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Tracer Missile vs. Power Shot


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Ok so Tracer Missile is essentially a replacement ability for power shot, much like the 31 pointer in our shared tree is a replacement for explosive dart. So why is it that the damage dealt by Tracer Missle is less than Power Shot damage. (Yes I understand Power Shot doesn't grant me all my buffs and all that stuff.) I'm just wondering why an ability that I have spend a talent point on does less damage than a base ability.
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Tracer Missile is a tech attack that bypasses defense and shield chance, and has a small crit boost from your Cunning (1.2% if you're buffed and have the datacrons). Against bosses their damage is about the same, in PvP Tracer is far better against tanks and probably a bit worse against everyone else. Edited by acnoj
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why is it that the damage dealt by Tracer Missle is less than Power Shot damage


It's not.


Powershot has higher damage and gains 9% more damage on burning targets if Pyro specced


Tracer has weaker damage and gains nothing.



That's as far as you've thought through it.



Now we add in armour penetration....


Powershot has 0 armour penetration, it takes the 30% or whatever damage reduction against bosses


Tracer has 25% armour penetration from HVGC and a tracer stack is 20% more, it loses much less damage vs armour.


Unless you find some totally naked mob the reality is Tracer hits harder than Power Shot.



I am not referring to Arsenal firing Powershot because the bonuses lost are just too much to ignore.


I refer to the intended and major user of Powershot (merc pyro) vs the intended and only user of Tracer (merc arsenal).


So even in the right hands tracer hits harder than powershot.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Well if Bodyguard spec doesn't Powershot become free to cast until you run out of the buff? Granted the armor debuff is awesome but maybe some weird spec of rocking Combat Cells to proc off the free Powershot spam when they boss has full armor debuffs would be good no...? This is coming from a VERY noob perspective so please forgive me.
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Powershot is utterly useless. Missle Blast IS useful, can knock 3 dudes capping an objective at instant speed and at 30m ;)


Powershot is good for use on Shadows/Assassins with their Tech and Force immunity up, and for when you're interrupted.


This thread isn't about situational utility.

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Don't be lead astray by trolls like Aerro. He thinks he is an elite player and thinks its funny to tell people bad information. His suggestion will just overheat your cylinders.


Obviously sarcasm goes well over your head.


I don't think I am an elite player- I KNOW I am. Its that simple. I help the Bounty Hunter community, you destroy it. I push elite numbers- you try to follow in my shadow.


Move along.

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Well if Bodyguard spec doesn't Powershot become free to cast until you run out of the buff? Granted the armor debuff is awesome but maybe some weird spec of rocking Combat Cells to proc off the free Powershot spam when they boss has full armor debuffs would be good no...? This is coming from a VERY noob perspective so please forgive me.


Not worth what you'd be giving up. There's no good hybrid spec for Merc that I know if... if you're DPS on a boss, you want full Arsenal (although I've seen some people say they do good DPS with Pyro); if you're healing, you want Bodyguard.


There is NO good reason for a non-healing Merc to get Supercharged Gas and thus be able to fire free Power Shots.

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1) Power shots are good

2) You should be Pyro in PvP.


Incendiary Missile

Thermal Detonator




(TSO+PS) Fusion Missile


A worthy target will be badly hurt but not dead. If you switch to Rapid Shots here, you lose. You MUST use Power Shots until your main rotation comes off CD. Very basic.

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  • 3 months later...
Powershots is horrible. It has relatively long cast time in the heat of a fight. Only good use is against low health or to proc Barrage for another unload. Missile blast is really only good for killing a low health target on the run if HSM or Rail Shot is unavailable and rapid shots is a bit to weak.
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