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SyFy is recruiting


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Hello everyone


Thought I would spread the word on the forums as well.

My name is Uven, I am co-guild leader of SyFy as of right now because our current leader has some real life stuff going on. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are actively recruiting members of all levels and professions.


What kind of guild are we? Some of you are probably thinking this right now. We started out on Kass City before Bioware merged servers. We then moved to Canderous Ordo, and now are on Jedi Covenant. We are a family guild, meaning that we are all around the age where we are in college, or have a family of our own so real life always comes first. Republic guild of course, but we also have an Imp guild called Homeless Face Chewers, led by another member of our guild. PVE , PVP, what ever you like to do, we do it all. We have a Facebook page, as well as a website where most of our information such as events and stuff are posted. We use ventrillo. It is not required for regular gameplay, but it is required for group activities like operations and some flashpoints for better communication between one another. Our raid nights are thursday-sunday starting around 8 or 9pm est, we follow a calender which I myself sign up and let people sign up if they wish to attend, if they are not on by raid start time then they are replaced, however i usually give them a 5 minute gap between that.


So if you are interested in checking us out or joining the fun, please contact me in game or on here. Im always on in the evening and will be posting recruiting messages every so often (not spamming because that is just annoying).

Edited by Uven
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