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Lords of the Sith Recruiting


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Website: LordsoftheSith.com


Hello I am Owosci,


I am the guild leader for Lords of the Sith. We are a long standing guild that goes back to Star Wars Galaxies. We have two groups that run Hardmode flashpoints and together run Operations. We are looking for general membership of any level. We PVP and sometimes RP. We have mumble available to all members to use.


Who We Are


We are a Guild that strives to improve the game enjoyment of its members by providing an atmosphere that promotes participation in a fun, low stress and supportive social environment. You will find that we support our member's by assisting them in achieving any of their goals. We believe that who we are is clearly reflected by our uncomplicated Rules of Conduct.


Guild Rules of Conduct


Have fun!

This is why we play the game right? Don't forget that fact.


Help others to have fun!

It's expected that you play to have fun but that does not give you the right to have fun at other people's expense. You should do all that you can to make sure your friends are having fun as well. Regardless of rank or position no one has the right to treat another with indignity or disrespect.


Real Life Comes First!

We all have events in our lives that interrupt our plans and demand our immediate attention. Be flexible with those who have had real issues taking them away from the game.


Be Patient!

With enough time and effort anything in the game is possible. Learn from your setbacks, work on your goals and be patient.


Be Honest!

We do not lie, cheat or steal from others or tolerate those among us who do.


If you are interested in joining either register with the website above or reach out to Owosci, Zarith, Korroded, Thormon, post in this thread or contact any Lords of the Sith member in game.


Take care,

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We generally use a need before greed setup. If your character, the one present in the instance, needs something and someone else wants it for an alt or any other purpose then you would need it and everyone else would have to greed. Meaning the characters in the instances, need by class etc.


If two would progress then both would roll need. etc.

Edited by Aeternali
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