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1.4 Rage?


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So in 1.4, rage jugs/maras are going to have Instant, cheaper, lower cool down smash, and 10% more armor penetration... Does this surprise anyone else at all? And has anyone heard the reasoning behind it? Would have guessed rage would be at the top of the list of specs least likely to see their damage buffed…. Yet that’s not the case.
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The only thing they need to fix on Focus Sentinels/Guardians is making Focus Sweep/Smash instant. When I want to Focus Sweep/Smash something I want to do it right now, not do a Neo (from the Matrix) power-up superman jump into the air, do a full pirouette into a triple backflip quadruple twist dive, followed by a spinning leg sweep when I hit the ground. By the time the animation finishes all enemies in the area have had time to clap, take pictures, sip a cup of coffee and then casually walk out of range. Edited by DimeStax
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Probably over-reliance on their internal erroneous metrics? Dunno man, rage was fine as is (except for smash animation delay like above poster suggested). But hey, they are buffing it, whaddaya know!!


As a jugg tank I was hoping for some love to the jug tank tree, but I'll jump on the bandwagon and grind out a dps set, to have some smash fun once in a while I guess. I mean it is going to be too good to ignore now.


And if you think the rage spec had resource issues (like I've heard some claim) try soresu...

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This is supposedly to bring rage/ focus pve damage inline with vigilance/vengeance pve dps

It surprises me that they are trying to make both dps spec viable for pve while completely ignoring vigilance in pvp

And focus being buff for pvp as a side effect is rediculus the spec is already a top performer

Edited by denpic
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My guess is they want DPS to be around where Maras and Powertechs currently reside. Rage is a little bit weaker than these two classes so to adjust it they had to give it a little nudge. Its not going to be noticable of an increase if you think back to the days before their earlier smash nerf.


What i am baffled about is why they didn't give Vengeance a bit of a damage increase so it could be more competitive (actual or perceived).

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My guess is they want DPS to be around where Maras and Powertechs currently reside. Rage is a little bit weaker than these two classes so to adjust it they had to give it a little nudge. Its not going to be noticable of an increase if you think back to the days before their earlier smash nerf.


What i am baffled about is why they didn't give Vengeance a bit of a damage increase so it could be more competitive (actual or perceived).


Me as well.

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If they make it instant i'll be very sad as its just another dumb the game down change. That is the main thing (besides gear and being in a premade for support obviously) that seperates good from bad smashers. You need to lead your targets and you need to watch for knockbacks/stuns/etc.


I make them miss their smash all the time and I have learned to almost never miss mine. I love that. I love that in a pug i double the dmg of some twink premade mar/jug in smash spec as well. This will change that and make the spec super super easy now :(.

Edited by DarthRaika
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