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Checkout that scoreboard


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The first and third seem staged. No way someone can legitimately get 1.6 mill damage in Huttball. What I'm guessing happened is 4 healers healed themselves in a group, while he smashed them over and over again.


That last game... really no one capped any nodes? The middle node often stays uncapped leading to long games, but I've never seen a side node stay uncapped (longer res distance when it is neutral for both teams), let alone all 3 uncapped.


First one was a partial premade vs a partial premade. Our team ended up getting 3 pug healers so we mainly just deathmatched in mid. That's about as setup as it got.


The third was a setup just to see what number we could pull. I personally feel any team that sits at mid for a whole game trying to get the neutral node without shifitng ppl to make something happen is practically no different than just deathmatching from the get go.

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First one was a partial premade vs a partial premade. Our team ended up getting 3 pug healers so we mainly just deathmatched in mid. That's about as setup as it got.


The third was a setup just to see what number we could pull. I personally feel any team that sits at mid for a whole game trying to get the neutral node without shifitng ppl to make something happen is practically no different than just deathmatching from the get go.


Doesn't explain why four healers wouldn't move out of smash range. Maybe on Voidstar defense, but definitely not in Huttball.


How is not capping mid in CV the same as not capping all three nodes? The former happens often in real RWZ matches where both sides want to win. The latter just shows no one even tried to win.

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Doesn't explain why four healers wouldn't move out of smash range. Maybe on Voidstar defense, but definitely not in Huttball.


How is not capping mid in CV the same as not capping all three nodes? The former happens often in real RWZ matches where both sides want to win. The latter just shows no one even tried to win.


I know you're trying to devalue those numbers any way you can to make the numbers you've had seem like a larger achievement. The ONLY difference between what you and I did was that your team left someone guarding a node. Other than that, it was essentially the same....a HUGE deathmatch.


That and I love seeing large healing numbers from healers and very little dmg done. Makes me laugh.

Edited by Ravashakk
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I know you're trying to devalue those numbers any way you can to make the numbers you've had seem like a larger achievement. The ONLY difference between what you and I did was that your team left someone guarding a node. Other than that, it was essentially the same....a HUGE deathmatch.


You care way too much about numbers. Enough to stage games and then claim they aren't that different from normal games.


I didn't even know timeouts were possible in CW.

Edited by Antipodes
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You care way too much about numbers. Enough to stage games and then claim they aren't that different from normal games.


I didn't even know timeouts were possible in CW.


Yeah how dare I care about numbers in a thread called "Checkout that scoreboard".

I told you exactly what we did, and you got all upset. "THAT'S NOT HOW THE GAME IS SUPPOSE TO BE PLAYED!!!!!!!!" Well guess what? I had fun, therefore the game got played exactly how I wanted it.

Edited by Ravashakk
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The first and third seem staged. No way someone can legitimately get 1.6 mill damage in Huttball. What I'm guessing happened is 4 healers healed themselves in a group, while he smashed them over and over again.


That last game... really no one capped any nodes? The middle node often stays uncapped leading to long games, but I've never seen a side node stay uncapped (longer res distance when it is neutral for both teams), let alone all 3 uncapped.


I agree with his analysis.


This entire thread wouldn't make sense if there wasn't some sort of rational rule against staged games. In fact, if my guild and I felt like it, we could probably get a 16-man warzone together and keep it up for 40 minutes and get 2 mil damage. Makes the numbers completely worthless.

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I agree with his analysis.


This entire thread wouldn't make sense if there wasn't some sort of rational rule against staged games. In fact, if my guild and I felt like it, we could probably get a 16-man warzone together and keep it up for 40 minutes and get 2 mil damage. Makes the numbers completely worthless.


CW and NC have 30 min time limits.


And besides, if you start throwing "rules" around then someone will say "but he had a dedicated tank" or "look at his group composition" or "the guys he faced were terrible". Who cares? This is an epeen fest, and trying to restrict it would be futile. Take what you see for face value. People asked for largest healing/dmg numbers...they didn't say "Let's see the largest healing/dmg numbers in a X min game with X amount of healers/tanks where both sides were full aug WH AND both teams were trying to be objective"

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CW and NC have 30 min time limits.


And besides, if you start throwing "rules" around then someone will say "but he had a dedicated tank" or "look at his group composition" or "the guys he faced were terrible". Who cares? This is an epeen fest, and trying to restrict it would be futile. Take what you see for face value. People asked for largest healing/dmg numbers...they didn't say "Let's see the largest healing/dmg numbers in a X min game with X amount of healers/tanks where both sides were full aug WH AND both teams were trying to be objective"


I actually agree with this on a couple of points. Threads like these are simply meant for people to flex their e-peens. In no way are these type of numbers the norm in games nor do they even necessarily win games for you. To get numbers like this a couple of circumstances have to come together. Mainly both teams not having enough dps to kill each other off. Whether this be because of godlike healers or terrible dps on both sides, the bottom line is both sides cannot die. You'll never see a game with huge numbers like this where one team has a big advantage over the other.


If you get a lot of kills it means you have to move from enemy to enemy. That time spent moving from target to target lowers your overall damage. If you're attacking a healer who's healing through your damage all game, you can basically just go through your rotation over and over without having to worry much. Of course if you're dying a good amount the same rule applies. Every time you die you have to possibly wait for a door to go down as well as moving back to the targets.


This is why I think it's stupid when people make justifications and excuses when they see big numbers. Oh, you had all that damage, but only 21 kills? That's because games like that are the ONLY way you're going to obtain big damage numbers. The same applies to healing and protection numbers.


The only thing I disagree on is posting obviously staged games like that Civil War that was 600-600. I can't verify myself whether it is a 30 minute limit for CW and NC, because I've never actually played in a staged game myself. But whatever, as I said in the beginning of my post, threads like these are about flexing your e-peen.

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All that damage and only 21 kills, that is rather poor.


dont be a hater. Bad form. 928k is nice. I have seen higher, but its not often. I have seen a 1.1m dmg performance by a dirty fighting scoundrel in a NC, but like another poster said, those can last for ever.


But nice dmgs

Edited by Vedano
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Personally, I wouldn't feel any glorification after dealing out 1 mil damage in a staged game. And if that somehow boosts your e-peen, so be it.


The ONLY thing staged was that we didn't cap anything....you still had to earn that dmg and healing. Ppl still tried to kill you . If you feel some glorification that you watched a turret and aoe'd it every so often when someone tried to cap it, then so be it.

Edited by Ravashakk
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These kind of threads are exactly why PVP (in any game) usually varies a LOT in the quality of players.


Making a LOT of damage does NOT make you a good pvp player.. It can mean dozens of other things, like you had 2 good healers on your team.


Making a LOT of healing does NOT make you a good healer, it's rather an indication that you most likely played against a very bad team in a match that took forever..


Having a LOT of medals and objective points does NOT make you a good PVP player - but granted it might be a slightly better indicator than the healing/damage done.


I see people chase kills and damage like madmen in warzones only to be ninja capped and losing the game.. People leaving objectives alone etc.. All in the name of chasing the epeen that large numbers on the scoreboard gives.


Being a good pvp player means other things than knowing a basic rotation, having grinded the best gear and having some 1337 friends to play with bringing you crazy stats.. It means knowing when to do what, and supporting your team.. And that rarely brings the big numbers. And really, if you did manage a huuuuge amount of damage and you get all 7 mvp votes.. Wohoo for you, that's 7 more commendations for you, don't spend them all in one place.. I would MUCH rather win the wz, than go for most mvp votes and an impressive screenshot..

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Being a good pvp player means other things than knowing a basic rotation, having grinded the best gear and having some 1337 friends to play with bringing you crazy stats.. It means knowing when to do what, and supporting your team.. And that rarely brings the big numbers. And really, if you did manage a huuuuge amount of damage and you get all 7 mvp votes.. Wohoo for you, that's 7 more commendations for you, don't spend them all in one place.. I would MUCH rather win the wz, than go for most mvp votes and an impressive screenshot..


I was kind of thinking about that myself when reading the post. But before I say what I'm about to say, the opposite is also true. The fact that they got huge amounts of damage and healing doesn't necessary mean they were playing with that purpose... Maybe they played well, helped the team, and eventually got very high numbers...


But anyway, what I was thinking as I saw the screenshots is that I just recently got 30 kills with my Guardian Tank (100% tank right now) with half BM gear only. He sucks at DPS big time (max hit is under 2K). So only dealt around 100K, 1/10th of what these people are doing, achieving the very same goals: 30 kills, major win. So my way of thinking is that 1 million dmg should lead to a lot more killing... My biggest fear is that this could be and indication of a huge FOCUSING problem. To keep damaging someone for 5 minutes without him dying can lead to huge dmg numbers, but doesn't help your team a whole lot.


Focus is still, by the way, the biggest problem in PvP (more than gear, defensive stats, class balance, strategy, all that).

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These kind of threads are exactly why PVP (in any game) usually varies a LOT in the quality of players.


Making a LOT of damage does NOT make you a good pvp player.. It can mean dozens of other things, like you had 2 good healers on your team.


Making a LOT of healing does NOT make you a good healer, it's rather an indication that you most likely played against a very bad team in a match that took forever..


Having a LOT of medals and objective points does NOT make you a good PVP player - but granted it might be a slightly better indicator than the healing/damage done.


I see people chase kills and damage like madmen in warzones only to be ninja capped and losing the game.. People leaving objectives alone etc.. All in the name of chasing the epeen that large numbers on the scoreboard gives.


Being a good pvp player means other things than knowing a basic rotation, having grinded the best gear and having some 1337 friends to play with bringing you crazy stats.. It means knowing when to do what, and supporting your team.. And that rarely brings the big numbers. And really, if you did manage a huuuuge amount of damage and you get all 7 mvp votes.. Wohoo for you, that's 7 more commendations for you, don't spend them all in one place.. I would MUCH rather win the wz, than go for most mvp votes and an impressive screenshot..


I agree that screenshots of scoreboads don't always tell the story, but you can get a lot of information about that game if you look at more than just 1 stat by itself. I do disagree with the fact that playing the game right rarely gives you impressive numbers. It just depends on your role. If you were solo defending, your stats will be very low, but you did your job. On the contrary to that, round 1 void star defense, I get my 300k medal 98% of the time.


What I'm saying is, just like not having numbers didn't imply you were bad, having high numbers doesn't mean you weren't also objective.

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I was kind of thinking about that myself when reading the post. But before I say what I'm about to say, the opposite is also true. The fact that they got huge amounts of damage and healing doesn't necessary mean they were playing with that purpose... Maybe they played well, helped the team, and eventually got very high numbers...




But anyway, what I was thinking as I saw the screenshots is that I just recently got 30 kills with my Guardian Tank (100% tank right now) with half BM gear only. He sucks at DPS big time (max hit is under 2K). So only dealt around 100K, 1/10th of what these people are doing, achieving the very same goals: 30 kills, major win. So my way of thinking is that 1 million dmg should lead to a lot more killing... My biggest fear is that this could be and indication of a huge FOCUSING problem. To keep damaging someone for 5 minutes without him dying can lead to huge dmg numbers, but doesn't help your team a whole lot.


Focus is still, by the way, the biggest problem in PvP (more than gear, defensive stats, class balance, strategy, all that).


How well you focus is relative to how good the other team is at counter focusing. So you target a healer with 5 guys who is guarded by a immortal jugg. Your 5 guys are now getting taunted by the jugg and other classes that have taunts, and CC'ed, slowed, rooted. On top of all that, he's getting cross healed by the 1-2 other healers. Are you focusing incorrectly? I'd say you're doing a good job by getting 5 guys on one target, but you need to be able to target swap when things like this happen. Cuz from experience this will happen often and they will spend 5+ mins trying to kill me and spin their wheels.

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How well you focus is relative to how good the other team is at counter focusing. So you target a healer with 5 guys who is guarded by a immortal jugg. Your 5 guys are now getting taunted by the jugg and other classes that have taunts, and CC'ed, slowed, rooted. On top of all that, he's getting cross healed by the 1-2 other healers. Are you focusing incorrectly? I'd say you're doing a good job by getting 5 guys on one target, but you need to be able to target swap when things like this happen. Cuz from experience this will happen often and they will spend 5+ mins trying to kill me and spin their wheels.


That's absolutely true. It depends on the team and opponents, that's what makes it more interesting. I see this situation happening more often then I would like to. But IMO, if you targeting one enemy with a lot of fire power and he isn't dieing, it's time to thing about something else to do. Push him away, CC, try to cap, and so on. It has to be a very tough healer to handle 5 attacks though. If 3 of those are DPS and they are 5 in total, they have the obligation of killing the target, even if its a healer with a jugg guard/taunt. It's 5 guys to burst, cc, knock and control. So 5 guys fucusing = win IMO. 3 x 1 is more often a situation where the 1 can survive for a whole lot.


There are some specific tricks that help. In Voidstar for instance, when attacking I see this scenario a lot: 4 of my team attacking 4 of the enemy team. They have 1, maybe 2 healers, and keep everyone at 70%+ health all the time (my team, on the other hard, doesn't focus well enough because of lack of coordination). So what do I do? I try to plant the bomb. I have no hope of actually planting it, but suddenly 2 or 3 of the enemies, EVEN the healer, is trying to interrupt me. If that works first time I use my def cooldowns and keep spamming bomb. Suddenly they start dieing, because healer is worried about door (others are being CC'd by my team, so it could be on the healer) and DPS is focusing on me and not on the fight (using their best burst and CC on me). Even if I go down quickly, we win the 4 x 4 battle.


So that's only one specific situation but the point is the same: to continue to do high amount of damage doesn't really mean you are doing what's best for your time. I am personally more proud of getting 30 kills on a Tank that does 100K damage maximum, than doing huge damage numbers on my current DPS (still working my way to lvl 50...).



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The ONLY thing staged was that we didn't cap anything....you still had to earn that dmg and healing. Ppl still tried to kill you . If you feel some glorification that you watched a turret and aoe'd it every so often when someone tried to cap it, then so be it.


Sorry for my blunt language, but stop embarrassing yourself.


You're positing an argument of consequence, that if I dislike staged games than therefore I must be one of those players who solely watches nodes (observe how ridiculous that sounds). Only three things wrong with that assumption:


1. Nowhere did I state anything about deriving pleasure from objectives. In fact, I don't think I've mentioned the word objective once.


2. You're missing the entirety of my posts. Read them again.


3. I'm a sentinel, and consequently have an innate tendency to leap at random targets away from the node. This fact is of ubiquity, and I shamelessly say that forcing me to sit and watch the node during an enemy attack is analogous to strangling a cat. In any case, this point is rather irrelevant. Refer to point 1.


In other words, either you're trying to use a red herring to cover the inadequacy of your argument, or you're misunderstanding my posts.


Oh, and btw, that "only" thing staged that you mentioned? That's everything.


On the contrary to that, round 1 void star defense, I get my 300k medal 98% of the time.


What I'm saying is, just like not having numbers didn't imply you were bad, having high numbers doesn't mean you weren't also objective.


Yep, I'm sure that Voidstar requires you to play 110% objectively because it's so hard to see if someone's planting, say, through the horrendous lightning of a sorc. Yup, very hard indeed.

Edited by -Yui-
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