectly valid. What it suspicious, and reflects poorly on a poster is when they only voice a negative opinion of companion romances as a whole in discussions of the same-gender romances not yet in game.


If the romance doesn't grab you, that's okay. It's not everyone's thing. But it is in the game and, as things stand, half of it is missing.

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So then .. unless they "rollback" all romance-able character's conversations .. are people really going to make entirely new characters and level them up past 40 or so JUST for a couple seconds of dialogue and innuendo?


That kind of obsession is a little disturbing.


More than a little........

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No, I am going to just play my character and assume that companion dialog options for which I meet requirements to unlock and have not yet seen a prompt to begin will be available.


This content should have been part and parcel with all companion content at launch. Players who for whatever reason would rather romance companions of the same sex as their character have already been inconvenienced – without apology, I might point out.


When these players have inquired how this content will be implemented, so that they could take care to proceed in such a way as not to miss out on this content on a particular character, they have received no reply and been left to make their best guess. Some have stopped playing until this content is added to assure that they don't screw up.


Yes, these are real concerns. And to date, BioWare has done a really crappy job of addressing them.

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By the kind indulgence of Their Moderatenesses, the Community Support team, it seems we are now permitted to discuss same-gender romantic content more broadly here, rather than confining ourselves strictly to Gabe Amatangelo's interview. So have at. Remember not to reply to abusive posts and try to keep things moving in a positive direction.
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I've heard that sometimes Corso's romance and his actions can be really creepy towards female characters. If he becomes available as a romance option for male Smugglers, what sort of creep factor do you think players would experience? I've not played Smuggler myself, so I don't know how differently he acts towards male Smugglers than female, but I do know he can get very uppity when female Smugglers use their [Flirt] options.


That's a general question to anyone who's played Smuggler :)

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I've heard that sometimes Corso's romance and his actions can be really creepy towards female characters. If he becomes available as a romance option for male Smugglers, what sort of creep factor do you think players would experience? I've not played Smuggler myself, so I don't know how differently he acts towards male Smugglers than female, but I do know he can get very uppity when female Smugglers use their [Flirt] options.


That's a general question to anyone who's played Smuggler :)


My female smuggler is currently romancing Corso and he's not creepy at all. He's just one of those insecure nice-guys. He also gets jealous when I flirt with other NPCs, but you know he really reminds me of Jason Statham's character from Expendables, where he is really trying to look out for the chick and will kick the other guy's *** if they treat her wrong but tries to keep things on the DL otherwise.

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So then .. unless they "rollback" all romance-able character's conversations .. are people really going to make entirely new characters and level them up past 40 or so JUST for a couple seconds of dialogue and innuendo?


That kind of obsession is a little disturbing.


I did precisely this. Well actually I made a new character in order to make a synthweavng alt, but I made him a male guardian (I already had a female guardian) specifically to romance Kira.

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I did precisely this. Well actually I made a new character in order to make a synthweavng alt, but I made him a male guardian (I already had a female guardian) specifically to romance Kira.


I'd do it the real MMO player way - rather than, say, reroll my BH to romance Gault (she's a female but my points stand), I'd complain on the forums until I don't have to! :D


Though really, if you're dumb enough to make newly-added content inaccessible to pre-existing characters...

Edited by spookysage
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I create alts because I am interested to take a different path than I have before. Also to keep off my smuggler until I am not grinding my teeth in mute frustration from all the flirts... with the ladies. Which is a shame. I love the class mechanics, I am enjoying the story. I like my toon. I want to be able to enjoy playing him, and right now I can't.
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On the scale from 1 to 10 for priority. This is like 40 in importance.


Can not believe they are wasting time on developing this. :mad:


This..and also I dont see it being in patch 1.5 or any other pacth. I know alot of people want this, but I honestly think BW/EA are just letting out little hint about it all from time to time, just to keep those who wants this hopes up. But in reallity this is just to string you along so they cant keep you as subsribers.


Also I think there is another thread for this somewhere.

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Also I think there is another thread for this somewhere.


As Uluain already mentioned, Ms. Berryman has stated that we can use this thread as well as the original in Story and Lore.


And because everyone's being so negative (again), let's talk about the re-written dialogue.


Lieutenant Pierce's romance feels rather... lacking:



As far as I can remember, on my Juggernaut it was a moment of "Hey, let's have sex" and then it went straight back to him assaulting the Bastion on Corellia.



If he becomes an SGR, do you expect that romance to be as straightforward? (sex->work-work...) Or something more involved?

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Thanks for the tweets and verification, Hall. :)


Yeah ok, this is hardly a verification on anything.

A writer saying he likes to write stories..omg what a surprise;). And then you have a PvP developer comment on something that is clearly not something he has anything to do with, so I wouldnt put anything in what he said, he was probably just trying to get the interviewer of his back.

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Yeah ok, this is hardly a verification on anything.

A writer saying he likes to write stories..omg what a surprise;). And then you have a PvP developer comment on something that is clearly not something he has anything to do with, so I wouldnt put anything in what he said, he was probably just trying to get the interviewer of his back.


Mr. Hood's removed tweets and Mr. Amatengelo's unsure answers are why we are asking for further confirmation and clarification. Mr. Amatengelo's "maybe, not really sure, but I think" is the closest we have had to any new information since the March Guild Summit, when the community was informed that SGRA's would be released "this year".


It is believed that Makeb will be a story-content patch and we have been able to gather that SGRA's would likely be released with a story-content patch, as they are story-content. We only ask about the release date because of Mr. Amatengelo's comments; there are many other questions we have (re: implementation) that have not been acknowledged or addressed.

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Mr. Hood's removed tweets and Mr. Amatengelo's unsure answers are why we are asking for further confirmation and clarification. Mr. Amatengelo's "maybe, not really sure, but I think" is the closest we have had to any new information since the March Guild Summit, when the community was informed that SGRA's would be released "this year".


It is believed that Makeb will be a story-content patch and we have been able to gather that SGRA's would likely be released with a story-content patch, as they are story-content. We only ask about the release date because of Mr. Amatengelo's comments; there are many other questions we have (re: implementation) that have not been acknowledged or addressed.


Fair enough mate..I understand you would like some more info on this, just as we all have certain features and add we would like info on.

But to be honest, as I have before in other posts about this and been hated quite a bit for it, I dont think SGR is likely to ever find its way into swtor.

I know BW as earlier said that it will, but content like this that only appealing to a small group of the fanbase, is just not like to get any priority from the devs. Sure it will upset the people who wants this, but these days I think have greater concerns than pleasing a minority of the fan base.


If it does get in thats fine with me, but to me its wont be a logical choice from the devs to put an effort into this particular piece of content.

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