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Battle of Hoth (Sept. 22nd)


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World PvP Event


Hey folks, originally we were going to try and make things interesting and have a "Protect your General" objective PvP Event, but after taking a long and hard consideration to feedback I was getting toward that idea, I have to agree that although it was a great idea, it would most likely end in disaster due to the rules being a bit complicated and no real way to enforce the rules. So, having said that...



There will be a simple all out war on Hoth on Sept 22nd, @8:30pm Eastern Time.


  • Location: -2545, 37 Clabburn Tundra
  • Republic Respawn Location: Jagged Plains Republic Outpost
  • Imperial Respawn Location: Jagged Plains Imperial Garrison
  • Visual Map Screen Shot: Hoth War Location


This is pretty much a run of the mill all out War, no specific rules, I simply ask that both sides keep a respective distance from each others respawn points.


Winner will go to whomever has control of the middle territory @9:30pm Eastern Time or whoever has control of the Battle Ground thereafter.


I Strongly urge the winner of this event to raise total chaos in Black Hole afterward, to proclaim your faction's victory!


See ya there! :rak_03:

Edited by Wraiven
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Even though it was nothing but one huge spawn camp, I did have a lot of fun sneaking to their rears and *trying* to take them out from behind. Yeah, pretty disappointed in the lack of Imperials. Gonna have to work on that next week. I'm sure it did not help none that somebody started an event on Illum *and* Black Hole at the exact same time. We'll see how Alderaan goes next week once I do some hard core Advertising.


Thanks to all who showed up, and Republics...all I can say is...Dayum...you guys really support your faction, that's awl inspiring to say the least.


Take care, folks!

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Would have been more fun if the rules would have been followed. That's Pubs for ya i guess


The way I understood it, the rules were voided due to someone deciding that there was not way to verify the kills of the generals. Either way you look at it........remember Ilum back in the day when the Repubs couldn't get our of our base ;) .



I will say it was kind of boring for the kill fest. We need an objective of some nature. Tatooine was much better!

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The way I understood it, the rules were voided due to someone deciding that there was not way to verify the kills of the generals. Either way you look at it........remember Ilum back in the day when the Repubs couldn't get our of our base ;) .



I will say it was kind of boring for the kill fest. We need an objective of some nature. Tatooine was much better!


I agree, but this is still in it's infancy stages. Once we do this for a couple months, we will learn which areas work best and what people most like. Gonna take awhile to get this thing organized. I do agree, Tatooine so far has been the best idea yet.

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The way I understood it, the rules were voided due to someone deciding that there was not way to verify the kills of the generals. Either way you look at it........remember Ilum back in the day when the Repubs couldn't get our of our base ;) .



I will say it was kind of boring for the kill fest. We need an objective of some nature. Tatooine was much better!


This...kill fest are always fun, but throw in some objectives (simple objectives for the time being) and you have a true PvP Event.


Keep coming up with ideas and improving from past events, we support you Wraiven!!!


Oh yeah...For the Republic!

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I agree, but this is still in it's infancy stages. Once we do this for a couple months, we will learn which areas work best and what people most like. Gonna take awhile to get this thing organized. I do agree, Tatooine so far has been the best idea yet.


It wouldn't be a bad idea to recycle the Tatooine one but on different plant. Also twists can be added to it. Such as find X person and kill X person. Like a Bonus mission. We could even move it out to having to control 2 or 3 different points. Or who has the majority, etc.

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Well, the idea I was originally running with, "Kill the General" was decided against at the last moment, and since I can't even get the masses to follow a simple direction ("Please refrain from base camping") I believe we discarded the "Kill the General" idea for good reason.


Now I was not playing on the Republic side, but I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that PAX and a few other guilds probably asked in General chat several times to back off from the Imperial Base. We see how that went. Which is no big deal, I don't blame the players, I blame the mechanic that I set in place when I decided to pick a location that had bases so close to not only each other, but also so close to the battlefield objective.


There was indeed an objective, the battlefield, which was never even fought on, was the objective. The objective was to take control of the battlefield, and have control of it by 9:30, with instructions to refrain from base camping. Instead it turned in to a base camp before the official start time (8:30pm est) even got here.


All good though, lesson learned, it just means that there will be some hefty travel times in the future from objective point to respawn point. Alderaan next week will be much like Tatooine (Thank you PAX for showing me this location) and I believe leaves little room for there to be another Hoth.


Until then, I'll post the next event tomorrow morning and start advertising more on Imperial side. Until then, see ya next week! :)

Edited by Wraiven
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