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DPS Guardian vs. Sentinel - Leveling


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I'm rolling a Knight for a DPS character, after having played a Shadow tank for a long time. I know most everyone rolls a Sentinel for DPS (as it is supposed to be the best melee DPS), but I am wondering how effective the DPS is for a Guardian?


I don't plan to play much endgame with this alt, so it is mostly to level through and experience the story, but also have fun with the class in the process. So:


1) Can Guardians do about as much DPS output while leveling as Sentinels can? Would like to go through mobs as fast as possible and have decent survivability

2) Are they as fun to play? It seems I hardly ever see a DPS Guardian, and I'm wondering why. Are the skill trees just not as engaging?

3) Armor: is the armor for Guardians as good looking as Sentinels? It was kind of hard to tell on the GTN, as a lot of what is listed is for troopers. Are the Jedi robes as cool looking as those seen on Sentinels?


Thanks in advance, could use the advice.

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1) Can Guardians do about as much DPS output while leveling as Sentinels can? Would like to go through mobs as fast as possible and have decent survivability


I leveled my Guardian as Vigilance and my Sentinel as Combat (both are at 50). Damage on both was effective and the playstyle was engaging enough to keep my interest. The Guardian definitely felt more survivability, but I was always reluctant to spam the hell out of the the amazing Sentinel survivability CDs like I was supposed to. If you use Rebuke pretty much any time it's even remotely worthwhile, you'll probably experience better survivability on a Sentinel than a Guardian.


2) Are they as fun to play? It seems I hardly ever see a DPS Guardian, and I'm wondering why. Are the skill trees just not as engaging?


I actually enjoyed played Vigilance more than Combat Sentinel. The 4.5 second cycle (Sundering Strike follow by either Master Strike or 2 attacks and repeatedly regularly) attack rotation was more fun for me than the 4 buttons you pretty much spam recklessly with Combat or the 8 CDs and DoTs you have to manage as Watchman. The main reason why you'll see fewer Vigilance Guardians compared to Sentinels is because most people view Guardians as a "tank" class as opposed to a DPS class. The Knights that know they want to do DPS generally go Sentinel because that's what the class does exclusively (not to mention that dual wielding sabers tends to be viewed as more aesthetically ****** and/or deadly than a single saber, even if it's no more effective in practice). It's a combination of perception, intention, and aesthetics. It has nothing really to do with the relative effectiveness of the specs and classes.


3) Armor: is the armor for Guardians as good looking as Sentinels? It was kind of hard to tell on the GTN, as a lot of what is listed is for troopers. Are the Jedi robes as cool looking as those seen on Sentinels?


It varies depending on the level range in question. Some of the medium armor looks simply amazing (vests with belly shirts for female characters) while others look simply ridiculous (boots with massive cuffs that go from the knee to the ankle). The heavy armor doesn't have the same variance in quality and looks more like futuristic fanciful plate armor with robes on top, as opposed to the leather that the medium armor mimics. I would generally call it a wash. Sentinels look better if you like more slimming, minimalist armors whereas Guardians look better if you're in with the bulky armor.

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Thanks for such a detailed response!


My main is a Shadow tank, and I have certainly experienced the "you're a tank" reaction to a class with a tanking tree.


That said, I'd mostly like to experience the storyline and have a fun combat experience while leveling. You're the second person that's recommended the Vigilance tree over a Sentinel tree to me, and I just found some spectacular looking armor on the GTN, except for the headpiece: Myrmidon's Armor, simple black robe set, mid-30s, but detailed enough I would keep it through endgame. This is exactly what I wish Shadows had access to, classic looking Jedi robes. They all went to the Knight class I guess.


With a cool gear set to go along with the Guardian already, in addition to your comments and one from a guild mate, I'm going to go with the Guardian.


Thanks again - really appreciate it.

Edited by arunav
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Sentinels are valued far more in raids compared to DPS guardians, largely in part because of the sentinel skill "Inspiration," which gives the entire party a 15% damage boost for 15 seconds. If you don't plan to play much of the endgame content though, just pick whatever looks cooler. Edited by Bluecapsule
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Guardians don't put out quite as much dps as Sentinels do BUT they do have utility in ops that sents don't.

ie taunts, more defensive cd's ect. This being said both have uses in ops and pvp so ultimately the decision to make is more dps and 2 sabers compared to more survivability and 1 saber.

Playing both, I enjoy sent for dps but the guardian force push and guardian leap are so much fun lol

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I prefer guardian over sentinel (have a level 50 sentinel, level 30 guardian).


I much prefer the animations for a single lightsaber, and force pushing someone off a cliff never gets old.


DPS-wise there doesn't seem to be a noticeable difference - you'll still destroy things quickly as any DPS should.


And of course, if you want a change of pace you can always switch to a tank spec.


Additionally, I think the orange level 20 legacy armour for the guardian is the best looking armour in the game.

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