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Review my pvp tank profile


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What do you all think I can improve? For rwz's I am playing as the tank peeler role. I still want to contribute dps even tho its not my priority. This build is focusing on HP while keeping my surge at ~72. I ran a couple dps meters for warzones and noticed I need to ravage more. Give me some feedback please. Posting my build.



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You have the augments right and I think your gear is good, but I went for full DPS set. I see you have some war leader parts but I honestly don't think they are worth it. Defense is not so good in PvP as most of the damage you take is from Force or Tech, I think the extra damage you do if you take the entire DPS (Vindicator) set is much more worth it and your survivability doesn't suffer much if you just ditch the War Leader stuff.


If you wanna see how well I survive watch the video of me playing huttball to have an idea (

). Obviously in ranked I take more damage as the gear evens out, but still I do very well carrying the ball and surviving while guarding our healers. Most of our mittigation comes from Health pool and cleaver use of cooldown, that's where you need to focus, the other tank stats in PvP are not that great, absorption and shield chance help, but I think the extra damage is more important, it gives you an edge when CCing and putting presure on enemy healers or even damaging the DPS you're peeling off of the healers when protecting them. THe difference in Endurance from the War Leader set to the VIndicator set is like 40... that's hardly worth it. I abuse the crap out of Enraged Defense, 1 min is a very short cooldown and the higher your health pool is the more it heals. Edited by carlosg
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Well defense rating is my % chance to block an attack ya? So only things like rail shot, ambush, executes etc. What else does defense rating do for pvp? Tech and force go right through unless I pop saber ward correct? With that build I'll have ~30% defense. Edited by Robpwnz
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