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Cloning Kaliyo D'jannis.


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I've been trying to make a Kaliyo D'jannis clone as a bounty hunter, the only problem being, i cannot find her original tattoos. (see here: http://www.ld-fifty.com/static/images/companions/cdx.persons.agent.kaliyo_djannis.png ).


This is bugging me to no end. I'm aware that some facial characteristics are only available with certain complexions / faces / etc, but i think i've exhausted every avenue.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Seems like they made a lot of custom textures/skins/patterns for companions to keep people from twinning 'em. Like Corso and Torian's scars (I think).


Yes, quite right, indeed. I also tried to make a Kaliyo lookalike, but no luck. Btw, the first time I saw Torian's face I was: "Man!! What the H... happened to your face???". Seriously, I was almost sure that there'd be a companion storyline about how did he get those scars.

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