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So in 1.4 do we get to put our hoods down?


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Reputation Gear - Almost all of it is new looks...


Sooooo you were saying?


Also, there is a ton of modifiable blue/purple/orange gear that looks unique... just go look at the items you can craft and that are posted to the GTN. In fact I am currently wearing a helm that I have only ever seen ONE person wear and they were wearing a different color of it than I was... The gear it out there... people are just lazy and dont TRY to customize... how is that BWs fault?


As an aside, the original topic holds validity, that they should include an option for hoods up/down... and I dont know why they haven''t gotten it in the game yet... kinda sucks.


RECOLORS! The reputation gear are not new looks they are the same looks... Recolored, Voss, Gree, all of them are the exact same looks just recolored that have been in the game since inception.


Yes theres a ton of gear out there, but all basically the same stuff just recolored, majority of all this gear is the same basic orange craftables that Armormechs and Synthweavers to include Armstech (those new swords are nothing more than recolors), to include the class specific random world drop oranges (Hydra, Inquisitor, etc) that all have been around for some time.


So yea there are customizable options out there (don't think anyone ever said there wasnt) what the beef is the constant recolor reissue and recharge efforts the Cartel Market tries to slip pass as NEW content...

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RECOLORS! The reputation gear are not new looks they are the same looks... Recolored, Voss, Gree, all of them are the exact same looks just recolored that have been in the game since inception.


Yes theres a ton of gear out there, but all basically the same stuff just recolored, majority of all this gear is the same basic orange craftables that Armormechs and Synthweavers to include Armstech (those new swords are nothing more than recolors), to include the class specific random world drop oranges (Hydra, Inquisitor, etc) that all have been around for some time.


So yea there are customizable options out there (don't think anyone ever said there wasnt) what the beef is the constant recolor reissue and recharge efforts the Cartel Market tries to slip pass as NEW content...


hrmmm are they really? I had never seen the gree gear before on anyone... I guess that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Grant it they have three sets that are all recolors of each other, but I thought that the set design in general was new.


I also didn't know you could get the dread guard outfit in any form until the vendor. I mean sure, they are in the game already on the NPCs but I didn't know that players could get them already.


Wish there was a place you could go to see all the armors in the game and they look on a character. I mean dulfy lists the new stuff, but if there is a database of everything that would be pretty tight.


edit: I did scroll through all the armorings on tor fashion and did NOT see anything remotely close to the gree armor. If it exists in game elsewhere feel free to share.

Edited by Chickensevil
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Hood up and hood down is still in the works. Unfortunately, it requires a few changes to our art pipeline and reprocessing those assets by the artists. The team has been hard at work on our upcoming content, and priorities put hood up/down on the back burner just a bit, but it's still on the To Do list and we are still very much aware of the demand - by developers and players alike!


I like the part, where nobody in the design team realized we wanted the ability to put our hoods up and down from the very beginning.


Did anyone on the design team actually watch Star Wars ? :rolleyes:

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I think what they meant to say is that it's a recolor of the Jedi BattleLord class set from the loading screen.


Which it is.


They also recolored the gloves/boots/legs for either the conservators set or the classic conservators set - can't keep my memory straight about which is which.


No, it's not! Compare to of them side by side... The only same thing are the boots. Gloves and pants are much slimmer an there is no belt around the waist.

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I like the part, where nobody in the design team realized we wanted the ability to put our hoods up and down from the very beginning.


Did anyone on the design team actually watch Star Wars ? :rolleyes:


I also find it funny that the developers didn't even know they wanted a hood down option until they shipped the game and the players asked for it.

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No, I don't think we do.


Mainly because a hood up/down animation... Is unfeasible I mean a completely new animation that changes the skin of a model to another... It is'nt worth the development time, as a QoL feature.. I don't honestly believe the dev team are anywhere near even having it working, or progressed it from the planning stage.


Just release some altered robe models (hood down) for the main few types: Indignation, Battle Expulsor, Vindicator, Battlelord etc.. And be done with it, that or release some new models with a hood up/down variants.


The day we get the hood up/down toggle, fully animated that does'nt just clip off the hood but lowers it to the back of the robe.. I will eat my hat.. Scratch that, hood - because it beats having it up all the time.

Edited by Farstrider
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No, I don't think we do.


Mainly because a hood up/down animation... Is unfeasible I mean a completely new animation that changes the skin of a model to another... It is'nt worth the development time, as a QoL feature.. I don't honestly believe the dev team are anywhere near even having it working, or progressed it from the planning stage.


Just release some altered robe models (hood down) for the main few types: Indignation, Battle Expulsor, Vindicator, Battlelord etc.. And be done with it, that or release some new models with a hood up/down variants.


The day we get the hood up/down toggle, fully animated that does'nt just clip off the hood but lowers it to the back of the robe.. I will eat my hat.. Scratch that, hood - because it beats having it up all the time.


I believe all of us would be totally satisfied with the hood up graphic just switching, within a blink of an eye, into unhooded form. they are able to remove those detals and switch them around for armor. The hoods are totally separate pieces. They can create a feature to allow players actually switch around thos details.

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I believe all of us would be totally satisfied with the hood up graphic just switching, within a blink of an eye, into unhooded form. they are able to remove those detals and switch them around for armor. The hoods are totally separate pieces. They can create a feature to allow players actually switch around thos details.


This. That's all players really want when it comes to hood toggle. I mean no one complains (yet) that when they remove their characters boots the character doesn't sit down and undo their laces.

Edited by Iggster
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Wood making a hood a "helmet" solve this problem the fastest? Basically you then can toggle to view helmet or not, which would be the hood. You could augment it all the same, etc etc.


The only problem with this idea is of course, you wouldn't be able to wear any masks or eye ware. But it would be an easy fix/solution to the problem.


The benefit would be that it would probably be the fastest way to implement this, as well as give non-hooded robes in game the option to now have a hood! (because the hood would be a helmet slot)



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