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Has there been any update/reply anything regarding the bug with unload firing after fights?

I'm shocked at how long this bug has been ongoing.

Not sure when it started, I don't recall it ever happening in beta.

I played my BH to the mid 40's then played a bunch of alts, so I don't know what brought it about.


It just strikes me as something that would be rapidly fixed in any other game.

Been stuck a couple times in convo cut-scenes .. pew pew pew pew pew "What'd he say?" pew pew pew pew "I dunno I can't hear over your blasters" pew pew pew pew.


Usually just hitting recharge/reload or getting some other animation to play stops it, but sometimes after the new anim finishes my toon will go back to pew pew'ing.


I dunno, just seems like this game takes longer for bug fixes then any MMO I've ever played before, and that's going back to the late 90's.

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I just read someone said it was in beta, so wow long time ...


I don't remember it back then, but I don't think I used unload as often back then.

IIRC I was all about tracer missile/rail shot then I think I used power shot and missile blast over unload.

These days unload is prominent in rotation with power shot and missile blast relegated to fillers.

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It's still happening.

The thing is, now there is no sound or blaster bolts.


I've seen it today in FP's and WZ's my character will still continue the animation for unload, and will still turn to face the target as they respawn. Just like the bug has always been, just no visable or audible shots now.

When you start in with a TM on the next target your character will still face the old target while channeling.

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There are bugs that get fixed at some points and then return again later...


There have been times when the unload has worked fine. But sooner or later is creeps back in. I don't know how they can take a known problem that has been fixed and let it back in. It has to be incompetence.


I had an oldie pop up again last week: Remember when you Q for a WZ and push the acceptance button only to have it push you to the character selection screen... That happened to me twice last week. Seriously Bioware. How can you let an OLD (known) problem back into existence once you have fixed it. Don't you keep notes on things like that???


Another bug that never seems to get fixed... I send my companion on a mission and when I get done with a WZ... My companion is nowhere around. It shows that that particular companion is my active companion but I can not see her anywhere. I have to send her to sell my gray stuff (even if I don't have any gray items). I can also switch companion and then switch back. Either way, THIS IS A LONGSTANDING PROBLEM THAT BIOWARE IS TOO INCOMPETENT TO FIX.


Funny huh... How stupid am I for giving them money???

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